Xia Feng continued, "old Buddha, spare your life. Xiao Fengzi doesn't dare anymore."

Xu Ruoxue licked him itchy and numb, twisted her body and smiled: "let go, ah, the itch is dead, then you say, why are you unhappy."

Xia Feng said with a bad smile, "because our honeymoon has just begun and we are going back. I am reluctant to give up. Why don't those two guys hold on for another month."

Xu Ruoxue giggled and felt a little shaken for a moment.

Shortly after noon, the ship came, but Scola didn't come. Nina came to pick it up. It turned out that Scola flew back to the company last night.

When the ship arrived at Xiangjiang, she saw Scola. Scola congratulated Xu Ruoxue and signed the power of attorney on the spot.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng." back to the room, Xu Ruoxue thanked xiafeng first.

Xia Feng hugged her slender waist and said, "how can I thank you?"

Xu Ruoxue chuckled. Xia Feng couldn't help kissing directly

Xu Ruoxue got up first to take a bath and changed a small sling. Under it was a white skirt, elegant and beautiful, as if she were a 16-year-old neighbor's younger sister.

Xu Ruoxue said, "shall we go to the night market after dinner? You take a bath first."

"Don't wash." Xia Feng shook his head: "you smell on your body."

Xu Ruoxue giggled: "go, it's a strange smell. It smells bad."

"Does it smell bad?" Xia Feng sniffed East and West, always smelling Xu Ruoxue: "it smells good, fragrant."

Xu Ruoxue smiled softly and said, "go."

Xia Feng had to get up and go into the bathroom.

At this time, the cell phone rang. It was his cell phone.

Xu Ruoxue took a look: "Yao Mengqi?"

She didn't answer either.

The phone rang four or five times and stopped. After a while, it rang again. Xu Ruoxue took another look at Yao Mengqi.

"Who is this Yao Mengqi? Why are you looking for him? It's so urgent?" Xu Ruoxue was originally a very proud and even a little arrogant girl. She didn't have the slightest prying mind about other private affairs.

But now her relationship with Xia Feng is different. All her secrets have been explored by Xia Feng, so she naturally has the heart to explore about Xia Feng.

She picked up her mobile phone and thought for a moment, but she still didn't answer. When the mobile phone stopped, she couldn't help opening xiafeng's mobile phone. Xiafeng's mobile phone has a screensaver, but the two people were together and didn't avoid her when they answered the phone, so she knew the password.

Xia Feng is a simple person, and the things in his mobile phone are also simple. Xu Ruoxue looked at it, ordered the photo album and thought, "look what photos he took."

There are several self photos of Xia Feng. They are all funny. Xu Ruoxue couldn't help laughing and turned to another folder. Her laughter disappeared.

In this folder, there are group photos of Xia Feng and some women. They are all beautiful women. Xu Ruoxue is proud, but when she sees these women, she unconsciously envies them.

On the surface, these photos are normal. They are group photos of friends. They are a little intimate, but they are not ambiguous. It is reasonable to say that they are ordinary friends.

For example, the group photo of Xia Feng and Lin Xiaoxian, even if Leng weak Wen saw it, he would not doubt that it was a friend who ate a meal and then took a group photo. What does it matter.

But Xu Ruoxue knows that this is not an ordinary friend.

Why, because there are also some group photos of her and Xia Feng in these group photos.

The group photo of her and Xia Feng looks equally ordinary, which is the communication of normal friends, but in fact?

She is. What about the other women?

After ordinary group photos, have you also had unusual communication?

Xu Ruoxue is a woman. She has a woman's intuition. Looking at it one by one, she is 100% sure that these women, almost all of whom can be called super beauty, have an unusual relationship with Xia Feng.

In fact, she only guessed half right. These group photos of Xia Feng are really all women close to him, including Lin Xiaoxian, Xiaoli, Guo Wenjia, min Aoxue and Yao Mengqi, of course, Qin wubai and even Liu Ruyan. Some of these women, like her, have explored all the secrets of Xia Feng.

But there are also some things that have not been fully explored, such as min Aoxue, Xiao Hui and Qin wubai. As for Liu Ruyan, it is really just a group photo of ordinary friends.

Maybe ruoshue didn't look at it like this. She only saw her own group photo in it. She determined that these women, like her, had the deepest blending with Xia Feng.

"He spent so much?" Xu Ruoxue's face changed. For a moment, she didn't know whether it was anger or sadness.

Xia Feng took a quick bath and came out in less than ten minutes.

He didn't know that the ten minutes had been earth shaking, and some things had completely changed.

He didn't notice the subtle changes in Xu Ruoxue's expression, because Xu Ruoxue didn't change much on the surface. She was a proud girl and a powerful girl in her heart.

She will do what she has determined silently, instead of making noise or even crying like ordinary girls.

The two went down for dinner and then went to the night market. Xu Ruoxue bought Xia Feng a shirt for two years, and she was very happy to accept the bracelet Xia Feng bought her.

Back, Xu Ruoxue pulled Xia Feng to take a bath. She seemed a little crazy. She was pestering Xia Feng almost all night.

If Xia Feng didn't have magic eyes, he really couldn't eat her, but he didn't think much, but he was in high spirits.

The next morning, when the plane returned to Linjiang, Xu Ruoxue said, "I'll call the company first and I'll call you later."

"OK." Xia Feng didn't notice at all: "eat delicious food together in the evening."

He said pun and winked at Xu Ruoxue. Xu Ruoxue giggled.

Xu Ruoxue gets on the bus, smiles and converges, and her eyes return to Qingming. No, it's cold, but slowly, it becomes cold.

Xia Feng didn't know it at all. He went back to the rental house happily. He was in a good mood. It was rare for him to do hygiene. Yan Xiangxiang told him to do hygiene at least once a week.

But now Xia Feng noticed that he didn't throw things around. Every time he ate supper, he directly threw them out with bags and bottles. He didn't eat at home, so he didn't make the house very messy and dirty. It's easy to clean up.

When it was getting dark, he called Xu Ruoxue, but he didn't answer.

"Are you still in the company? I won the agency and went to the cocktail party." on this thought, he snorted: "smelly girl, I didn't call me at the cocktail party. I'll see how I deal with you later."

Just beautiful, the text message rang. At a glance, it was sent by Xu Ruoxue.

"Xia Feng, don't contact us in the future. I'm going abroad recently. In addition, I don't want to make nine childe unhappy."

A basin of cold water. Xia Feng fainted.

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