Of course, Xia Feng didn't know this secret psychology. He just hesitated and decided to listen to Vania.

If he doesn't listen and doesn't say it himself, at least Kong Fang's meat factory will never be able to open, and his tossing during this period will be blind.

In fact, he also had a desire to get close to a woman like vaniya. Just as Liu Simin asked him to work, he would not refuse. After returning to Thailand, Liu Simin didn't look for him again, but he was a little lost.

This desire from the bottom of his heart is very secret. He doesn't know it, but he will do it subconsciously.

So, he just hesitated a little, then he was calm. Looking at the man in black, he smiled and said, "brother, don't pestle there. Come and sit down. I'm not familiar with your Thai food. Introduce me two delicious food."

The man in black hesitated and smiled. He came and sat down and said, "there are really some good dishes here."

"You can order two for me." Xia Feng poured him a cup of tea: "your name."

"I dare not call it expensive." the man in black was a little flattered: "my name is Huyan."

"It's brother Yan." Xia Feng was going crazy subconsciously in front of vaniya, but he was normal in front of tiger rock.

Huyan said he didn't dare. He introduced Xia Feng to some dishes. Anyway, Xia Feng was not polite to spend vaniya's money. He ordered a table and made a toast to Huyan. After a few cups, he became a brother.

Tiger rock actually knows Xia Feng's performance in the challenge arena. Although tiger rock was not at the scene at that time, he was very impressed after listening to people. After drinking a few more glasses of wine, he took his heart and lungs out with Xia Feng.

Vania's fight this time is a black boxing champion here, named Tony. This Tony is very powerful. If the last so-called champion was a local level, this Tony is a national level. In the whole black boxing market in Thailand, there are the top three.

Vania especially likes the black boxing match. Before finding Xia Feng, she actually lost several games in a row, all of which were lost by Tony. By chance, she knew that Xia Feng was in Thailand. With her power, she found out what Xia Feng was doing in Thailand. So she closed the meat factory and forced Xia Feng to help her fight.

He asked clearly in the mouth of tiger rock. He knew that vaniya really just wanted him to help fight a boxing match, and Xia Feng didn't care.

Just fight. When it comes to fighting, he is not afraid since childhood, or he likes it very much since childhood.

Boxing is nothing more than an upgraded version of fighting. Of course, black boxing is more cruel. He will die if he moves. But he has magical eyes and doesn't care at all. At most, he keeps some hands and doesn't kill people. As for being killed by Tony, he didn't think about it at all.

Still, with magic eyes, he is not afraid of anyone, at least in the boxing table.

Hu Yan is the person appointed by vaniya to entertain Xia Feng. The two drank wine and ate. Although Xia Feng ordered a table of dishes, he didn't waste them. He ate them all. Hu Yan admired his appetite: "no wonder you are so powerful. Ordinary people can't compare your appetite at all."

Xia Feng laughed and said, "just say I'm a loser."

Tiger rock also laughed.

After dinner, Huyan led Xia Feng to a hotel. Chiang Mai is a tourist city with many hotels.

However, there was no competition that day. The next morning, Huyan knocked on Xia Feng's door and asked Xia Feng to go with him.

Xia Feng didn't ask, followed tiger rock, took a car all the way out of the city, went to the suburbs and entered a manor.

He thought Vania wanted to see him, but he didn't. He was a little disappointed. In fact, he knew that Vania just wanted to use him. In fact, he didn't take him seriously and couldn't treat him like a friend.

Rock found someone to massage him and relax. He also showed Tony's boxing video to Xia Feng.

Tony is not tall, but very strong. His eyes are wild. He looks like a violent lion in the ring.

Xia Feng, who did not have magic eyes before, could not last a round under his fist. He did not underestimate Chinese Kung Fu. Chinese Kung Fu really had more airs, and there were too few systematic training in actual combat. Unless he practiced Sanda, he generally practiced traditional Kung Fu. Unless he practiced internal skills, he was really not the opponent of Muay Thai boxers who had been systematically trained.

Xia Feng's actual combat skills are actually from fighting, that is, fighting is OK. It's really not good in the boxing ring.

Of course, he is an exception now, but now he is actually cheating, just like the game.

Also because it opened and hung up, I was not interested in Tony's video. Instead, I was interested in the boxing ring baby. I looked straight. Tiger rock was on the side and was secretly surprised.

He was ordered to receive Xia Feng and also had the task of secretly observing Xia Feng.

Vania was also surprised at Xia Feng's ability. It was amazing to swing the flying champion with one hand, so Liu Simin bet on hunting puma. Vania also bet $20 million on Xia Feng and Liu Simin to win.

As a result, Liu Simin withdrew from the competition, causing her to lose 20 million.

Although she lost, vaniya's interest in Xia Feng didn't decrease, but she didn't want to observe Xia Feng closely, so she explained to Hu Yan. Hu Yan reported what he noticed to vaniya.

Vania sneered: "smelly men have a virtue."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xia Feng followed Hu Yan into the ring.

Tiger rock asked Xia Feng to change clothes and wear crotch protection. Xia Feng shook his head and said no. tiger rock asked Vania for instructions, so he followed him and took him in.

The boxing ground is a little smaller than the last one. There is a big platform in the middle and a circle of seats around it.

Xia Feng got on the stage first. There were more than a dozen people sitting under the front stage. They were divided into two parts. One was headed by Vania, with five or six people. The other was headed by a man in a red shirt. He was tall, with a big face and big eyes. Sitting there, he looked like a vicious tiger squatting.

Xia Feng took a look and was not interested. No matter who it was, it had nothing to do with him.

It was Vania who brightened his eyes.

Vaniya is still dressed in yellow, which is the national costume of Thailand. Her hair is tied in a bun at the back of her head and tied with a wreath. Sitting there, she is more charming than flowers.

"She's really no worse than the fake childe Liu Simin." Xia Feng praised secretly.

He looked at Vania, and Vania was looking at him. Vania's eyes shone and cried, "Xia Feng, win and double the bonus."

She is usually cold. When she enters the boxing ring, she is particularly excited.

"This woman likes stimulation." Xia Feng made a judgment in his heart.

His reaction this time was rather indifferent, which surprised Vania. Last time, he did magic and funny. What's the matter this time?

Vanya's eyes flashed, as if she wanted to say something. Her lips moved slightly and closed again.

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