"What do you mean..." the fat man's face was just a little bloody, and suddenly turned pale again. Whether nine or ten, there will always be time to finish. What shall we do then?

"It's very simple." Xia Feng pointed to Kong Wenwen's mother and daughter and said, "during this time, the safety of their mother and daughter will be handed over to you. If they lose a hair, you'll die."

The fat man shivered. His face was as bitter as balsam pear picked off after autumn and hung on the windowsill for half a month, but he had to promise immediately: "I promise they won't have anything."

"Then go away." Xia Feng waved.

The fat man ran away, but before he left, he left several people. The first one was the red hair, who guarded Kong Fang's house. This was to be a bodyguard for Kong Wenwen's mother and daughter.

"They all ran away, uncle. You're great." Kong Wenwen praised Xia Feng on the spot for his potential as an official.

"Average, the third in the world." Xia Feng was also poor with the children. Unfortunately, Kong Wenwen didn't see Zhou Xingxing, didn't understand the stem, and didn't give him support.

Song MI was equally grateful and said to Xia Feng, "thank you. It's almost noon. Would you like to have a simple meal at home?"

It's better if it's not good. Xia Feng promised to come down before he finished his own business.

Hearing his promise, Kong Wenwen was happy and took Xia Feng to see pleasant sheep. Song MI was beautiful and good at cooking. He quickly fried several dishes and brought Xia Feng wine.

She also poured a cup herself. At this time, she asked Xia Feng's name, picked up the cup and said, "thank you, Mr. Xia. I respect you for this cup."

He dried up.

Xia Feng also dried up the wine. Kong Wenwen was there. He couldn't say anything. He ate and drank. Song Mi actually could see that Xia Feng said that Kong Wenwen ate and coaxed her to sleep.

Song Mi came out and smiled miserably at Xia Feng: "Mr. Xia, my husband also owes you a debt, right? There's really no money at home. I'm only one person. If you don't mind, I'll give myself to you."

She forced to smile, with a sad face and determination in her eyes.

Xia Feng sighed. As soon as Kong Fang patted his ass and ran away, he didn't think about what to do with his wife and children.

Seeing song Mi unbutton his shirt, Xia Feng shook his head and said, "factory director Kong doesn't owe me. However, I'm from the bank. Factory director Kong borrowed 30 million. Do you know?"

"Thirty million?" Song Mi shook his body and hurriedly held the chair next to him. Then he didn't fall.

When she sat down in the chair, tears fell down in her eyes: "he didn't tell me. 30 million, how can I afford it?"

With that, the tears fell down like beads with broken lines.

"Don't cry first." Xia Feng wouldn't comfort people and said, "factory director Kong ran away with 30 million. The money should not be spent for a while and a half. Therefore, as long as we find him, we may be able to recover the money."

Song Mi turned to look at him, and there was a light of hope in her tears: "what do you mean?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "I hope you can tell me where he is now. No matter what happens, he is a man. He should stand up and not let his wife and daughter suffer."

Hearing this, song Mi lowered her head again. After a while, she said, "he's with his uncle in Thailand."

Actually really asked, Xia Feng was happy and hurriedly asked: "tell me the detailed address. I'll find him. Hiding is not the way. I must find a way to solve the problem."

Song Mi nodded and told Xia Feng's detailed address. It was a small town called xiapi. Uncle Kong Fang opened a supermarket there, and Kong Fang hid there.

"OK, I'll find him." Xia Feng immediately stood up, thought about it, and said to song Mi: "Those people just gave me a scare. Maybe they can play a starting role, but it's not necessarily safe. I'll call you. It's private detective Yao Mengqi. She has many ways and has a wide relationship. She also has a certain relationship with people who know the police station and the underworld. If something happens, you call her and report my name, and she will help you."

Song Mi writes down the phone and repeatedly thanks. Xia Feng turns around to leave. Unexpectedly, song Mi rushes up and hugs him behind his back.

It was an accident. Xia Feng was surprised and heard song Mi say, "don't go yet. I want to thank you and repay you..."

Xia Feng is really moved. Song MI is very beautiful. Although she has a child, she is well maintained and has the roundness and fullness unique to young women.

But in this situation, if he did this, he would feel like falling into a well. He patted song Mi's hand and said, "no, don't worry. As long as it is possible, I will try to help director Kong solve the debt problem."

Seeing that he didn't look like cheating, song Mi let go and blushed and said, "then leave me your mobile phone number. I'll thank you again when I have a chance."

Xia Feng knew that her gratitude was true, but she was afraid that it was more true. Xia Feng's performance of one dozen and thirty just now made her want to seek his protection as much as possible.

"OK." Xia Feng left his cell phone number, and song Mi dialed his number at the scene. Xia Feng knew her worry, sighed in her heart and said, "if you call me, I'll help you."

After Song Mi's reluctant eyes came out, he saw several red hairs outside. Red hairs smiled at him. Xia Feng nodded and was too lazy to answer. He got into his car, drove back and called Yang Xiaofei.

Yang Xiaofei was at work and immediately asked for leave to rush over. She was happy and worried and said, "he really hid under the skin, but what if he fled to Thailand?"

If you report it, you can ask the public security international wanted to let the Thai police help arrest people, but Yang Xiaofei dare not report it. If the strict audit procedures, Kong Fang can't get the 30 million, and it's the best if he can give him 5 million. He gave Yang Xiaofei 2 million for the 30 million.

"I'll go and find him." seeing that Yang Xiaofei was going to cry again, Xia Feng had to make sure.

Yang Xiaofei wept with joy and said, "Xiao Xia, thank you."

Then he took the initiative to kiss him. Xia Feng was exhausted that night. The next day, she couldn't get up. Xia Feng had to give her a massage, and then booked a ticket to Thailand.

Last time I went to Thailand, I made two million yuan, and I almost ate Liu Simin in my mouth.

This time, it was a net loss. I had to pay for air tickets, but there was no way. My woman had difficulties, and I must work as a man.

Xiapi is not far from Chiang Mai. Xia Feng gets off the plane in Chiang Mai, and then takes the shuttle bus to xiapi.

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