Looking at Xia Feng's appearance, Xu Ruoxue wants to laugh. When she loves someone, everything about this person is lovely, and what she can't see most is that Xia Feng pretends to be serious, because he is serious nonsense every time.

"Why?" Xu Ruoxue asked with a smile, driving her beer.

"You eat noodles first." Xia Feng didn't say, but Xu Ruoxue was really hungry. He only ate some fish at noon yesterday, but he still didn't like it. He went to bed at night and didn't eat at all. Of course he was hungry.

After eating noodles, Xia Feng's beer hasn't finished yet. Drink it slowly. Xu Ruoxue washed the bowl, came and sat in his arms, hooked his neck and spoiled: "I want to have a drink, too."

Xia Feng didn't give it to her. She took a drink and stretched out her mouth. Xu Ruoxue giggled, but didn't hide. She tooted her red lips and connected them. She sucked the beer a little in Xia Feng's mouth. Suddenly she felt wrong, but Xia Feng's big tongue also took the opportunity to stretch out.

"Good or bad, you haven't said yet." it's not easy to separate. Xu Ruoxue pressed Xia Feng's hand and said coquettishly.

Xia Feng said with a smile: "I don't feel dawn when I sleep in spring. I hear birds everywhere. How much do deserters know about the sound of wind and rain at night?"

When Xu ruoxie heard this, her eyes lit up and said, "you mean that the typhoon last night will make some companies quit?"

"Sure." Xia Feng nodded, "and I can be 100% sure. There must be a lot of exits."

"No." Xu Ruoxue used to be very confident, but now lying in Xia Feng's arms, she suddenly turned into a silly girl. She had no self-confidence. She would only ask Xia Feng, "are you really sure?"

"One thousand percent sure." when a woman has a man, she is often confused. When a man has a woman, especially a beautiful woman that is difficult to get, she is often elated and highly confident. Xia Feng is like this now.

Xia Feng said, "do you think what it would be like if we didn't find this hole and just rely on the tree house under the storm like yesterday?"

Xu Ruoxue thought for a moment. What she thought of was the scene she saw and heard in the cave yesterday. She was still in the cave. Anyway, the wind and rain didn't directly blow on her, but it was already so terrible if she hid in the tree house.

She couldn't help shivering, hugged Xia Feng tightly and said, "we'll be in the rain all night. Even if we don't get hurt by the wind, I must be ill at this time."

Xia Feng nodded. Her inference is reasonable. In such a storm, the small tree house has no shielding effect at all. Although Xu Ruoxue is in good health, she will probably catch a cold if she spends a night in such a storm.

Of course, when Xia Feng doesn't make trouble, if Xia Feng works, he can still protect Xu Ruoxue.

"Most of the company's players can't be as lucky as us, so I'm sure many players will quit today." Xia Feng said with a smile: "if we all quit, we'll win directly."

"How can it be so good." Xu Ruoxue's face turned white. When she heard this, she smiled.

Xia Feng said, "we'll know by twelve o'clock. Let's go fishing first and prepare for the celebration banquet."

"OK." Xu Ruoxue jumped up: "I want to fish, too. I must catch more than you."

"Really?" Xia Feng squinted at her: "it's just that yesterday some people were fishing. They turned into mermaids and hung them on my hook."

"Ah, I hate it." Xu Ruoxue immediately gave up and pestered Xia Feng.

Xu Ruoxue doesn't like dark places very much. The two people went out of the hole and went to the island. Xu Ruoxue specially went to see yesterday's tree house. When she saw it, she spoke yesterday. The forest was in a mess, and many branches were broken. Some trees fell down directly and were pulled up by roots, including one in the tree house.

I can imagine with my heel what it would be like to hide in this tree house last night.

"Xiaofeng, thank you." Xu Ruoxue's face turned white.

Xia Feng hugged her without a sound.

The two people sighed and began to fish. There were too many fish on the island. They caught several without much meeting, and they were very big. The largest one was 10 or 20 kilograms, which was caught by Xu Ruoxue.

The girl was crazy when she caught such a big fish. She screamed and jumped. Then she jumped directly on Xia Feng's back.

Xia Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Xu Ruoxue said, "what's the matter?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have a camera, otherwise I'll take pictures of your crazy appearance and send it to the Internet, which can at least be worth a small atomic bomb." Xia Feng sighed.

Xu Ruoxue laughed with a flutter.

Guarding the sea, there was no need to catch too many fish. Then Xu Ruoxue tangled and said, "we can't finish eating such a big fish. Otherwise, let it go."

"OK." Xia Feng agreed.

He deserved it too fast, but Xu Ruoxue was reluctant: "but this is the first fish I caught, and it's so big."

"Then don't let it go." Xia Feng said simply, "I'll kill you later. It'll bleed thousands of miles."

"Well." Xu Ruoxue twisted her body: "I can't bear it again. Look at it. It's so cute."

Xia Feng said, "well, it seems to be male. Is it really attracted by the opposite sex? I look so ugly."

Xu Ruoxue smiled and beat him: "I hate pulling you."

Then he pestered Xia Feng: "what to do, what to do."

The girl was charming, pestering, loving, annoying and sticky. Xia Feng only thought of a way, went to the beach to find a small puddle surrounded by rocks and put all the fish in.

"Let's eat the small one today. Let's put the big one first. If it escapes tomorrow, it's OK. If it's still there tomorrow, it means it loves you wholeheartedly, so I'm determined to kill it." Xia Feng said and waved hard: "I've never been kind and soft to deal with my rival."

"What?" Xu Ruoxue bent over with a smile.

At this time, the sun was high and sweating. The two went into the water to swim. Xia Feng was behind and went to scratch Xu Ruoxue's feet. Xu Ruoxue immediately shrunk into a ball with a smile and choked his saliva, so he hung on Xia Feng to act as a spoiled envoy.

Xia Feng raised his Qi and floated on the water like a rubber raft. Xu Ruoxue was tired and lay down on his chest. He was tender and tender. Later, he suddenly found that it was wrong. It turned out that Xia Feng had a reaction.

"Villain." Xu Ruoxue was ashamed and angry. She turned over to go into the water, but Xia Feng hugged her.

Four eyes looked at each other. Xu Ruoxue was shy and charming. Her eyes seemed to be filled with water. Xia Feng came up with her mouth. She finally didn't hide. The two people kissed each other deeply.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and some people were drying. Xia Feng caught a fish weighing four or five kilograms. The two returned to the cave. Xia Feng looked at the time and said, "I'll clean the fish first. When the news comes, we'll make a braised fish to celebrate."

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