Xu Ruoxue held Xia Feng in her arms and smiled tenderly. Her body twisted like a beautiful snake. Xia Feng couldn't help but stretch out her mouth and kissed her. Xu Ruoxue put her hand up and hooked his neck.

A deep long kiss, but when Xia Feng's hand touched it, Xu Ruoxue broke away with a red face and red lips: "well, No."

Xia Feng is not reluctant. It's really not urgent. Besides, each exploration can be a little more, just like treasure hunting. There are treasures every time. The update is more exciting. Open the treasure box once, and there will be no aftertaste.

"Then let's go in together." Xia Feng took Xu Ruoxue's hand. The knife was inserted in his waist and the gun was also inserted in his waist. In fact, we don't need it, but we can calm Xu Ruoxue's heart.

Xia Feng hit a flashlight, and Xu Ruoxue also hit a flashlight and walked in together.

The hole is tortuous. When you go first, it is still relatively spacious. Slowly, it becomes narrower and narrower, and occasionally wider. Some places are very high, forming a large hole, like a Tibetan soldier's cave. Some places are extremely low. You have to bow your body to pass.

Xu Ruoxue was obviously very afraid of this dark environment. She held Xia Feng's hand tightly. When she met a particularly low place, she didn't want to go over and said, "Xiaofeng, let's go out and don't go in."

Her voice was astringent. Xia Feng could feel her tension. He put his arm around her and shone forward with a flashlight. He said, "you'd better go in and have a look. The front seems to be high again. See where it can lead. If it's really blocked by pirates, there's a way back."

He can take care of Xu Ruoxue's mood, but he is a man, and Xu Ruoxue is now his lover. He must be responsible. If he is really blocked by pirates, he must take the responsibility to protect her. Therefore, even if he knows that Xu Ruoxue is afraid and pity in his heart, he must explore the way.

Xu Ruoxue was not unreasonable, nodded and followed him inside.

The cave is very deep, and occasionally connected with other caves. Xia Feng only goes forward regardless of other caves.

"No," he stopped suddenly.

"What." Xu Ruoxue immediately became nervous, and her body was close to him.

"There is the sound of waves ahead. It seems that this hole can pass out."

"Really?" Xu Ruoxue was happy: "let's hurry up. If we can get through, it's best. Secretly, I don't like it."

"OK, let's go faster." Xia Feng took her, quickened her pace and turned another corner. There was a bright light in front of her. In fact, if there was no strong flashlight and Xia Feng's sharp eyes, we should have found the change of light long ago, but it's not too late now.

"Sure enough, there is an exit." Xia Feng cheered.

Xu Ruoxue also jumped with joy: "come on."

The two of them quickened their pace. They reached the hole, but the hole was relatively small. They really had to drill out. It was estimated that they had to climb. When they looked through the probe, there was the sea outside the hole, but it was not on the cliff, but a larger reef. If the waves were a little bigger, they could flow into the hole.

"It really came out." Xu Ruoxue also looked out with her head. Xia Feng deliberately frightened her: "be careful to fall down."

Seeing the sunshine, Xu Ruoxue had more courage. Jiao smiled and said, "I'm not afraid."

Reach out and hook Xia Feng's neck: "and you'll save me, won't you?"

Xia Feng groaned deliberately, "is it a beauty trick? I can't bend my power, wealth and honor, beauty."

"How's it going?" Xu Ruoxue rubbed his body gently, which made Xia Feng itch in his heart.

Xia Feng said, "if all the enemies are beautiful women like us, we'd better surrender."

Xu Ruoxue laughed with a flutter.

Seeing the sunshine, Xia Feng was so happy that he thought, "although she is usually cold, she doesn't like dark things."

"This seems to be the West." Xia Feng looked at the sun outside and said, "the cliff seems to be in the southeast."

"No matter." Xu ruoshue had a poor sense of direction. He shook his head at a glance: "anyway, if you know you can get through, you're not afraid."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "even if the pirates suddenly come back, we have a way back. Shall we go out from here?"

Xu Ruoxue said, "go back from there later and take a bath again."

"It's all right." Xia Feng smiled: "I'll wash it for you at most."

"No." Xu Ruoxue smiled.

Xia Feng said, "why don't I go out and have a look? Don't get the flashlight wet."

"Well... Well, don't go far." standing at the entrance of the cave, you can see the sun. Xu Ruoxue was not so afraid.

Xia Feng gave the flashlight and gun to Xu Ruoxue. He drilled out by himself. He went down into the water first and swam a little. At a glance, he shouted, "it's the West. There's a forest here. We stopped it, so we didn't see it here before."

Knowing that Xu Ruoxue was afraid to stay alone, he didn't have to go ashore to see it. He directly climbed into the hole and said, "you can come out here into the woods. Pirates are not afraid to chase after you."

"That's the best." Xu Ruoxue was also happy.

"This is really a blessing given to us by God. Players from other companies can never have our luck." Xia Feng clenched his fist: "we will win."

"Must win." Xu Ruoxue also clenched her small fist and followed her Jiaojiao. At this moment, she showed the momentum of her female white-collar workers. However, this appearance made Xia Feng excited and said, "we celebrate one."

Stretch out your mouth and kiss Xu ruoshue.

Xu Ruoxue giggled and pecked quickly on his lips. Seeing that Xia Feng was not satisfied, she smiled and said, "your water will wet me later."

This is very ambiguous, but Xia Feng didn't hurry to kiss her. What's the hurry? The more slowly you taste, the more delicious it is.

The two returned to the front hole and knew that it was a hole connected at both ends. Xu Ruoxue was not so afraid, but he still held Xia Feng's hand tightly.

In the middle of the cave, Xia Feng took photos on both sides and said, "let's bring two boxes of biscuits and cans in here. There's no need for water. There are springs everywhere on the wall of the cave. In case the pirates come back, we can hide in."

"OK." Xu Ruoxue nodded and agreed, "are two boxes enough?"

"It depends on how much you can eat in a meal." Xia Feng smiled: "if you want to be fat, it's not enough."

"Hate it." Xu Ruoxue beat him: "people won't become fat."

The two cooperated. Xu Ruoxue flashed a flashlight. Xia Feng directly held two boxes of biscuits and a box of cans at one time, put them in the Tibetan soldier cave and clapped his hands: "all right, everything is ready, only the pirates."

"What?" Xu Ruoxue said, "you're still looking forward to the pirates."

"That's all right." Xia Feng smiled, "I only owe a kiss."

Xu Ruoxue giggled and refused to let him kiss: "go take a bath and change clothes first."

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