Xia Feng also summarized Qiao Jianyi's behavior in the past two days: "Lin Huan and Zhang Zi, these are two."

Not long after Lin Huan graduated from University, Zhang Zi was simply a student. They were all beautiful women and very young

"He likes tender ones," Xia Feng concluded.

This conclusion is not novel. Most people like tender ones.

But it's strange that Xia Feng likes older women. Older women take care of people without so many problems. For example, Guo Wenjia is so comfortable with her. Compared with Qin wubai, he has to coax him in one way or another.

In the afternoon, Qiao Jianyi was restless. He went to the office and came out to drink with people outside.

Near six o'clock, Qiao Jianyi drove to the south of the city, followed by Xia Feng. Qiao Jianyi drove into a villa style community, opened the door and went in. A little nanny girl was busy in the kitchen. When she heard the voice, she looked into her head and said, "brother Qiao, you're back. It's hard."

"Well." Qiao Jianyi nodded, "have you got sister Xu back?"

"Mr. Xu is at home, painting upstairs." the little nanny should say.

Hearing this, Xia Feng was stunned: "this is Xu Lingshu's house?"

The bee he controlled fell on Qiao Jianyi's back collar and flew.

Qiao Jianyi went upstairs. His villa was huge and had three floors. He went directly to the third floor.

On the third floor, I opened the door on the left. It was Xu Lingshu. She was wearing a loose home skirt, but it was also purple. Her hair was behind her head. She was painting, oil painting, a very large one.

"Ling Shu." Qiao Jianyi went in, said hello and took a look at the picture: "well, I feel more and more."

Xu Lingshu took a pen and stood in front of the painting. She didn't draw. She didn't know whether she was thinking about it or what, and didn't pay attention to him.

Qiao Jianyi saw that she didn't answer. He stood for a while and felt boring. He said, "hurry to eat. Wash your hands and eat first."

Xu Lingshu didn't answer, so he came down.

Watching him go down, Xu Lingshu put down her brush and stood in front of the window. Her window was facing Nanshan. The sunset was at the other end of the window, and the light red oblique glow shone on her face, making her whole person look unreal.

"It's beautiful." Xia Feng couldn't help admiring.

He was not interested in Qiao Jianyi at the moment. Controlling the bees, he flew in front of the window and stared at Xu Lingshu.

At about half past six, the nanny came up and said to Xu Lingshu, "Mr. Xu, brother Qiao asked you to go down for dinner."

"I don't want to eat now." Xu Lingshu shook her head.

"You'd better go down." the little nanny advised: "Joe lost his temper later and won't go home for a few days."

"Don't care about him." Xu Lingshu shook her head and said, "go back after dinner. Don't worry about the rest."

The little nanny hesitated and didn't persuade any more.

"They seem to have been in the cold war." Xia Feng doesn't know whether he is disappointed or happy.

"Not all these three years," Xia Feng thought.

After a while, the baby sitter came up again and said, "Mr. Xu, brother Qiao is out again. Someone called to ask him for dinner."

"Don't care about him." Xu Lingshu replied.

"Will you come down to dinner?" asked the little nanny.

Xu Lingshu waited and turned downstairs.

"Qiao Jianyi went out again." Xia Feng hesitated for a moment and thought for a moment. He still followed Qiao Jianyi. He wanted to see what Qiao Jianyi was doing now.

"Is he angry with Xu Lingshu?" as a result, Qiao Jianyi really had an appointment with more than one person. The first one had dinner and broke up, and the second one made an appointment with the nightclub.

Qiao Jianyi didn't come out until about 11 o'clock. He still stayed there. Qiao Jianyi smiled: "if you don't go back, your wife will lose her temper."

He asked him to be a bald head and quickly boasted, "Joe is really a good man who cares about his family."

Qiao Jianyi laughed.

Qiao Jianyi really came back. When he got home, the little nanny may have hired an hourly worker. He went back. There was no light in the living room. Qiao Jianyi pressed the light and went upstairs or straight to the third floor.

Xu Lingshu's studio is on the left, but Qiao Jianyi directly pushed open the door on the right.

Xu Lingshu is in this room.

The house here is also big. One wall is a huge mirror with fitness equipment and yoga balls. Obviously, this is a practice room.

Xu Lingshu sat in front of the window and changed into a loose practice suit, which was also purple.

She sat cross legged on the cushion in front of the window. It was a double plate. In this position, Xia Feng couldn't plate it even if she died.

Xu Lingshu was very relaxed. She closed her eyes and looked fine. Her waist posture was like green onions. Her beautiful face was quiet and serene.

Not far in front of her, she lit a column of incense. The cigarette became a thin line and stretched straight. Occasionally, there was a wind, she swayed gently twice, just like a girl's light gauze skirt.

Qiao Jianyi didn't go in. He stood by the door and looked at Xu Lingshu. Xu Lingshu must know he was back, but he didn't open his eyes and didn't mean to get up.

Qiao Jianyi was actually watching Xu Lingshu's reaction. Xu Lingshu ignored him. He stood for a while, closed the door and went down.

He went downstairs and didn't go out again. On the second floor, he entered the study, surf the Internet and answered two more calls. At about 11:30, he went back to his bedroom, took a bath and went to bed.

When he was at home, Xia Feng stopped looking at him and stared at Xu Lingshu.

Xu Lingshu sat on her hands for more than two hours until Qiao Jianyi fell asleep and it was almost one o'clock before she got up.

"This Kung Fu is excellent." Xia Feng praised it.

Xu Lingshu got up and did a set of soft gymnastics.

It seems that she was taught by her master to meditate. After sitting for a long time, she must move, otherwise her Qi and blood are easy to live.

Xu Lingshu finished her set of exercises and went to take a bath. She didn't go downstairs. The rich man, well decorated, had a studio, a practice room and a lounge on the third floor. She took a bath directly in the lounge and changed her pajamas. It was still purple.

Xia Feng was afraid of her stubbornness.

Thinking of what Xu Lingshu said, she saw Qiao Jianyi holding a woman with a big belly. She didn't ask, didn't make noise, and directly knocked out the child herself. That kind of temperament is really. Xia Feng doesn't know how to describe it.

Her high cold, some clothes, but in her character, she is really a little paranoid and a little lonely.

"Little Dragon Girl? Nun extinction?" Xia Feng thought of these two names in his mind, shook his head, and suddenly thought of another person: "Li Mochou."

For a moment, I was a little scared.

Xu Lingshu took a bath and didn't go to bed immediately. Instead, she poured a glass of wine and drank it slowly. She drank almost half of a bottle of red wine before she went to bed.

Xia Feng suddenly thought, "Li Mochou is actually the most pitiful woman. She has a peerless posture and talents, but she is hurt by love. Alas."

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