Xia Feng and Wu Chi played several rounds. Xia Feng got two punches and one foot, and also gave Wu Chi a punch and one foot. Have a rest. Wu Chi said, "you're very good."

"You're ok too." Xia Feng nodded. He wouldn't admit to his face that Wuchi was better than him.

Wu Chi grinned, rested for a few minutes and said, "come again."

"Come on, I'm afraid of you." Xia Feng waved his fist.

The two men played for more than half an hour. Xia Feng had magical eyes and was not tired, but under normal circumstances, he should be tired. Wu Chi was a little tired. He forked his waist and gasped. Xia Feng didn't want to expose the monsters of magical eyes. He also deliberately took a few breaths and said, "OK, it's fun to be here today."

"It's really fun. I haven't started with anyone for a long time." Wu Chi said, coming over and taking Xia Feng's shoulder: "go, go to me, I'll get a wordy snail and let's have a drink."

"Wordy snail?" Xia Feng's eyes lit up when he heard it: "do it yourself or buy it."

"Of course I'll do it myself." Wuchi was obviously a meal, and said, "what do you buy to eat?"

"OK." Xia Feng nodded immediately, "the wine is mine. The beer is still white. Let's have a beer."

"OK." Wu Chi doesn't like Qiao either.

The so-called wordy snail is a snail that cuts off its tail and cooks it in its shell. When eating, it comes out with a suction in the back.

There are skills when sucking. If the force is too strong, it will suck the intestines into the mouth, which is a little disgusting, so it's either light or heavy. When the meat is in the mouth, the intestines are left outside and removed, so it's clean.

This wordy word of wordy snail means light suction. It seems to be a little troublesome, but the fun is here.

Of course, you should be able to do it. The spices should be well matched. There is a snail in the cement plant. It tastes absolutely delicious.

When Xia Feng came to the river, he had never eaten wordy snails. At this time, when Wu Chi said he would make wordy snails, he immediately salivated.

Wuchi is a rented house, which is rather biased. It seems to be an old house in some factory area, but it has two bedrooms and one living room, and everything on the kitchen balcony. The rent is estimated to be not expensive, but Xia Feng didn't ask this.

Wuchi said, "sit down. There's water over there. Pour it yourself. I'll get the wordy snail. It'll be fast."

"Do you want me to help?" wordy snail is troublesome to eat and even more troublesome to make. We should clamp off the tail tip with pliers first, otherwise we can't suck it out. "OK."

Wu Chi nodded and said, "do it together. Hurry up."

Xia Feng followed him to the kitchen. There was a big bath basin with a basin of snails. Xia Feng looked and shouted, "this snails is good. It's not big or small. Did you buy it?"

"No." Wu Chi shook his head. "I touched it in the park lake. There was no park lake here before. Two years ago, I fished half a bag and put it in it. This year's harvest is great. I have to eat it every day."

"High." Xia Feng raised his thumb.

It's really easy to raise snails.

Wu Chi also laughed: "it's kept in the park lake. It's clean."

This is the truth. There is a river near the river, but the sewage is also discharged in it, especially in hot days. Even if there are snails, they must not be eaten.

However, the lake in the park is much better. Firstly, there is no sewage discharged into it. Secondly, it is managed. Even if there is dirt left by tourists, it is immediately fished away. The snails fished here are relatively clean.

Wuchi found two small stools, one by one with Xia Feng, and took a pair of pliers to Xia Feng. However, he came out empty handed with a snail, grabbed it in one hand and held it in the other hand, and the snail tail fell down.

Don't underestimate his hand. The shell of the snail is calcified. If you hammer it with a hammer, it will rot naturally, but if you want to break the tail of the snail, ordinary people can't do it.

"Yes." Xia Feng tilted his thumb again.

Wu Chi said with a smile, "it's also a practice. I'm fine, so I'll think about it."

"I'll try it too." Xia Feng took a snail. He didn't use the Demon power of the magic eye, but only his own power. He was really stubborn.

This requires strength to the fingertips. If he hasn't practiced, he really can't. of course, if he practices for a month or two, he can do it.

He doesn't want to show his magic eye in front of Wuchi, but it's not good to show too weak. Wuchi can be a long-term friend after making friends. If he uses the magic eye at that time, Wuchi will think he's too fake.

So he didn't bend down for the first time. He shook his fist in a casual fashion: "I don't believe it."

He deliberately took two breaths and bent the screw tail down with a sound of hey.

Wu Chi laughed: "you're good, too. You're a little clever."

He said, gently breaking one.

He picked up one and broke it. He threw it into a basin and picked up another. He could break one in about a second or two. Even if Xia Feng used the magic eye, he was not as fast as him.

"Have you ever opened a nightclub before?" Xia Feng asked curiously. This technique is too fast. It feels very first-class.

"Yes." Wu Chi nodded, "my sister used to open a nightclub. I helped her in her shop. I made wordy snails. My hands are familiar."

"I said." Xia Feng suddenly said, "then why don't you open it? There should be a lot of people eating wordy snails."

"There are so many gangsters that they don't give money." Wu Chi shook his head and said, "I fought a fight and lost a lot of money. If I can't drive, I'll come to Linjiang."

Then he took a look at the house: "this house is rented by my sister and me. They are also working, but they can't come back until after nine o'clock."

This is the life of normal wage earners. Xia Feng nodded and didn't ask again.

He is a demon, and he is just a normal person.

With half a basin of wordy snails, Wuchi got up and said, "that's enough. I'll fry it. You sit down and have a TV."

The martial arts practitioners were very fast. In less than 20 minutes, Wuchi finished the snail, and got a plate of fried meat with pepper and a plate of sugar mixed with tomatoes.

"Try one." Wu Chi poured wine and asked Xia Feng to try it.

Xia Feng tried one and praised it: "good, this taste is first-class."

Wu Chi said with a smile, "my brother-in-law's craft is better, but not as hot as mine."

"Your craft is absolutely first-class. If you go to open a nightclub, your business will be booming."

Xia Feng is not lying. He drinks with a group of young workers. He often likes to order a wordy snail. It's cheap and sufficient. He drinks just fine, so he has eaten a lot of shops. Wu Chi's craft ranks first, not to mention the first three.

"Difficult." Wu Chi shook his head, raised his glass and said, "come on, do it."

Xia Feng raised his glass and touched him with a soft touch.

You come and I go, a few bottles of beer go down, Wuchi talks more, and when it comes to opening a nightclub, Wuchi nods and shakes his head: "thought about it, but it's too difficult to open a shop in Linjiang. I saw a store hiring some time ago, which is not much bigger than our living room. The rent is 20000 a month, and it has to be prepaid for one year."

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