Yu Xinyu saw Xia Feng and giggled. He entered the teahouse and asked for a box. When he entered the door, Yu Xinyu pinched his legs and said, "ah, I'm so busy this time. My legs are so sour."

Xia Feng said, "I'll pinch it for you."

"OK." Yu Xinyu raised his legs impolitely and put them on a chair. She didn't wear pantyhose. Her legs were slightly plump, like jade piled snow, white and tender.

Xia Feng took a breath and gently pinched her legs, stomach and tentacles. It was a little cool, but it was soft and silky. It was indescribably comfortable to pinch it in her hand.

He pinched one foot and Yu Xinyu changed the other. Xia Feng pinched it very carefully, and then sent aura in the acupoints, which can greatly dredge Yu Xinyu's meridians and delay the aging of her leg muscles.

Although Yu Xinyu's character may not change until 80, he still can't resist the laws of nature and will always grow old. Xia Feng wants to try his best to slow down this aging.

"Really comfortable." pinched his leg, Yu Xinyu groaned comfortably. Then he asked Xia Feng, "what's the matter?"

Xia Feng said, "I want to start another company."

"Open another company? Good." Yu Xinyu shouted, "is the capital enough? I still have some private money, not much, just more than 300000. I can lend it to you, or I can invest it."

In recent years, those who offered to borrow money were even rarer than giant pandas. Teacher Yu is teacher Yu.

Xia Feng was moved, shook his head and said with a smile, "that's not necessary. I'm a leather bag company, covering the White Wolf empty handed."

Xia Feng entrusted everything Qiao Jianyi told him.

Yu Xinyu shouted, "it's great that you can get the list of Tianyang heavy industry. My mother-in-law has tried her best in recent years, but she can't get half the list."

Xia Feng said, "I also had a chance to meet their purchasing manager. It's not urgent. I'll introduce him to you when I have the opportunity. Anyway, let him give you the list."

"That's great." Yu Xinyu stroked his hands happily, thought for a moment and said: "It's simple. I'll take you to get a license tomorrow. I'm familiar with this and give me the list. Although we don't produce these accessories, I know which factories produce them. I'll help you run them. The price and quality are all guaranteed to me. At least 25% of the profit will be made. If my mother-in-law runs, 30% or even 40% will be possible. Those factories will be sold I know that if I can send accessories to Tianyang heavy industry, I can definitely keep the price to the lowest. "

Xia Feng heard this. It's good. Qiao Jianyi bills there and Yu Xinyu helps run the accessories here. He doesn't do anything. He really sits at home and takes the money. As long as the quality requirements are basically met, there will be no problem at all. With Qiao Jianyi, just deliver the goods.

Don't make this money too easy.

The next day, Yu Xinyu called Xia Feng and said, "I'll go with you."

Xia Feng was a little embarrassed and said, "I'll just run by myself. You're busy."

"Nothing." Yu Xinyu insisted.

Xia Feng goes to meet Yu Xinyu.

Yu Xinyu is wearing a green short cheongsam today.

Such a short cheongsam was originally the best choice for Yu Xinyu, a twenty-eight young woman, that is, dignified and sexy.

Xia Feng called Shengyu teacher and said, "there are many things in your factory."

"It's all right." Yu Xinyu shook his head: "the production line is promising, and the plant can be vacated. Now what's really difficult is the funds for purchasing the production line. By the way, I'll get the certificate later, and I'll run with me to give a gift."

"OK." Xia Feng nodded immediately.

Yu Xinyu is familiar and runs all the way with xiafeng industrial and commercial bureau bank. Of course, it will be at least a week after it is completed. However, xiafeng is not in a hurry. At the beginning of next month, the parts list of Tianyang heavy industry next year will come down. The time is.

After running all the way to eleven o'clock, Xia Feng said, "Teacher Yu, thanks to you, or I'll have to faint. I'll treat you to delicious food at noon."

"Good." Yu Xinyu was happy and shook his head again. "It's not hard today. After you pinched my legs yesterday, last night, the whole person seemed to be very relaxed. His legs seemed to have been soaked in mint blisters. They were so comfortable and slept well. When he got up this morning, he was also light. It seemed that he wanted to dance when he was fifteen or sixteen."

She said and really put on a dance.

Raise one hand gently, raise the other hand, and twist the small waist into a s.

At this time, she was still in front of the restaurant, which could be said to be on the street. She was already eye-catching. This twist was like a hundred watt bulb lit up in the dark night, attracting countless eyes.

She's really a wolf.

Xia Feng can only sigh, but fortunately, the overall safety environment of China is really good. It can protect their daughters and let them publicize their beauty.

After entering the restaurant and sitting down, Xia Feng said, "do you want me to help you pinch it again."

"OK." Yu Xinyu was happy and put his legs on the chair.

Yesterday's dress is more convenient. Today's cheongsam and hip wrap design are a little tight. She can only pull up the hem a little, and almost the whole thigh is exposed. It's really dazzling to put it on the chair.

Xia Feng converged and gave her a light pinch. A waitress came in to order. When she saw it, she said, "please pay attention. There are regulations in our store. We can't mess around."

Hearing this, Yu Xinyu blushed, and Xia Feng became angry: "how can you talk? Her leg hurts when she wears high heels. I pinch it for her. Why did she mess around? Get out, change someone to order, or ask your manager to come." the waitress glanced at Yu Xinyu's leg on the chair. Almost the whole thigh was exposed. Is there such a pinch? However, she and Xia Feng had a pair of eyes and had a sudden attack in her heart.

Xia Feng used to fight a lot, but he was only fierce. In the past six months in Linjiang City, he has experienced a lot of things. His eyes are not as fierce as before, but he is more condensed. In a rage, he has a strong murderous spirit. Naturally, the waitress can't stand it. She doesn't dare to distinguish her mouth and turns around and goes out.

At the door, she also muttered: "pinch your legs, cheat who, I don't know where to pinch."

"Nokia's face, square head and square brain, Siemens' ass, there is no curve behind, but there are still many problems, annoying." Xia Feng Leng hum.

After listening to the waitress's words, Yu Xinyu blushed and giggled when he heard Xia Feng's poor mouth.

"Really, the uglier it is, the more mischievous it is." Xia Feng also said with a smile: "regardless of her, I'll relax for you and ensure that you can feel comfortable for a week. Let's continue!"

Xia Feng pinched Yu Xinyu's calf and thigh.

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