Two people in love have countless fun together. A small thing amused Xia Feng. Xia Feng laughed. Suddenly, he caught something in the corner of his eyes. When Ding Qing looked at it, Huo sat upright and called, "there's a boat."

"There's a boat?" Xu Ruoxue also turned her head and looked at the sea. Sure enough, she saw a shadow of the boat from a distance. It was only a small point. It seemed to be coming here.

Xu Ruoxue didn't react for a moment. She was so happy that she called, "there's really a boat."

But Xia Feng's next words immediately made her change her face.

Xia Feng said, "it may be pirates."

"Pirates?" Xu Ruoxue screamed, and her little face turned white in an instant. "Pirates are back. What should I do?"

"It's not necessarily a pirate, but we must assume it's a pirate." Xia Feng stood up with Xu Ruoxue in his arms and put her down: "Ruoxue, go and put your clothes away immediately. There are two bags. I'll put the ladder back together."

"OK." Xu Ruoxue was very afraid. As long as she entered the hole, she almost followed Xia Feng. Now she knew that the matter was urgent, but she couldn't care to be afraid. She immediately ran back along the corridor and put away the clothes and bags.

Xia Feng takes back the ladder, which is fixed on one side of the cave wall. When the pirates go out of the cave, they will take it back, and the last person will cross out, so Xia Feng must also take it back, otherwise if the pirates come back, they will know it's wrong and be alert.

Xia Feng was worried that there was a telescope on the ship to see the hole, so he shrank behind the cave wall, slowly retracted the ladder, and observed the ship. As expected, the ship came straight to the cliff here.

At this time, Xu Ruoxue had packed her bags, carried one by one, went behind Xia Feng and said nervously, "are you a pirate?"

"It should be." Xia Feng nodded.

Xu Ruoxue took a breath and held Xia Feng's hand tightly. The whole person almost stuck to Xia Feng's back, and only quietly stretched out half his head to look out.

Xia Feng can feel her nervousness and fear. It's normal. Not to mention girls, even ordinary men will tremble when they see pirates with their own eyes.

Fortunately, Xia Feng is not an ordinary person.

Xia Feng patted Xu Ruoxue's hand, comforted her and said, "don't be afraid. There's me. Be careful. Don't stretch out your head too much."

"HMM." at this time, Xu Ruoxue was very good. She stuck her body tightly on Xia Feng's back, stretched out a small half of her head and looked at it only from the corner of her eyes. However, with Xia Feng's comfort, she was not so nervous.

Xia Feng only stretched out half his head. Fortunately, the cave wall is uneven. If you don't pay special attention, you may not find it even with a telescope.

The ship is getting closer and closer. I can see the ship shape clearly. It is a small and medium-sized speedboat. Xia Feng estimated that it is full. It can seat about ten or twenty people, which is about the same as the number of bowls in the kitchen.

However, Xia Feng still felt a little more. If there were nearly 20 people, it would still be a trouble.

But he didn't tell Xu Ruoxue that men should take responsibility. Telling Xu Ruoxue these things is meaningless except to increase her fear.

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at the bow of the ship. He didn't find anyone on board looking into the hole with a telescope, which made him breathe gently. As long as he didn't arouse the vigilance of pirates, even if there were more than 20 pirates, he was sure he could pay for them.

The ship finally approached, and the people on board could be seen thousands of miles away.

Xu Ruoxue didn't dare to stretch out her head. The whole person almost stuck on Xia Feng's back. Xia Feng grabbed her hand and coagulated her mind. Looking carefully at the people on the boat, there were people standing on both sides of the boat string, one on the left string and three on the right string. They were all men. They were not tall, with dark skin and yellow hair. They were typical South Asians.

The four men were all armed and clean AK47, so they were almost certainly pirates.

"Is it a pirate?" Xu Ruoxue asked in a trembling voice behind him.

"It's a pirate." Xia Feng held her hand tightly.

"Let's hide quickly." he confirmed that it was a pirate, and Xu Ruoxue trembled uncontrollably.

"Don't worry. When they get close, I'll see more clearly." Xia Feng wants to find out the situation: "I don't think there are so many of them."

At this time, the ship had approached a distance of two or three hundred meters and began to slow down. Two more people came out of the cabin, also armed pirates.

The cockpit of the ship is glass, vaguely. You can see that there are several people in the cabin, but there should not be as many as 19. It's really not a match for a bowl.

"Maybe it's about ten people." Xia Feng secretly estimated.

When the boat reached about 100 meters, Xia Feng took a last look and said, "let's go."

Pulled Xu Ruoxue's hand and ran into the hole. Fortunately, although Xu Ruoxue was afraid, she was not scared to the point that her feet were soft and couldn't run.

The Yin holes were selected by Xia Feng in advance. In fact, it's almost the same to enter any living hole, because Xia Feng had already figured out that these holes are connected.

The cave selected by Xia Feng has a corner not far away. The perspective outside the cave is relatively open. You can see most of the area of the platform. As long as the pirates get on the platform, they will be seen by Xia Feng. He can count the number of pirates and see the strength of Pirates.

The noise of Pirates outside the cave can be heard. Xu Ruoxue is really afraid. She trembles behind Xia Feng and says, "Xiaofeng, let's hide a little more in case they find out."

"It's all right, don't be afraid." Xia Feng patted her hand and found that she was really afraid. He turned back and hugged her, kissed her lips and looked at her eyes: "baby, don't be afraid. I will protect you with me."

Xu Ruoxue knew that he liked serious nonsense, but at the moment, his eyes were so sincere that the fear in Xu Ruoxue's heart seemed to dissipate most of it at once.

"Well, I believe you." Xu Ruoxue offered her red lips and kissed them for a while. Xia Feng heard a noise in the hole and said, "pirates come in. Don't be afraid."

Xia Feng simply poked out his head. Part of the dark hole had gone in. The light was much darker than the outside. As long as the pirate didn't look into the hole specially, he couldn't find people. Even if he looked specially, it was difficult to find the effect of light, so he was not afraid.

A pirate appeared at the platform entrance. He came in to put the soft ladder, so he didn't enter the hole on the left, but walked directly along the corridor to the hole.

The pirate is dyed with red hair. He is short. He is at least one head shorter than Xia Feng. He is as thin as a monkey. His flank bones are row by row, but he is not old. He is at most eighteen or nine years old, maybe younger.

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