Xu Lingshu also went to sleep. Xia Feng was no longer interested in staring. He drove back.

The next day, he was suddenly a little lazy and didn't want to stare at Qiao Jianyi's tip. It was obvious that Xu Lingshu's guess was correct. Although Xia Feng didn't find the big belly woman Xu Lingshu said, it was enough that Qiao Jianyi had a woman outside. It didn't matter whether it was Lin Huan or Zhang Zi.

When it was getting dark in the afternoon, he received a call from Xu Lingshu.

"Mr. Xu." Xia Feng called out and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xu Lingshu seemed to feel it and said, "have you made progress?"

Xia Feng hesitated and decided to tell the truth. "There's a little progress," he said

"Come to my house." Xu Lingshu hurriedly said, "let me see." then he said, "he went home yesterday. You should know where my house is."

She is paranoid, but the brain melon seeds are really smart. Xia Feng said, "yes, I'll come right away."

Drive to Xu Lingshu's house and ring the doorbell. It's Xu Lingshu who opens the door. The little nanny is estimated to get dinner and go back.

Xia Feng was surprised that Xu Lingshu was not wearing purple clothes today, but a long black skirt with a wisp of air on her chest. You can see that it is red inside.

This kind of wisp is empty and her shoulder straps are exposed. It's a little vulgar. It seems that she doesn't deserve Xu Lingshu's temperament, but today she wears it like this, but it makes Xia Feng feel strange.

Such Xu Lingshu is a little vulgar, but she seems to be more alive, as if this is a living woman.

"Have you eaten?" Xu Lingshu asked, but Xia Feng could hear that she was polite. Her mind was not here, but eager to know a result.

"Eat." Xia Feng nodded. In fact, he didn't eat, but at this moment, he didn't want to eat.

"Well, did you find that woman?" Xu Lingshu asked before sitting down.

Although she looked at Qiao Jianyi's cold disregard yesterday, Xia Feng could see from this eagerness that Xu Lingshu was still a little reluctant to give up this feeling.

Or she was eager to prove her judgment.

Xia Feng is not a psychologist. He can't figure out Xu Lingshu's specific thoughts. He just hesitated a little and said, "I didn't find the woman you said, but I found another woman, and two."

This seemed to be expected by Xu Lingshu. There was no special look on her face, but Xia Feng noticed that she grabbed her hand on her knee.

"Did you take a picture?" she stared at Xia Feng. "Show me."

"It's not a photo, it's a video." Xia Feng also stared at her eyes. "I took it with a wireless camera."

"Show me." Xu Lingshu obviously didn't think about the difference between photos and cameras.

"I'll send it to you." Xia Feng didn't sit over. He took a few paragraphs of the video last night, compressed it and stored it in his mobile phone. At this time, he sent it to Xu Lingshu.

Xu Lingshu opened the door impatiently.

Those videos were specially selected by Xia Feng for only a few minutes. They selected some photos before and after intimacy. The middle one was deleted.

If it's an ordinary woman, Xia Feng will keep it. It's interesting to see her blush, but he doesn't have this idea for Xu Lingshu.

Xu Lingshu couldn't wait to open the video. After watching it, she looked calm. She even smiled: "sure enough, they are young female college students. He once told me that he likes young and fresh ones."

Xia Feng didn't know how to answer. If Xia Feng wanted to speak, he would say that Lin Huan and Zhang Zi couldn't match her one finger.

But he is him and Qiao Jianyi is Qiao Jianyi. He has different personality, experience and taste.

He looked up at Xu Lingshu, a woman full of immortality, but Qiao Jianyi might feel like chewing wax.

"You didn't find that woman?" Xu Lingshu asked.

Xia Feng actually said before, but Xu Lingshu also asked. Obviously, she looked calm and even seemed to have a feeling of breathing, but she still couldn't let go in her heart.

"No." Xia Feng shook his head.

"That woman may be old and not fresh." Xu Lingshu smiled, but a little cold.

She got up, took a bottle of wine, poured a cup for Xia Feng, poured a cup herself, and said, "have a drink with me."

Xia Feng nodded and picked up the cup.

Xu Lingshu drank a glass of wine directly and held her breath for a long time. Xia Feng knew that she was uncomfortable, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

If Qiao Jianyi is a bad man, so is he himself.

Xu Lingshu poured another glass of wine. This time, she drank slowly. She didn't speak and didn't know what to think. For a long time, she looked at Xia Feng and said, "Xiao Xia, if you work hard again, I still want to find that woman. I want to prove that my intuition is not wrong."

Tangled, or stubborn.

Xia Feng nodded and didn't refuse.

After saying this, Xu Lingshu drank wine silently and looked at the table with fixed eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking. Her eyes are really beautiful. There are many places on her. The more you look, the more beautiful she is.

Everything about her, like the building blocks carefully built by God, is extremely exquisite.

Coupled with her temperament, it is perfect.

However, the more perfect it is, the more painful it is at this time.

It's like seeing a white flower falling in the mud.

But Xia Feng didn't know how to persuade her.

Seeing that Xu Lingshu had been silent, Xia Feng thought for a moment. Xu Lingshu's character and such a thing were better to let her disappear slowly. He said, "why don't I go back first."

Xu Lingshu nodded and didn't answer.

Xia Feng also stood up, sighed at the door and got on the bus. He was still worried about Xu Lingshu. He controlled a bee to enter the house and took a look. Xu Lingshu still sat there, but poured another glass of wine.

It's good to drink, and Xu Lingshu has found it for three years and has been deadlocked for three years. This time, even with practical evidence, there should not be too fierce reaction.

Finally, Xia Feng drove back.

The next morning, he couldn't help calling Xu Lingshu. He didn't answer the first time. Xia Feng was a little worried. He called the second time and finally connected when the fourth sound rang.

"Mr. Xu, are you all right?" Xia Feng asked hurriedly.

"Nothing." Xu Lingshu's voice was normal.

"Oh." it's good to be normal. Xia Feng gave a cry. Unexpectedly, he said, "the weather is fine today. Why don't I accompany you to climb the mountain?"

"No." Xu Lingshu refused and said, "Xiao Xia, you'd better work hard to help me find that woman, OK?"

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