"Reasonable." Xia Feng nodded in agreement with Xu Ruoyu's analysis.

"But, nineteen..." Xu Ruoxue was obviously afraid.

Xia Feng reached out and touched it. There was ash on the kitchen utensils. He said, "not necessarily. There may be 19 at most, but there may be more bowls."

But Xu Ruoxue was still afraid. After looking around, her beautiful eyebrows kept frowning and said, "Xia Feng, what should I do?"

Xia Feng thought for a moment and said, "now there are two choices. First, call Wiener company immediately and let them pick it up."

"But in this case..." Xu Ruoxue hesitated: "we even give up. According to the company's regulations, we draw lots. In any case, the outlying islands will give up, but this is a special case. Maybe there is room for maneuver? Let them re..."

"Foreigners recognize the reason of death. I'm afraid it's hard to talk." Xia Feng shook his head.

Xu Ruoxue also knew this. She twisted her body in Xia Feng's arms. It was a coquettish move.

When women encounter difficulties and have men, it is often like this. They act like spoilers to men and let men solve problems.

Xu Ruoxue is usually cold and arrogant and doesn't pay attention to men because the modern city has built a platform for her to show her wisdom. She can step on the men who have become stupid due to desire, but now in this case, she is just a little woman. She just wants to hide behind the men and let the men shelter her from the wind and rain.

Liu Simin had said to let her rely more on Xia Feng, but her mentality really changed. Xia Feng forked the fish and gave him gas to cure his feet.

She really knew Qigong and was really angry, which raised her mind's view of him for several layers.

Women are creatures with a female instinct, that is, they are very easy to fall in love with and rely on strong males.

Of course, Xia Feng also felt her subtle movement, hugged her hand a little tight to show comfort, and said, "the second choice, let's bet."

"Bet?" she looked at Xia Feng with some doubts.

"Yes." Xia Feng didn't joke when he arrived at this time. He said, "this is the pirate's nest. It's certain, but when will the pirates come? Maybe they will come tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xu Ruoxue trembled and leaned closer to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng continued, "but maybe he won't come for a month, two months or even half a year."

"Won't come for half a year?" Xu Ruoxue doubted.

"If you were a pirate, would you like to live on a desert island?" Xia Feng asked, shaking his head before Xu Ruoxue answered. "Certainly not. I thought before that this island must be the place where they hide from the limelight or bind important meat tickets, so it's not a special big action. It's not necessary to hide on the island."

"Well..." Xu Ruoxue said to Xia Feng with some excitement: "if we don't come for half a month, we can go after the game."

"I think so too." Xia Feng smiled: "such a good hole can shelter from the wind and rain, and there is super VIP service. Forty thieves provide us with food and drink. Players from other companies don't have our seven-star treatment."

Xu Ruoxue laughed.

"So." Xia Feng put his hand around her waist: "Lord queen, choose one or two."

At this time, Xu Ruoxue was almost in a prone position in his arms. Xia Feng couldn't help but look at it more.

If this is allowed, you must bite hard and want to bite.

He was distracted. Xu Ruoxue didn't notice it and his eyebrows were locked. Although Xia Feng was very clear, it was clear, not insurance. It was a pirate. I can't joke. What if the pirates suddenly came back and they were blocked in the hole?

"What do you say?" she thought for a moment and looked up at Xia Feng.

"You are the Lord, I am a servant." Xia Feng smiled.

"Well." Xu Ruoxue twisted her body: "you help me make up my mind. You are a man."

This is a woman's advantage. When she can't decide, she gives it to a man. Of course, she has to choose the man, not any toad.

Women who can act like spoilers are lovely, especially the cold and arrogant woman like Xu Ruoxue, who suddenly incarnates around her fingers, which can make his animal blood boil.

However, Xia Feng was not sure about this kind of thing. He couldn't pat his chest on impulse. He thought and said, "let's assume that the pirates suddenly came back and blocked us in the hole. What should we do?"

"Yes." Xu Ruoxue changed her face and squeezed more tightly in Xia Feng's arms.

Perhaps after getting angry and treating her illness, she had a good impression of Xia Feng, but without the unique atmosphere of pirate nest, she would not enter Xia Feng's arms so quickly. The more dangerous the situation is, the faster the feelings ferment.

It is almost subconscious to rely on Xia Feng in dangerous situations because of his good impression of Xia Feng.

"Then we can hide in these holes." Xia Feng moved his mouth to the hole on the right where he had yelled before.

"Hide in these holes?" Xu Ruoxue was confused and timid.

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "if it's blocked, we can hide quietly, because the pirates want to come back and come up the cliff. The noise must be very loud, and we can find it in advance."

"That's certainly OK." Xu Ruoxue nodded in agreement.

"So, we can hide first." Xia Fengyue said with more confidence: "prepare some biscuits and cans first. Generally, pirates can't search these holes."

"But in case." Xu Ruoxue hesitated: "if they don't go for a long time, we won't be trapped inside."

"Don't go." Xia Feng smiled: "it's simple. I can pretend to be a sea monster, come out in the middle of the night and catch one or two for him every night. Then, you can pretend to be a sea demon and sing in the cave."

He said, with a sharp voice and a strange tune: "one touch, two touch, touch a snail as a brother --"

"Ah, it's terrible." Xu Ruoxue giggled as she sang to him.

She was very beautiful. With such a smile, Xia Feng almost couldn't help but stretch out her mouth to kiss her, but she refused. Now the atmosphere is good, but she doesn't want to make her dislike. She can only bear it and said, "do you think it's ok?"

Xu Ruoxue thought and suddenly looked up: "I listen to you. You are a man."

Xia Feng had been patient, but Xu Ruoxue's words were like a little spark into the oil pan. After baking, Xia Feng was ignited. He couldn't help but kiss Xu Ruoxue's red lips as soon as he stretched out his mouth.

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