Xia Fenggang wanted to find an excuse. He didn't want Zhai Qing to suddenly stretch out his hands and put them around his neck. He looked at him with clear eyes: "brother, you know, no one has ever helped me like this. My birth is not very good. My parents also pay more attention to my brother. From small to large, no one has really helped me so much."

"You call me brother. Of course I want to help you." Xia Feng didn't hesitate and hugged her waist. Her waist is very thin, but it has the flexibility of youth.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I had a boyfriend in college and broke up after graduation. I don't mean anything else." she said here, and the water in her eyes was more moist: "I just want to tell brother that if I become a singer in the future, the first song I sing with my heart is for you."

She said, kissed Xia Feng, and then slowly untied Xia Feng's pants.

At about eleven o'clock, Xia Feng sent Zhai Qing back because she had to catch a bus tomorrow and pack up her things.

Sent downstairs, Xia Feng didn't go upstairs. The talent show is the quickest channel. Mo GUSHENG's younger martial sister has been operating in Beijing for many years and has good contacts. With Zhai Qing's voice, she has a chance to rush out. It's absolutely possible not to say big red, but a little red.

Well, from now on, we should pay attention. Zhai Qing lives in the company dormitory. There are a lot of people. If he is not red, he may be able to make trouble.

The next day, Xia Feng sent Zhai Qing again. Watching Zhai Qing disappear, Xia Feng silently wished: "bless your lovely girl, you will succeed."

Lin Huan never contacted Xia Feng again, and Xia Feng certainly wouldn't contact her.

But Yu Miaojing called Xia Feng one day: "cousin Xia, are you free? Have a meal together and introduce you to a friend."

"OK." Xia Feng answered and muttered, "does she also want to introduce me to a girlfriend? It's interesting."

When he arrived at the agreed restaurant, he went to the reserved box first. Before long, Yu Miaojing came, followed by a woman.

Xia Feng knew he had misunderstood.

The woman was very beautiful, but the most striking thing was her temperament. She wore a white cardigan outside and a purple suit inside. As soon as the door opened, it seemed as if a violet came in and drifted out of the dust.

But Xia Feng knew at a glance that it was a misunderstanding because the woman was too old and should have been more than 30. Yu Miaojing could not introduce him to such an old girlfriend anyway.

"Xiao Xia is here first." Yu Miaojing said, "let me introduce you. This is Xiao Xia Feng. This is Xu Lingshu, the teacher of the painting academy and my best friend."

"It's a painter. No wonder his temperament is completely different from that of ordinary people. He looks immortal." Xia Feng suddenly realized.

"Hello, Mr. Xu." Xia Feng called, but didn't take the initiative to reach out. Sure enough, Xu Lingshu didn't reach out to shake hands with him at all.

"Hello." Xu Lingshu nodded at him. Her temperament was cold and her voice was very nice. She was as clean as a spring in a mountain valley.

"This voice is as good as Zhai Qing's, but its style is different." Xia Feng praised it secretly.

Sitting down and ordering, Yu Miaojing said, "Xiao Xia, let me test you. What's wrong with Mr. Xu?"

"Just like you." Xia Feng glanced at Xu Lingshu and couldn't help saying, "beauty is beauty. This sitting posture is so elegant." but he said, "but not necessarily."

"Oh." Yu Miao was curious: "what is the same and different?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu also has dysmenorrhea." Xia Feng stares at Xu Lingshu openly, with skin like snow and eyes like water.

Yu Miaojing turned to look at Xu Lingshu. He looked like I was right. Xu Lingshu was a little cold. Now his eyes lit up and he was obviously curious.

Yu Miao asked, "is it different?"

"The difference is." Xia Feng took a close look between Xu Lingshu's eyebrows and eyes: "her dysmenorrhea is not as heavy as yours. It's only a dull pain for two or three days. Then, I can tie up your dysmenorrhea with one needle. It's difficult for me to tie up her dysmenorrhea."

"Why?" Yu Miao was surprised: "her is obviously lighter than mine."

"Your disease is the disease of your body, but that of Mr. Xu is actually the disease of your heart." Xia Feng said this, and Yu Miaoyuan turned to look at Xu Lingshu. Xu Lingshu didn't say a word, but looked at him in surprise and then dropped his eyes.

This is a quiet woman.

"Lofty." Xia Feng whispered, but this kind of lofty woman, he really met for the first time.

Qin wubai is actually a little lofty, but Qin wubai's lofty is the girl's family's lofty, which is installed in face, while Xu Lingshu is a mature woman. Her lofty is in her bones and the artist's lofty.

"God or not?" Yu Miao asked Xu Lingshu with a smile.

Xu Lingshu nodded and said, "God."

"I didn't lie to you." Yu Miaojing giggled, "I think he's a cousin. How divine do you think he is."

Then she turned to Xia Feng and said, "I said cousin, Ling Shu is my best friend. Whether it's difficult to treat or not, it's on you. You have to cure her, otherwise don't blame me for not recognizing you as a cousin."

She was very good at something, and Xia Feng deliberately bitter face: "cousin, you are a little difficult, I just said, she this disease, is from the heart, really want to cure."

At this point, he stopped.

Yu Miaojing urgently asked, "what do you really want to do? I said, cousin, you can't talk to me about conditions."

"It's not about conditions." Xia Feng shook his head. "It's a method. It's difficult and not difficult to cure this heart disease, but we should think of another method."

"What method?" Yu Miao asked.

Xu Lingshu also looked at Xia Feng curiously.

Xia Feng found that her eyes are really beautiful. If she looks like Lin Xiaoxian and Qin wubai, she may be two points worse than Lin Xiaoxian, but a pair of eyes are really beautiful, like distant mountains and snow, pure, distant and elegant.

"Find a man and have a vigorous love." Xia Feng smiled at Xu Lingshu's eyes.

"What?" Yu Miaojing immediately said, "teacher Xu is married."

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng didn't think so. "You can have extramarital love. There are tens of millions of people in Linjiang, millions of couples, extramarital love, not to mention hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, at least. There is a survey on the Internet. Ten couples, at least three couples are cheating, and more of them are cheating in the heart, up to more than 90 percent."

"There's nothing like you." Yu Miaojing stretched out his hand to hit Xia Feng, turned to look at Xu Lingshu, but giggled: "however, you can also Oh, Lingshu, how about? There are so many men chasing you, find one to try?"

Xu Lingshu gently shook her head and lowered her eyes.

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