Xia Feng immediately dialed Xu Ruoxue's phone. As a result, there came a mechanical language: "sorry, the user you dialed has stopped."

Xia Feng was so anxious and angry that he wanted to send a text message. On second thought, the shutdown must have been initiated by Xu Ruoxue himself. If she no longer uses this number, she can't see the text messages he sent.

"That's unreasonable." Xia Feng almost ran away for a moment.

He thought of Min Aoxue in an instant. Min Aoxue once played such a hand, but Xu Ruoxue turned it more thoroughly.

"OK, you cow." Xia Feng was angry and directly deleted Xu Ruoxue's number.

But later, when he calmed down, he regretted again and said in his heart, "no, this should not be her original intention. She is afraid that the ninth childe knows about me and her, so she wants to cut off her relationship with me."

On this thought, he thought he understood the truth and gritted his teeth: "nine childe, hey hey."

But thinking of the ninth childe, he had no choice.

It's normal for Xu Ruoxue to be afraid of the ninth childe. Let alone Xu Ruoxue. Even people like Cheng jinxun once said about the ninth childe, that kind of fear was on his face.

Xia Feng can't even manage Lin Feiyang now, let alone nine childe.

"After she came back, she must have called childe nine, and maybe even met childe nine, and then childe nine threatened her not to have anything to do with me." after thinking clearly, he didn't blame Xu Ruoxue.

"Don't worry about this fake childe. One day it falls into my hands and subdues her once. Then Ruoxue will come back naturally."

Thinking of the beauty, he smiled, but he didn't think of it at all. Xu Ruoxue saw the group photo of him and Guo wenjialin Xiaoxian in his mobile phone, saw through him, and didn't want to play with him again.

If you can't make an appointment with Xu Ruoxue, you can't cook your own food. The following items are annoying. Go out and eat.

I drove to the river, stopped under the bridge and looked at the other side of the river. I was a little distracted for a moment.

Today is Friday again. As usual, he is dating Guo Wenjia at this time.

A smile flashed across the corner of his mouth and wanted to call Guo Wenjia. Then he thought, there is a difference of more than ten hours in the United States. Guo Wenjia may not have got up at 6:00 p.m. here and 6:00 a.m. there.

"Forget it, it doesn't surprise her dream." he shook his head and thought, "I don't know if there is me in her dream." then he nodded: "there must be."

For more than half a year, he had several women, but there was only one Guo Wenjia who could be trusted emotionally.

Sighing, he suddenly saw something in the corner of his eye. As soon as he raised his eyes, it was a girl wearing a red skirt and one foot on the bridge railing.

Xia Feng thought at the same time: "this is to jump the bridge."

With this idea, he suddenly shouted, "don't jump here. I contracted this section. I'll be fined for jumping the bridge."

The bridge deck is actually a distance from the river bank, but Xia Feng's voice is loud and penetrating. The girl in red skirt heard it and turned to look at him.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the sky was a little dark, but Xia Feng's eyesight was not affected by the darkness. She could see clearly. She was a melon face girl in her early twenties. Her skin was snow-white and quite beautiful. At least she was not under Xu Ruoxue, but her eyes were not as clear as Xu Ruoxue and a little confused.

"Don't jump. Pay a fine first." Xia Feng shouted and ran up.

He was fast, and the girl in red skirt couldn't react for a moment. He ran in front of him. The girl in red skirt was still in the posture of putting her feet on the bridge railing. As soon as Xia Feng stretched out his hand and hugged the red skirt girl's waist, he took her down.

"Ah." the girl in red skirt shouted, "you hurt me."

The girl in red skirt broke away from Xia Feng's hand and looked down at her legs. When she looked, she cried again: "ah, it's bleeding."

Xia Feng saw that he was bleeding. It turned out that he was a little hard. The knee of the girl in red skirt hung on the bridge railing and scraped a little skin.

Xia Feng felt a little sorry, but said, "jump the bridge and punish 50. If you bleed and pollute the bridge railing, punish 100."

The girl with red skirt was crying in pain. When she heard this, she tooted her mouth: "there's no such thing as you, and I'm not going to jump into the river at all. I'm going to save the red dragonfly."

"Don't you want to jump the river?" Xia Feng didn't believe it.

"What am I doing jumping into the river?" the girl in red skirt said, "really, I saw the Red Dragonfly as if it was hurt and wanted to save it. I don't believe you can come and see it."

She said, leaned over to the outside of the bridge railing and pointed to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng saw that there was a red dragonfly outside the bridge fence along the tread line. It may have been injured and motionless.

Xia Feng was a little sweaty now, but when he saw the red skirt girl's mouth, it was lovely. He smiled and said, "there will be no penalty for the money jumping into the river, but if your blood is smeared on the bridge fence and pollutes the bridge fence, you will still be fined 100."

"How can there be such a rule?" the girl in red dress looked cute, but she was not stupid. She said, "and you made me bleed."

This is a semantic pun. Xia Feng wanted to laugh. He forbear and said, "well, let's forget it. We're even."

The girl in red dress looked at him with a small mouth. She was obviously unhappy, but she didn't seem to be good at distinguishing her mouth from others. She didn't seem to know what to say.

She looked very lovely. At this time, a flower selling tricycle came and there were a lot of flowers on it. It seemed that business was not good. Xia Feng stopped and bought a bird of paradise.

The flower seller's mind was a little confused: "if you don't sell one branch, buy a pot if you want to buy it."

Xia Feng nodded and picked up a pot of flowers, reached out to pick them off, then put the pot on the car, took out a hundred yuan and said, "the money for buying flowers, the rest, you help me throw the pot into the trash can at the end of the bridge."

The flower buyer thought about it, agreed, took the money, pushed the car to the trash can in front, and actually threw the pot of flowers into the trash can.

"My God." Xia Feng couldn't help covering his face.

The girl in red skirt also saw that it was wrong and said, "there is something wrong with this man's brain. That pot of flowers is good. He picked only one. He took it back to water it. In a few days, it can bloom again."

"So," Xia Feng nodded. "There are many gods and men in the world, such as those who sell flowers and those who jump the river."

"I said I'm not jumping into the river." the red skirt girl was worried.

"OK, OK." Xia Feng nodded again and again, "you didn't jump into the river. I misunderstood and made you bleed, so I apologize and help you deal with your wound."

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