Xia Feng thinks Xu Lingshu is too stubborn, but it's good to have this stubbornness in her heart. At least she doesn't worry about what she does.

"OK." Xia Feng agreed immediately.

After chatting a few more words and confirming that Xu Lingshu spoke normally, he hung up the phone.

Xia Feng went downstairs to have breakfast, then drove out and continued to stare at Qiao Jianyi.

Qiao Jianyi should not have gone home last night. Xia Feng estimates that Qiao Jianyi may not go home often, but think about it. Xu Lingshu is neither hot nor cold to him, and it's not very interesting to go home.

Although Qiao Jianyi didn't go home, he still worked in class. He arrived at the office at about 9 o'clock, but he called around and went out. He made an appointment. He went back to the office at about 11 o'clock. He came out again in half an hour and went directly to a club.

Xia Feng followed. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang. It was Zhang Jie. He asked him where he was and said he would introduce him to some merchants.

Well, it's good to hug the grass and beat the rabbit. Incidentally, Xia Feng didn't make a single order because he had no intention during this period.

He hurried down. As soon as he asked, it was the club where Qiao Jianyi was located.

Not much. Zhang Xie's car came. Xia Feng got off and shouted, "brother Zhang."

Zhang Jie shook hands with him warmly.

At first, Zhang Jie didn't know what happened to Xia Feng, and Cheng jinxun didn't say it, so Zhang Jie was a little cautious, but Zhang Jie was Cheng jinxun's secretary. Cheng jinxun's son's illness was cured by Xia Feng, and he soon knew it. Later, Cheng jinxun and Wu Xiangjun attached great importance to Xia Feng, which made him more interested.

This time, it wasn't Cheng jinxun's order to introduce Xia Feng's merchants. It was his own idea. Just in time, several merchants asked him, so he introduced Xia Feng.

If he is an ordinary official, he doesn't need to be so enthusiastic, but people like Xia Feng have such magic skills. I don't know what kind of people he will know in the future. He will never let go of such people.

Xia Feng could feel his enthusiasm and was a little surprised. He just thought it was ordered by Cheng jinxun and didn't take it seriously.

Following Zhang Xie in, there were three people sitting in the house. To Xia Feng's surprise, one of them was Qiao Jianyi.

"Qiao Chu, I've been waiting for a long time." Zhang Jiexian shook hands with Qiao Jianyi.

In fact, in this bureau today, Zhang Xie helped two businessmen meet him and wanted to get some spare parts orders from Tianyang heavy industry. Qiao Jianyi also wanted to give this face.

Zhang Jie then introduced Xia Feng to Qiao Jianyi: "this is Xia Feng. I'm a brother with a strange temper. I don't think the unit is in strict control. I want to work outside. Now I'm doing business in duanyun wine industry. Qiao has more opportunities to take care of me."

He said that well. He didn't directly say that Xia Feng was a salesman, but said that Xia Feng didn't want to enter the system and had to work outside. Therefore, he is now a salesman of duanyun wine industry, which is much higher than simply saying that he is a salesman.

Sure enough, Qiao Jianyi smiled and shook hands with Xia Feng.

Qiao Jianyi's hand is thick and thick with black hair. His palm is hot and powerful. It feels like holding a bear's paw to Xia Feng.

"This guy is born with Yang feet." Xia Feng was envious.

People with this kind of innate talent often have a smooth life, because they have sufficient Yang, good health, flexible brain seeds, and are willing to fight and drill. They must succeed.

Zhang Jie said, "I don't care about your business. Come on, you'll bill my brother first."

His appearance is gentle. At this time, he looks like a friend's loyalty, but it brings more atmosphere. Qiao Jianyi laughs. The two businessmen each wrote Xia Feng a list of 500000. They are accessories, not the boss of a special nightclub or supermarket. Of course, they don't want too much wine. It's just some daily entertainment wine.

Qiao Jianyi also made a list of 300000.

The procurement department should entertain all customers and also entertain wine. However, it has been more strict in recent years. In the past, if the relationship was good, he dared to directly write a million list.

Of course, it's also the reason for wine. If Xia Feng does Maotai, he dares to drive more than a million, even foreign wine. Petty bourgeoisie forced love to have some red wine, but Maotai was the best seller in the real shopping mall.

Although Qiao Jianyi gave Xia Feng an order, he didn't have much enthusiasm. The two businessmen targeted him and didn't pay much attention to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng certainly wouldn't take the initiative to talk to Qiao Jianyi, but he didn't show any timidity and sat there quietly.

Qiao Jianyi noticed this and was a little surprised. Xia Feng's bearing is not what a small salesman should have, especially in the face of big businessmen. This bearing shows that he may be really confident.

Therefore, Qiao Jianyi took a slightly higher look at Xia Feng, gave him a glass of wine and asked, "is Xiao Xia a local?"

"Yes, in the suburb of Linjiang." Xia Feng explained without saying much.

He felt very complicated about Qiao Jianyi.

After eating the meal for more than an hour, Zhang Jie successfully helped two businessmen connect with Qiao Jianyi. The two businessmen have also found Qiao Jianyi before. Without Zhang Jie, Qiao Jianyi will not pay attention to them. At least there is absolutely no list. After this reception, there may be hope.

Of course, it depends on whether the two businessmen will do it afterwards.

After the meal, Xia Feng thanked Zhang Jie. Zhang Jie put his arm around his shoulder and laughed: "between our brothers, be polite."

Qiao Jianyi saw it on one side and took another look at Xia Feng.

Qiao Jianyi drove out. Xia Feng rounded an intersection and followed him.

After more than half an hour, Qiao Jianyi drove into a community.

This community hasn't been here. Xia Feng thought to himself, "is there another one here? Will it be that woman?"

Instead of following the community, he stopped not far in front and controlled a bee to follow.

Qiao Jianyi stopped and went upstairs. He took the key to open the door. The door opened. He was familiar with changing his shoes. A young woman came out with a little boy in her arms.

The little boy was coaxed. He was going to take a nap with his head tilted. When he saw Qiao Jianyi, he raised his head and shouted happily, "Dad."

Reach out for Qiao Jianyi.

"Hey." Qiao Jianyi answered with a smile on his face, reached out to pick it up, leaned over his face and kissed it. The little boy slapped his hand in front of his nose: "well, Dad drank wine again. It stinks to death."

Qiao Jianyi laughed.

The young woman smiled softly.

The young woman is about twenty-eight years old. She has a round face. After giving birth to a child, she is slightly plump. With her snow-white skin, she gives people a feeling of jade piling snow.

"It's her." Xia Feng is 100% sure. What Xu Lingshu sees is this woman. The distance between the two women is about an hour's drive.

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