Of course, Xia Feng also said that they accidentally found the pirate nest. Scola officially thanked Xia Feng. However, when it comes to the event, Scola didn't follow his private path because Xia Feng saved them. He told Xia Feng that the event must continue.

Xia Feng knows that Westerners are somewhat old-fashioned in some aspects. The century old reputation of the Scola family is obviously not out of thin air. He also expressed his understanding.

Xia Feng cooked a meal, and Scola and his wife ate and left in a pirate ship. Of course, the eight pirates, including two bodies, took their own ships and were still on the nearby island.

Watching Scola leave by boat and Xia Feng return to the cave, Xu Ruoxue is very afraid of this kind of thing.

Xia Feng put a few Simmons mattresses down, used the mattress as a boat, transported some necessities of life, left the hole, set up the mattress on all sides, tied it to the tree, and covered it with a mattress on the top.

"What's it called? It's a bed house." Xia Feng said triumphantly, "how about being creative."

"It's so creative, Xiaofeng. You're a genius." Xu Ruoxue was very satisfied and happy. She rushed to Xia Feng's arms and gave him a deep kiss.

The tree and mattress are firm and strong. Although they are small, they are very warm. In fact, the important thing is not this creativity, but Xia Feng's concern for her.

After making the bed room, it was almost dark. After dinner, the two sat idle and chatted.

"Scola was tied up today and hasn't sent a text message yet. I'm afraid the players of the two companies are turning around in a hurry at the moment." Xia Feng was happy with the disaster. Xu Ruoxue thought of something else and said with a little worry: "why don't they send a text message now? Won't something happen halfway?"

"No." Xia Feng exaggerated: "it's a pity that something happened. Forget Scola's beard. Nina's long legs are beautiful. It's bad to fall into the hands of pirates."

"Nina's legs are really beautiful." Xu Ruoxue seems to agree with Xia Feng, but Xia Feng smells sour gas.

Xia Feng pretended not to know, nodded and shook his head. Seeing that he was strange in ancient times, Xu Ruoxue pushed him: "what's the matter? I still want to go to the hero to save the United States."

"No." Xia Feng shook his head.

"Then why are you shaking your head and nodding? Don't you want to give up." there is also a sour smell.

Xia Feng smiled to himself, but remained calm on his face. After thinking about it deliberately, he said, "I nodded in agreement with you. Nina's long legs are really beautiful."

"Hum." Xu Ruoxue snorted, "what does that mean by shaking his head?"

"Shaking her head means." Xia Feng still said quietly: "I can't fully agree with you. I think Nina's legs are beautiful, but ah... They can't compare with our Ruoxue's legs."

He dragged the tune, and the curve turned too big. Xu Ruoxue was overjoyed for a moment and said shyly: "who's your family, it's not."

"Can you still run away?" Xia Feng pretended to be vicious and stroked his sleeves. In fact, he had two bare arms.

Xu Ruoxue was frightened. Jiao smiled and jumped up. Xia Feng got up and chased. Xu Ruoxue couldn't escape. She got into the bed house and threw herself on the Simmons mattress. Xia Feng caught up and pressed it. She giggled: "there's no place to run now."

Xu ruoshue screamed with fear, giggled and hid rolling around on the mattress.

Xia Feng couldn't help but hold her down, stretched out his mouth and kissed her, and stretched out his hand.

Xu Ruoxue gasped slightly. Her eyes were watery. She looked at him and said, "Xiaofeng, you promise me to spoil me and protect me forever. Don't let anyone hurt me."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded hard and looked serious: "you are my baby. I will always love you and protect you. As long as I don't die, no one can hurt you."

"Don't say this word." Xu Ruoxue stretched out her hand to cover his mouth, looked coquettish and angry, then hooked Xia Feng's neck and said in a sweet voice: "love me, my love."

At this moment, the flowers finally opened.

Xia Feng certainly won't be polite.

When she woke up the next day, it was another beautiful morning. Xu Ruoxue coquettishly said, "bad guy, bad guy, you were so bad."

Xia Feng smiled proudly.

Xu Ruoxue was coquettish again. Xia Feng came up in interest, turned over and held it down again. He frolicked until noon, his belly protested, got up and cooked noodles, and his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Xu Ruoxue picked it up. Nina called and told her that the other two companies also quit and they won.

In fact, the other two pairs quit at the same time? There is a mystery here. It turns out that although Scola is a little old-fashioned, he is not rigid. The rules do not change, but he has made some changes in other aspects.

He didn't send a text message when he went back yesterday. The two pairs of players called, but he didn't answer them. He didn't call until 7 o'clock this morning, saying that they were kidnapped by pirates yesterday. At the same time, the players should also pay attention to it. There may be pirates.

Each of these two sentences is true, but the effect of saying it yesterday is completely different from saying it every other night.

The two pairs of players didn't know what had happened. They were paranoid all night. As soon as they answered the phone this morning, Scola was kidnapped by the pirates, and they suddenly felt a clatter in their hearts.

Then I heard that there may be pirates around. I can't hold it anymore. It's fun to fight with heaven, people with earth, and people, especially pirates.

Xia Feng's guess is not wrong. The players of the two companies, men and women, came from the Marine Corps, and the living conditions of the island they won were also OK, so they kept going.

But it's too unexpected to be a pirate. After special training, you can't beat pirates with your bare hands. Besides, Scola has been kidnapped, and it's clear that there may be pirates nearby.

Don't you think it's a pit father to live on an island and be stirred up by pirates?

Within an hour of Scola's phone call, the psychological defense lines of the players of the two companies collapsed at the same time and announced their withdrawal from the game.

Nina is a qualified secretary. She didn't say it clearly, but she told Xu Ruoxue what Scola did. Xu Ruoxue can naturally understand Scola's hard work in the middle. Thank Nina.

"Victory." put down the phone, Xu Ruoxue jumped up happily, but Xia Feng stayed aside. Xu Ruoxue looked at him with his mouth: "what's the matter, aren't you happy?"

"Of course not." Xia Feng was even more worried.

Xu Ruoxue already knew him very well. The ghost must be doing something strange. He forked his waist: "if anyone makes me unhappy today, mourning for home will make anyone unhappy all his life."

"Old Buddha, xiaofengzi, please say hello." as soon as Xia Feng knelt to the ground, he conveniently hugged Xu Ruoxue's beautiful leg.

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