Xia Feng followed Lu Xingyi to the warehouse. Yiduo is worthy of being a foreign-funded enterprise with strong capital. There are forklifts in the warehouse, so there is no need to move them manually.

In fact, it's not the problem of strong foreign capital. Foreign labor is too high, so those who can use machines should try not to use people. In fact, Chinese labor is also expensive now. Xia Feng comes here to work, but it's only about 3000 yuan. But if he goes to the construction site to move bricks, it also costs two or three hundred yuan. It's not a dream to earn eight thousand yuan a day or a month.

However, the construction site is too hard for ordinary people. People like Tong Dawei would rather get three or four thousand a month in the warehouse and work overtime for more than five thousand, rather than go to the construction site to earn eight thousand.

Now fewer and fewer people can bear hardships.

Xia Feng doesn't want to suffer. If he gives Qiao Jianyi a face but wants to come here to carry the box, he will also call and ask Qiao Jianyi to come forward and find Du Mingzhu to transfer him, otherwise he will quit.

But driving a forklift is another matter. It's almost like being a driver. He's still willing to do it.

At this moment, he also understood that Lu Xingyi had asked him if he could drive. Cars can drive, and forklifts are easier. Therefore, Lu Xingyi taught him once, and he will. First, the goods are not in place twice. After practicing twice, he is good at it.

After driving a forklift all morning, I rested for two hours at noon. There was a canteen. When I had dinner, I saw the beauty Liu again. Xia Feng said hello: "Hey."

Beauty Liu smiled at him, nodded her head, and then passed. She was not enthusiastic.

Normally, he is a white-collar college student. He is a black-collar porter. Don't take the village head as a cadre, but driving a forklift is really not a driver.

This society is too realistic.

Of course, if Xia Feng is a handsome man, it's another thing to say. Unfortunately, he's not handsome yet.

He can't eat on his face, especially when he drinks.

He didn't care. He found a place to sit down for dinner. Many people, many of them girls, but he didn't see Kong Fuzhi, let alone Du Mingzhu, which disappointed Xia Fengwei.

He didn't want to see Du Mingzhu, but he had some expectations for Kong Fuzhi. The previous turn was full of charm.

While eating, a man came over and sat down opposite him. He was in his twenties. He was about the same size as Xia Feng. He was medium-sized and thin. He was in the same Forklift Group as Xia Feng. However, Xia Feng had called someone before. No one said hello to him all morning, so he didn't know his name.

The man sat down to Xia Feng, but he didn't seem to say hello and buried himself in eating.

Xia Feng doesn't care. He looks around while eating. It's not bad. Generally, there are many beautiful women in Yiduo such companies. There are several people who come to eat. Although they can't compare with Du Mingzhu, they are also quite good. The man on the other side ate like fighting and robbing. He snapped and pulled a meal and finished it. He put down the bowl, chewed a few times, swallowed and sipped his mouth. He looked at Xia Feng and said, "my name is Wu Chi, Wu of martial arts, and the pool of the pool. I'll make an appointment in the afternoon."

If Xia Feng didn't bother to talk to him at ordinary times, you're not a beauty. What do you want to make an appointment with you? But Wu Chi's look made him angry and raised his eyelids slightly: "OK."

Wu Chi didn't say much. He nodded and said, "I'll find you after work."

Took the plate and turned away.

This guy is a trainer.

Looking at his back, Xia Feng sneered: "I didn't expect this little Yiduo to hide the great Xia."

Wu Chi must want to help Tong Dawei stand out. OK, brother, I'm a leading bird.

Xia Feng slowly ate four plates before he came out.

After a two-hour break at noon, the short and strong men gathered to play cards. Wuchi brushed his mobile phone in a corner, as if reading a novel, and his thumb moved from time to time.

Xia Feng also found a place, picked up the carton board and brushed his mobile phone.

In the afternoon, I drove a forklift again. After getting off work at 5:30, Wuchi came over and said, "let's go."

"OK." Xia Feng followed him. He noticed that Lu Xingyi and short and strong men looked at him.

"I want to wait to see my joke, right? Haha, you'll see it tomorrow morning." Xia Feng laughed in his heart and made an idea. Tong Dawei kicked his chest. He couldn't see the obvious injury, so he had to fight in the face.

If you dare to stand out, your brother will beat you into a pig's head. Tomorrow, let them give you some incense and treat you as a cold pig's head sacrifice.

Looking at the back of Wuchi, Xia Feng screamed in his heart.

There is a bus outside the company. Wuchi gets on the bus, Xia Feng follows up, takes a few stops, gets off the bus, Wuchi walks in front, Xia Feng follows behind, crosses a road, and comes to a park. There is a small lake. After half a circle, there is a forest.

There is an open space in the forest. It is quiet and no one is there.

Wu Chi stopped, turned around and looked at Xia Feng. Xia Feng also stopped and looked at him coldly.

Wuchi hugged his fist: "Xia Feng, first make it clear that I'm not acting for Tong Dawei. The man's mouth is cheap and he doesn't deserve to be beaten. I'd like to beat him already."

"Hmm?" this was beyond Xia Feng's expectation. Younger sister Ni, you didn't call your brother to this ghost place for Tong Dawei. Do you really want to date?

Seeing Xia Feng's crazy face, Wu Chi squeezed out a smiling face. Although it was ugly, Xia Feng was sure he was smiling.

Wuchi explained: "I'm just a Wuchi like my name, but I have to pay for boxing. Fighting costs more. It depends on your Kung Fu, so I'll talk to you. It has nothing to do with Tong Dawei."

That's what I mean.

Xia Feng understood and took a look at Wuchi.

This person should be the kind of sullen, not good at talking, not good at communication, and a little paranoid.

For such people, enmity is the most troublesome enemy, and making friends is the most reliable friend, as is also the case in cement plants.

"OK." Xia Feng itched for a moment and opened his posture: "don't talk nonsense, come on."

"OK." Wu Chi nodded and said, "don't worry, we don't play the throat, the lower body and the back of the brain, pure communication."

"A lot of nonsense." Xia Feng simply moved forward and punched him in the chest.

"Come on." Wu Chi's eyes suddenly lit up. As soon as he flashed, a whirlwind leg swept over to Xia Feng. Xia Feng flashed back and kicked back, and Wu Chi also avoided.

He stepped back and looked at Xia Feng with bright eyes.

Sure enough, it was a martial pool. The excitement in the clear eye was like a child seeing new clothes for the new year.

Xia Feng also came to strength. Instead of the Demon power of the magic eye, he only used his own Kung Fu. He really wanted to compete with Wuchi.

A fake move at the foot of Wuchi suddenly punched him. Xia Feng flashed and punched him back.

After coming and going, Xia Feng found that he couldn't beat Wuchi without the Demon power of magic eyes. Although Wuchi was as thin as him, his body method was very flexible and his foot boxing was very heavy. At this level, if you go to practice scattered teams, you can at least enter the provincial team.

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