No matter how cunning Puma is, it's not reasonable to abandon the near and seek the far for a long time. Therefore, Xia Feng's inference to the old man is correct. Puma should be these two strongholds.

Xia Feng rubbed his forehead. After borrowing bee eyes for a long time, he focused on his forehead and was a little tired.

He didn't go down the mountain and didn't go through Yanggu village, lest puma should be disturbed. Instead, he walked around the mountain and went directly to Niujiao village from the hillside path.

In fact, he knew that Yun Waner must have informed puma that she came to play the game. Puma might have been on guard and hid if she didn't come to the market this time.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether to alarm or not, but it's better to be cautious.

Another mountain is turned over. At the foot of the mountain is Niujiao stronghold. Niujiao stronghold is larger than Yanggu stronghold. There are thousands of houses and there may be four or five thousand people, but the terrain is not very good and a little off the side, so there is no ruins.

When a market can be built, it is often close to the surrounding areas. The traffic arteries and niujiaozhai seem to be the tip of an ox horn, which is a little off the side.

But such a place is more suitable for people like puma to hide. Therefore, Xia Feng's heart warmed up when he saw the terrain: "this guy is really possible to hide here."

It's already past noon. It's one or two o'clock in the afternoon, but it's time for the mountain people to have lunch. This is a good opportunity. Xia Feng doesn't go down the mountain either.

Although he has magical eyes, puma was born as a special forces soldier and can kill a group of Thai special forces. There are many guns in this place, and he dare not take risks. It's really hard to shoot puma. That's a lot of fun.

He stayed in the forest on the mountain and sat down cross legged on a large stone. He felt a roll of spirit and overflowed in all directions. There were wild things and no one on this mountain.

First confirm this, put on a bee net and protect yourself, and then use the bee eye to search in the stockade.

This time, he searched carefully, and it was not a bee. He borrowed his eyes. Of course, he could only borrow one bee, but he could control many bees to form a bee net. Let the bees explore which room was occupied and which was unoccupied. Then, let the bees look at the occupied room one by one, so that there would be no mistakes or omissions.

There are many people in niujiaozhai. It is estimated that there may be seven or eight thousand. You have to look at them one by one, but you are tired. Xia Feng's head hurts when he sees half of them.

Borrowing eyes also needs to be practiced. He doesn't practice much and is still not used to it. He had to stop halfway and wait until he has a clear mind.

However, he searched from beginning to end, and even women and children didn't miss it, but he didn't find Puma and didn't hear a word about puma.

"This guy is not a puma, but a ghost horse?" Xia Feng searched thoroughly. He found it in every corner. Then he gave up borrowing his eyes and rubbed his forehead. He was a little depressed.

"This guy should be hiding." it's understandable that Puma immediately got Yun Waner's notice. Generally, puma will not hide in his nest and wait for Liu Simin to bring someone to kill him. The golden triangle is full of mountains and forests. He can hide anywhere. As long as he hides for ten days, he will win. If Xia Feng changes, he must hide again.

Although Yun Waner said that she can only hide in 37 stockaded villages, it is the same in and outside the stockaded villages. For example, Niujiao stockaded village can't hide in the mountains outside the stockaded village. It's OK not to hide in Niujiao stockaded village.

Thinking that Puma didn't know which corner of the stockade he was hiding in, Xia Feng really felt it was difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, it's no use. Even after playing the game, and Liu Simin opened a high price of 2 million, he has to continue to search, one by one.

Two million is not so easy to earn. If Xia Feng didn't get the magic eye, he might not be able to earn two million in his life.

He has been working in the cement plant for four years. At most, he gets more than 3000 a month, at least 800 a month. The average is 2000, 24000 a year, four years, less than 100000 yuan. In 40 years, less than 1 million, he retires at the age of 65 and can earn about 1 million.

As an ordinary person, it's really not so easy to make money in this world.

At this time, it was almost dark again, and Xia Feng could not return to niujiaozhai to stay in the hotel. He came to catch people, not to travel

Another, he had a fluke mentality. Maybe puma would come back in the evening. Therefore, he called a rabbit in the depression on the other side and asked the rabbit to kill him obediently. He made a beggar rabbit. He bought seasoning, painted it and dug it out in two hours. It was very fragrant.

At the same time, he controlled a night bird and circled above Niujiao stronghold, staring at those who returned to the stronghold.

At night, every family lights up. There must be no electricity. They are all kerosene lamps. In this way, people gather together to search. Xia Feng controls the night birds. He searches them one by one, but he still doesn't see them.

"Really not in niujiaozhai?" Xia Feng gave up his heart, but still controlled the night bird to stare. He stared at it all night, and puma didn't appear.

Xia Feng completely gave up.

The next day, before dawn, he went back to Yanggu village, because it was also possible. He came back and searched Yanggu village while it was dawn, but there was still no.

Xia Feng was really annoyed: "I searched the stockade, but I can't find it if I don't believe it."

On the same day, we searched Daoba stronghold from east to west. The next day, we searched in the distance. For three days in a row, drug traffickers found several armed, but we couldn't find puma.

In the deep mountains and dense forests like the golden triangle, it is not easy to search for a person across mountains. Xia Feng has a magic eye. If there is no magic eye, he can only retreat.

On the fifth day, another stockade was searched in the morning, but no horse hair was found as usual.

In the afternoon, Xia Feng was on his way to another stockade when he suddenly heard a gunshot.

It's not uncommon for someone to shoot guns here, because there are too many guns, but Xia Feng still controls a bee and flies high to see it.

He didn't hold much hope. As a result, puma didn't see it, but he saw Li Yan.

Li Yan was wearing camouflage clothes and holding a AK47 in her hand, but she seemed to be injured. She lay on the ground of a grass and shot under the grass slope.

"Li Yan came in? Did the fake childe come in? Didn't he say that four people could come in? Why is there only Li Yan?" Xia Feng was surprised and hurried over.

Across a mountain, it's just a magic eye into the mountain. It seems to have a bonus. The two legs are particularly strong. Wherever you go, thorns automatically give way, so Xia Feng turned over in less than half an hour. It's really quick. If ordinary people, even Li Yan, don't have an hour to rest, and such mountains are very common in the golden triangle.

At this time, Li Yan crossed the mountains over there and walked down the mountain. However, she was injured, holding a gun in one hand and stabbing a stick in the other hand.

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