Next, Xia Feng approached the stockade. When he met someone, he took out the picture of Puma and asked if he had seen puma.

These stockaded villages in the golden triangle are more wary of strangers, but Xia Feng speaks fluent local language in this area. Then he said that Puma is his cousin and he came back to find someone.

As soon as this excuse came out, coupled with the local language and the smoke, it was really not good. All the people asked responded enthusiastically. They looked at the photos very seriously. In retrospect, they couldn't remember. Those who still called relatives and friends called people to recognize them.

Sure enough, a man said, "I seem to have seen it somewhere. By the way, in the ruins, just two days ago, in the ruins of Daoba stronghold, I am familiar with this vision. I look at people as cold as a wolf."

The so-called market is to go to the market. Daoba stronghold is a relatively large stronghold in this area. There will be a market every five days. The people in the nearby stronghold will exchange things.

Is this man sure? Xia Feng is not sure.

Another, even if this person recognizes it, puma appears in the market, which is probably to drive the market, not necessarily in Daoba stronghold.

But Xia Feng decided to go to Dao Ba stronghold.

Daoba stronghold is a bit of a town. It is also built on the side of a small river. On both sides of the river, there are tall houses, large and small, which can't be seen at a glance.

In the center, a street is formed. There are some houses with five or six floors, inlaid with tiles, which is very beautiful. Xia Feng feels as if he has seen some mountain villages in China.

There are shops on both sides of the street, selling all kinds of things, and a restaurant. At this time, it was dark and Xia Feng was hungry. When he went in, an old man in his fifties saw Xia Feng coming in and asked in Chinese: "Sir, do you want to eat?"

Xia Feng was happy and said in the local language: "how do you know I'm Chinese?"

The old man was glad to hear that he could speak Turkish. He said with a smile, "it looks like."

Xia Fengqi said, "why, is there anything special about the appearance of Chinese people?"

The old man asked him to sit down and said, "Sir, you have white skin and good water color. You must not be Vietnamese or Filipino. They are black. They can only be Chinese, Japanese and Korean. If you are Japanese, bow your head first. If you are Korean, you will be inexplicably arrogant and lift your chin up. Only Chinese people don't bow their head or look up."

This observation was really careful, and Xia Feng had to admire it.

When the old man asked him if he wanted to eat, he asked, "the meal should be cooked temporarily. Today is not a fair. There are basically no guests at ordinary times. Why don't I give you some noodles?"

"I don't have enough noodles." Xia Feng shook his head: "you'd better cook some rice. Fry me some game first. If you have a kilo of rice wine, you can cook a kilo of rice."

"A kilo?" the old man was a little surprised.

"That's a kilo and a half." Xia Feng smiled, "I have a big belly."

The old man confirmed it, raised his thumb and said, "if you can eat, you are a good man."

The old man fried a dish of dried rabbit meat and took a bottle of wine. Xia Feng said, "boss, have a drink together."

The old man didn't refuse, so he sat down and pulled his anger. The old man talked a lot and drank some wine. It was even more a basket of words. He opened a shop in the street and had a wide range of knowledge. After drinking the wine, he not only called Xia Feng a brother, but also asked Xia Feng about the situation in this area.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Xia Feng took out the puma photo. The old man narrowed his old eyes and shouted, "this man, I've seen him. He often comes to the market. If he doesn't come on the fifth day, he will come on the fifteenth day. It seems that he lives in Niujiao stronghold on the other side of the mountain, or Yanggu stronghold, eight or nine or ten." after eating this meal, Xia Feng gained a lot.

I slept in the old man's shop that night.

The next day was to catch up with the market on every fifth day. The old man was drunk last night, but he was in good spirits in the morning. He said to Xia Feng, "just sit in the shop opposite the shop that buys noodles, oil, salt and soy sauce. That person usually comes once and wants to buy once. That person seems to like eating noodles."

Xia Fengzhen sat in the shop and ordered wine. The old man fried a plate of pig ears, a plate of wild chicken and a peanut. Xia Feng drank slowly.

There are indeed many people who rush to the market. Early in the morning, the street is full of people. Xia Feng sits facing the street. At the top of the store, there are a group of bees, thousands of them. As long as puma appears, he can let the bees keep up and start again outside the stockade.

No matter how strong Puma is, many special forces can't kill him, but as long as Xia Feng keeps an eye on it and Xia Feng doesn't move his little finger, he can die seventeen or eight times.

After entering the mountain, magic eye is invincible in the world.

But Xia Feng was disappointed. Until noon, puma didn't appear. The rush market here is usually lively in the morning. After 10 o'clock, there are fewer people. By 12 o'clock, the street is basically empty.

Generally, mountain people who come to the market have to go back to lunch. Few people will be generous to eat in the store. It's not just a matter of spending money, but they will feel inexplicable.

The old man also said strangely, "eh, why didn't you come this time."

Because he lost count, the old man felt that he had no face. He went to the opposite street to ask the owner of the rice noodle shop. He came back and said to Xia Feng, "I asked. That man lives in Niujiao stronghold. He bought a lot last time. He didn't come this time. If you want to meet him, I'm afraid it's a 15 day market."

"I can't wait." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "niujiaozhai, right? I'll find him."

Xia Feng settled his account, went out of the store and walked towards niujiaozhai according to the old man's instructions.

After turning over a mountain, there is a stockade in the depression. The old man said in detail that this should be Yanggu stockade. Niujiao stockade is still at the other end. You can pass through Yanggu stockade or walk around by mountain road.

But Xia Feng neither wore nor walked around, but entered the nearby forest, then controlled a bee, first walked around the stockade and saw the shape of the whole stockade.

This is a small stockade. It is estimated that there are hundreds of households and two or three thousand people.

Men here don't do much work. They sleep late and wake up, gamble and smoke together, or brag, talk, work in the fields, in the mountains, and are basically women.

Xia Feng walked around with the bee's eyes. There were women outside and the men were in the stockade. It was convenient. He looked through the bee's eyes one by one and didn't see Puma.

"Is it really in Niujiao stronghold?" Xia Feng wondered.

Puma is very cunning. He will never easily expose where he lives, so Xia Feng doubts the old man's words.

But Yanggu stronghold can't find puma, and the old man makes it clear that Puma comes from this side every time. It should be these two strongholds. If it is farther away, the market will not come here. Go to the other end, there is also a market. There is every ten over there, but the stone stronghold is closer, so it's unreasonable to come here.

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