At this time, Tony came out, wearing a cloak and a headband. His eyes were as fierce as a tiger with Xia Feng.

This guy is really a ferocious man. Ordinary people have a pair of eyes with him. I'm afraid they'll be timid first.

Xia Feng was not afraid, but smiled a little.

Vanya under the stage has been paying attention to him. She first saw that Xia Feng was light and thought Xia Feng was afraid. Seeing his expression, her hanging heart was relieved. She was surprised: "is he interested in Liu Simin and excited at the sight of Liu Simin?"

Xia Feng didn't know that Vania was thinking about him in the dark. Tony still had a complex ceremony to do. Xia Feng didn't bother to see it. He wasn't a beauty. He simply practiced a set of Yi Jin Jing on the stage. His set of muscle changing Sutra is the kind promoted by the National Sports Association. It has a little effect, but it is not as divine as that in martial arts novels. However, with the magic eye, this set of muscle changing Sutra has doubled its effect. After several simple postures, it can run blood and blood. Its meridians are like the Yangtze River, and its meridians are surging continuously.

When he finished practicing and Tony finished the complicated ceremony, the red shirt slapped and two men in the side door brought in a big red box.

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng said curiously, "is it a box of money so heavy? If it weren't for a box of gold, it wouldn't be."

This time, he was forced by Vania, and then Vania dumped him and only let tiger rock entertain him, so he was not interested and showed a faint performance.

But the red shirt made him interested at once.

The box was lifted under the stage and opened. It was not money or gold, but a beautiful woman. She had little cloth and her snow-white skin was dazzled by the light.

Anyway, Xia Feng's eyes are clear and straight.

It's not that he hasn't seen a woman, but the red shirt surprised him by carrying a woman out of a box.

The beautiful woman in the box stood up, folded her hands as her chest, first saluted the red shirt and Vania, then turned around and saluted Tony, then twisted her waist, separated her hands, and danced in the box.

Xia Feng didn't understand the dance at all, but he looked straight.

This is really, how to describe it? He really can't describe it, but he feels very exciting.

The beauty finished the dance, saluted again, and then lay down. She curled in the box, and the man next to her covered the box.

Xia Feng's eyes knew the activity. He peeped at Tony next to him, just like him.

Tony is the champion. His income must be high and there must be a lot of women, but the hand of red shirt is too fresh, which obviously stimulated his nerves.

The red shirt noticed his expression and was very proud. He said, "Tony, tear him up. This beauty is yours."

"She's mine." Tony replied stiffly, squinting at Xia Feng like a wolf.

Seeing that success aroused Tony's ferocity, the red shirt glanced at Vania, quite proud.

Vania giggled and shouted, "Xia Feng."

Xia Feng looked at her and thought, "what can she do?"

But Vania raised a hand: "if you win, I allow you to kiss my hand."

Her hands were in the air, slender and white, like snow and jade.

With this hand, the attraction has exceeded the beauty in the box.

Xia Feng's eyes brightened and said, "then I'll win."

The red shirt didn't expect that Vania would have such a move. In consternation, he laughed: "miss Vania, you are too stingy. If I were a woman, he would kiss wherever he wants."

"I'm a woman, that's right." Vania turned her head and smiled, "but his opponent can't. If his opponent is a fierce leopard, I will promise this reward."

Xia Feng heard from Huyan yesterday that the fierce leopard is also a black boxer, similar to Tony. They haven't played, so it's not necessarily which is better. Anyway, the bosses of both sides boast that they are strong.

When Vania said this, it seemed that the fierce leopard was much better than Tony. Without other people's reaction, Tony on the stage was angry, stared and roared.

This sound was like a tiger roaring, and a layer of ash fell on the roof.

"Human tiger." Xia Feng was shocked.

It's really amazing that a person can practice to this level. If he doesn't have magic eyes, he's really afraid he can't hold it for ten seconds.

However, he admired Vania more.

Vania only stretched out one hand, which offset the beauty incentive in the red shirt. In a word, Tony was furious. It was really a good idea and a good means.

Like Liu Simin, she is not only beautiful, has a good family background, but also has great ingenuity.

The referee stood in the middle, whistled, then stepped back and got off the stage directly. No one dared to stand in the middle of the black fist referee.

Black boxing doesn't need a referee.

"Ow." Tony stared at Xia Feng and yelled.

This is taking people by sound.

Unfortunately, Xia Feng was not afraid at all. Instead, he was happy to see Tony calling. He turned to Vania and said with a smile, "that's what we call when we kill young pigs in our hometown."

Vania giggled.

She is usually cold. She will laugh only when she goes to the boxing ring or meets her opponent.

Sure enough, she is a woman who needs stimulation.

Tony was furious, roared again, and rushed to Xia Feng with an arrow.

"Be careful." tiger rock sat far away and saw Tony pounce on him, but Xia Feng was still talking and laughing with Vania. His head hadn't turned around. For a moment, his hair stood up and couldn't help shouting.

When Xia Feng heard the sound, he not only didn't turn his head, but turned to tiger rock and nodded at him.

What manners are you showing now? Hu Yan's heart almost jumped from his throat, but his eyes flashed.

Although Xia Feng didn't turn back, he squatted down suddenly and turned back to sweep his legs.

Tony has never touched the leg sweeping in Chinese Kungfu. To be honest, many moves in Chinese Kungfu are ostentatious and useless in their eyes.

But the shelf also depends on where, when and who will use it.

It may be useless to sweep the legs of the hall if they are under the feet of ordinary people, but Xia Feng's use is absolutely useful.

Tony didn't expect Xia Feng to have such a move, and he was completely unprepared. In a moment, his feet flew into the air, swept his feet up, and fell on the boxing ring.

Before he could react, Xia Feng jumped forward and grabbed Tony's ankle in his right hand. With a sound of hey, he swung Tony up and swung him in two circles. As soon as his hand was loose, Tony flew out more than ten meters from a distance and knocked down a large row of chairs.

"Yeah." Vanya clenched her hands and screamed fiercely, with a very excited light in her eyes.

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