Qiu Bo saw that Xia Feng was thin, not tall, and had no muscles. In Qiu Bo's eyes, this was a dish, a small dish.

He'll swallow it with one bite.

His attack will be a set of combined boxing. He has been trained thousands of times and has great power. After playing, it takes up to 15 seconds, which is half the lower limit of 30 seconds given by the woman in yellow.

Of course, Xia Feng was also calm. The joke was a joke, but he wouldn't joke about his little life.

As soon as Qiu Bo rushed over, he shook his hands, but suddenly squatted down, and then swept his legs.

Sweeping hall legs is a very symbolic move in Chinese Kung Fu, but it is very rare in the international boxing arena and rarely used by people.

Qiu Bo really hasn't seen it. He thought about Xia Feng's countless ways to deal with it. He didn't expect Xia Feng to sweep his legs. However, Xia Feng's speed was unparalleled. He only saw Xia Feng's hands up and squat down, and then Xia Feng's feet swept over. He just jumped up and couldn't avoid it. He swept his feet.

Xia Feng's sweeping was not only fast, but also strong. Qiu Bo soared into the air, and with a thump, an ass pier fell on the table.

After Xia Feng swept away, he immediately got up. At this time, Qiu Bo was lying on the table with his feet facing the sky. His body had not reacted yet. It was too late to get up.

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and clasped Qiu Bo's ankle. With a sound of hey, he threw Qiu Bo sideways, swung a round fist, and then with a sound of hey, threw Qiu Bo out.

Like a discus thrower, throw out a discus.

The nearest chair to the boxing ring was 3.5 meters. Qiu Bofei flew more than 10 meters away and hit four or five rows of chairs.

He was one meter nine and weighed ninety kilograms. He flew more than ten meters away. Considering how heavy he was, those chairs collapsed and smashed at least four or five rows of chairs.

Everyone was stunned.

In fact, including Liu Simin, they are not optimistic about Xia Feng. Liu Simin can't help it. Yun Waner opened the question and she will do it. For example, in the college entrance examination, you can't tell the teacher that I can't do it. I want to change a test paper. That's no good. If you can do it, you'll go to college. If you can't do it, you have to go to vocational high school.

She couldn't see through Xia Feng, so she tried Xia Feng, but in my heart, I really didn't dare to believe that Xia summit would win.

As for others, not to mention.

Originally, there was only one person who bet on her. Later, there were big fat people, that is, two people. The reason why they bet on Liu Simin is more or less to support Liu Simin. If they are optimistic about Xia Feng, it is better to be optimistic about Liu Simin. It is good to win, but it is also personal to lose.

It's really not expensive to buy Liu Simin a favor for $10 million.

But Xia Feng really won.

So everyone's eyes were broken.

In the dead silence, the fat man first reacted, laughed and clapped his hands: "well, well, it's worthy of being the man of the ninth childe's fancy. It's really good."

When he called, everyone woke up and was in a mess. Liu Simin laughed, Li Yan clenched her fist and screamed, and the woman in yellow had an iron face and slapped her hand on the chair.

Yun Waner didn't call. Her red lips were slightly open and her surprised face remained for ten seconds. She didn't turn around until she heard Liu Simin's wild laughter. Unexpectedly, she changed into a smiling face: "it's good. It's good. I won this game. Tomorrow, I'll give you a second question."

"OK." Liu Simin said proudly, "no matter what problem you have, I'll take it."

Yun Wan'er nodded and took a look at Xia Feng. She looked up. Xia Feng snapped her fingers. Suddenly, a flower appeared in her hand and made a flower donation from afar.

Liu Simin saw it and smiled: "sister Wan'er, he offered you flowers."

Yun Wan'er snorted, "don't be too proud."

Then she turned and left. Naturally, she had an assistant to stay and deliver the lost dollars.

Xia Feng then followed Liu Simin out of the rose garden. After a while, a mobile phone text message prompted that there was two million more in his account.

Then the text message rang again. Liu Simin sent it: "double the bonus."

Xia Feng immediately replied, "it's too vulgar to talk about money for such a elegant thing. What, can I have a kiss?"

Liu Simin gave him a big soldier back.

In Liu Simin's car, Li Yan said, "Qiu Bo is one meter, nine hundred and ninety-five kilograms. I measured it earlier. The nearest distance from the platform to where he fell is twelve meters. Xia Feng swung him up and threw him out with one hand. In other words, Xia Feng can throw a man of two hundred kilograms out for twelve meters with one hand."

At this point, she stopped for a moment and said in a way that she didn't know whether to praise or criticize: "this guy is simply not human."

Liu Simin nodded. Today's scene is barely understandable. There are Hercules in the world. Some abnormal guys can even pull a few tons of trucks with their Dick.

What really eluded her was the boar king and the later dark horse.

"Tomorrow, I'll see what yunwan'er's problem is. Maybe I can use this guy." Liu Simin said, and suddenly threw himself into a smile: "ha ha, yunwan'er is really angry this time."

Li Yan also smiled.

Of course, Xia Feng is laughing. Two million ah, you can buy a house when you go back. He is thinking: "buy a house, drive back, and pick up Xiaowu. Life..."

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of Guo Wenjia. "But if Wen Jia comes back and I say I'm married here, what will Wen Jia think?"

He got tangled all at once.

He has passed a lot of women now, but only Guo Wenjia is really in his heart.

Entangled in the middle of the night, I couldn't think clearly in the end.

The next day, Liu Simin asked Xia Feng to have lunch. She made an appointment with Yun Waner.

Yun Waner came over and wore a cheongsam with a big watermark. Her figure was almost as good as min Aoxue, but her Qi field was still above min Aoxue.

"Sister Wan, did you sleep well last night?" Liu Simin asked with a smile.

Yun Waner ignored her and sat down opposite. The bodyguard behind her took a picture. Yun Waner pushed the picture in front of Liu Simin.

The picture shows a man in his thirties and forties, with hair covered and a fierce face. Looking at the camera, his eyes are clear, as if he had been injured and entered the Jedi.

"His name is puma, the horse of a drug lord. I bought his life for 200000 dollars," said Yun Waner, and her bodyguard handed an apple machine.

Yun Waner pushed the apple machine forward and said, "this is bamboo water. This is the Black Fish River. Between the two rivers, there are 37 stockaded villages with a population of 100000."

Speaking of this, she smiled at Liu Simin: "Puma is hidden in these 37 strongholds. Within ten days, you can find him, kill him, or catch him, even if you win."

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