Xia Feng can't help with opening a shop. He still has to go to work every day. Qiao Jianyi seems to be busy these days, but he is busy every day and doesn't call Xia Feng. Of course, Xia Feng doesn't need to call him. As for Du Mingzhu, he doesn't see the ghost.

This is normal. He is a worker at the bottom and works in the warehouse every day, while Du Mingzhu is the vice president and works every day. How can there be intersection?

It is impossible for Kong Fuzhi, the Minister of the logistics department, to have any intersection with bottom workers such as Xia Feng.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he works hard. What's a little annoying is that Xia Feng likes to see beautiful women. There are no beautiful women in the warehouse, but he can't complain yet and has to continue to work.

Qiao Jianyi gave the list this year. Next year, the next year, this is the gold falling from the world. It is equal to the money sent to him in the bag. As long as he gives face and helps, he doesn't want to. How can he do that?

Don't say he gave Qiao Jianyi 600000. Even if ordinary people give him a million, they may not find someone. If they find someone, Qiao Jianyi may not accept it.

This is face.

The face is their own, but the face is given by others. If you only think about yourself, others will not pay attention to you.

Xia Feng thought about this thoroughly.

On that day, a pregnant woman came up on the way to work. The bus was very crowded. In other words, in Linjiang City, every bus was crowded during commuting time. Even the subway could be crowded into slag. Xia Feng had no way. He got on the bus early and had a seat. He couldn't let a pregnant woman stand in front of him with her stomach, so he had to let the pregnant woman sit and stand by herself.

After two more stops, a man came up. It was Kong Fuzhi.

Kong Fuzhi wears a blue skirt with a white bottomed shirt inside. It is simple but fashionable, and the smell of white-collar workers comes to his face.

"She should have a car. How can she squeeze the bus?" Xia Feng thought to himself. At this time, Kong Fuzhi squeezed into the back and saw Xia Feng. Xia Feng said hello: "good morning, Minister Kong."

Kong Fu Zhi looked at Xia Feng and didn't seem to remember it. That morning, she looked at it. It took two more seconds to see the personnel note than to see him. It's normal not to remember, but Kong Fu Zhi blinked twice and remembered: "Xia Feng, morning."

Xia Feng was a little impressed that she could remember her name. She smiled and said, "it's a little crowded. There are too many people."

Kong Fu Zhi nodded. Someone squeezed her behind. She looked back and frowned slightly.

There was a man behind her. There were too many people and it was crowded tightly. The man squeezed tightly, which obviously made her very uncomfortable.

Xia Feng read the news and said that the subway in which city had got a special women's carriage. At that time, he also scolded. At this moment, he suddenly felt that it seemed reasonable.

A woman like Kong Fuzhi is really at a disadvantage when she comes to squeeze the bus or subway.

Moreover, she is quite beautiful and has the light mature charm of a young woman, which makes her more attractive to men. It's not easy to start at ordinary times. If the car is so crowded, it's also good to squeeze by the way.

Even Xia Feng thought to himself that if he could squeeze next to her, he would have a different taste.

Kong Fuzhi turned her face to the other side. Obviously, she was face to face with Xia Feng. She was a little embarrassed, and Xia Feng turned to the beginning.

Another stop, more crowded, suddenly heard Kong Fu Zhi's low cry.

Xia Feng turned his head, but saw Kong Fuzhi blushing and staring at a man behind her.

When she came up earlier, she intended to squeeze into a place where there were women, but she drove two stops. The women around her were squeezed away and all became men. Obviously, these men were intentional. Seeing such a beautiful woman with good charm, they all wanted to squeeze to the side. It doesn't mean that they must take advantage, but it's good to be close to such a beautiful woman.

The man Kong Fu Zhi stared at was a fat man with a greasy face. Seeing Kong Fu Zhi looking at him, he smiled obscene.

Kong Fuzhi obviously had nothing to do with this kind of callous, so she pushed back, didn't want the fat man to follow closely step by step, and stretched out her hand to touch Kong Fuzhi's waist.

Kong Fu Zhi looked angry and stared at him. The fat man laughed: "it's crowded. It's crowded."

Xia Feng didn't notice before. This time he saw it. He was very angry. He pushed forward. He had great strength. He pushed his hands on both sides. People fell on both sides. He squeezed directly in the past and said to Kong Fuzhi, "minister Kong, come behind me."

Kong Fu Zhi nodded gratefully to him and pushed behind him. The fat man didn't know how to live or die and actually followed him.

Xia Feng was so happy that he gave up his body and asked Kong Fu Zhi to come over. Then he squeezed forward and put his elbow on the fat man's chest.

"Ah." the fat man screamed in pain. Although he has a lot of meat, who is Xia Feng? His fat can't stop this elbow.

"How do you hit people?" the fat man shouted with toad eyes.

"Good squeeze, good squeeze." Xia Feng smiled and put his elbow on the fat man's chest again, which was a little heavier.

"Ah." the fat man screamed again. He was not only fat, but also a little taller than Xia Feng. If he was weighed too much, he might be as heavy as Xia Feng. If he beat Xia Feng, the thin man, of course, he was unwilling and would come to beat Xia Feng.

But his hand was raised, and Xia Feng's elbow was pushed under his side like lightning.

"Ah." the fat man screamed and stopped, and his body shrunk. This elbow is really heartache: "the top of the bone is broken."

"It's good to squeeze, it's really broken." Xia Feng smiled and pushed the fat man on his shoulder.

The fat man really couldn't hold on. He stepped back. Xia Feng followed him step by step. The fat man stepped back, he followed, and then another elbow.

The fat man called and retreated. The car was crowded, but when he fought, people crowded on both sides, leaving a little space. The fat man retreated to the door of the car. At this time, at the next stop, the door opened, Xia Feng put an elbow on the fat man's chest, and the fat man fell out of the car, stumbled outside and hit the billboard heavily.

Xia Feng wiped a sweat: "it's good to squeeze. The old sweat is squeezed out."

"I'll kill you." the fat man screamed.

But in his scream, the driver closed the door and the car started again.

The fat man is crazy and wants to catch up. How is it possible that although he is fat, he can be fat? You can't add another 500 Jin.

Xia Feng smiled and raised his middle finger out of the window.

Looking back, he saw that everyone in the car was looking at him. He smiled and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "it's good to squeeze."

"OK." a man called in the back, followed by applause, and the last car of applause. Xia Feng was really embarrassed. He took a look at Kong Fu Zhi, who also looked at him with a smile.

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