"Mr. Xu, did anyone tell you that you smile very beautiful." Xia Feng couldn't help asking.

Xu Lingshu looked back at him, smiled again, and didn't answer.

It's so cold again.

You can't take a car up the mountain. There are three or four miles to the top of the mountain. It's a winding path.

Xu Lingshu looked thin, but her legs were strong. She walked quickly in front of the her. After a little more than half an hour, she climbed to top of the mountain with theout feeling tired.

"She's in good health. Maybe it's because she often climbs the mountain." Xia Feng thought to himself.

The top of the mountain here is not very wide. There is no big flat halfway up the mountain. There are weeds and shrubs on the top of the mountain. There are several stones, one of which is very large, estimated to be dozens of tons. Xia Feng thought of the stone of Monkey Sun at the beginning of his journey to the West.

The view from the top of the mountain is excellent. Looking west, you can see the lights of the city.

"I often come here to paint from life. I like its wide horizon," said Xu Lingshu, standing on a stone and stretching her arms.

She has a good figure, tall and slim. She spreads her arms like a goddess under the moon.

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment.

Xu Lingshu turned back and said, "Xia Feng, you said earlier that you wanted me to let go. What should I do?"

"Oh." Xia Feng thought for a moment and said, "there are two ways to let go, one is active, the other is passive, and the other is active. Every thunderstorm night, he takes off his clothes and runs up the mountain. He yells and challenges God while running."

Xu Lingshu nodded and looked fascinated.

"What about the passive?" she asked, lost in thought for a moment.

"Passive." Xia Feng smiled, but didn't go on, just looking at Xu Lingshu.

"How about passive?" seeing that he didn't say, Xu Lingshu couldn't help urging.

"Passive is simple." Xia Feng said with a smile, "for example, find someone to whip."

He said this out of his mouth. Somehow, he thought of it.

Appreciating flowers is refreshing, but breaking flowers can sometimes bring people different pleasure.

Xu Lingshu is an adult, not a child. In this world, if she doesn't want to, no one can smoke her, not to mention her father or husband.

When Xu Lingshu heard this, she just smiled. She didn't respond to him, turned around and looked at the distance.

The distant mountains under the moon seem to be covered with a layer of silver gauze, hazy, like a shy girl, like an ambiguous young woman. I don't know how many secrets are hidden.

"You said, is there a family under every light?" Xu Lingshu asked softly.

Her voice is really beautiful. It's very pure and clear. It's really like Huang Yinger's voice. Xia Feng has seen a lot of beautiful women. When it comes to a good voice, she's really the first.

And in such a month, such a whisper is more moving.

"Sure." Xia Feng nodded.

"Does everyone in every family have their own joys and sorrows?"

"It should be." Xia Feng nodded again.

Xu Lingshu was silent for a long time and said, "then you say, they are generally more happy or more distressed."

Xia Feng has a strange feeling under such a moon, such a beauty and such a question and answer.

He always felt that he was a layman. This moment, he actually felt that he had sublimated. There was a taste of a philosopher and even a poet. He almost wanted to write poetry, but the first thing he thought of was: the bright moon in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground, raised his head to look at the bright moon, and bowed his head to think of his hometown.

Well, he really couldn't do poetry. He shook his head and said, "each has his own happiness and each has his own distress."

He said this was an ordinary sentence, but Xu Lingshu was silent for a long time and said, "you speak very well."

What? Xia Feng felt embarrassed, but Xu Lingshu suddenly turned her head, smiled at her and said, "I want to dance. Will you take my clothes for me?"

This is her second brilliant smile tonight. It's like a different flower blooming, beautiful to the extreme.

Xia Feng was stunned and nodded.

It was windy on the mountain. Xu Lingshu put on her windbreaker. At this time, she took it off and handed it to Xia Feng.

The top of the mountain was not big, but there was still a small piece of grass. Xu Lingshu took off her clothes and suddenly slipped to the center of the grass.

Her suit is very fit, almost perfectly setting off her slim figure, and this slip step completely shows this good figure.

It can be said that Xia Feng was stunned by this slip step.

He couldn't understand the dance. He didn't know what the dance showed. What he saw was Xu Lingshu's perfect figure. Against the background of the light dance, it was like a flower, like a surge, an indescribable beauty. Xu Lingshu's hair is very long and dense. She is almost at her waist. She slides into the field and breaks her hair. At this time, she dances quickly. That long hair, like her partner, follows her and follows her.

Xia Feng never knew that a woman's hair could be so beautiful.

He can't say what he understands. To be honest, he doesn't know what Xu Lingshu dances.

But he seemed to understand it again.

Xu Lingshu is expressing a mood.

Xia Feng couldn't tell what it was like, but even Xu Lingshu herself couldn't say it clearly. What she expressed in the end.

This is actually the charm of dance.

Xu Lingshu jumped for more than half an hour, maybe longer. She suddenly took a leap, went up a rock, opened her hands, and roared at the distant moon.

Yes, it's roaring, not yelling.

Xiao is carrying Qi. He goes down with Qi and barks in his chest.

Call no content, just like the summer rain, come in a hurry and go quickly.

Roaring like waves, wave after wave.

This is a woman with content.

One after another, Xu Lingshu roared for several minutes. Most people can't master the Kung Fu of breathing halfway.

"She can not only draw, but also practice dancing and learn vocal music." Xia Feng admired Xu Lingshu more and more.

The howling stopped. Xu Lingshu knelt on the stone and shrunk into a ball.

Xia Feng waited for a while, walked over, put on her windbreaker, and then gently tapped her waist with her knuckles, all the way up to Dazhui acupoint, slowly angry.

A minute or so, she stopped. Xu Lingshu looked back and stood up: "I feel that the whole person is completely empty and there is nothing left."

"That's good." Xia Feng was sincerely happy.

"Thank you." Xu Lingshu thanked.

Xia Feng smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "come down."

He subconsciously stretched it out. He didn't think of Xu Lingshu's temperament until he reached halfway.

But no, Xu Lingshu took his hand and jumped down without hesitation.

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