Lin Feiyang pursed his lips and said with a smile, "it's all a small matter. This boy is not under our control. We can't keep him!"

Lin Yue said, "well... I'll deal with it?"

Lin Feiyang shook his head and said, "no, you and I don't want to deal with this matter. Just leave it to ah Zhen. We should be wise and protect ourselves. We can't get ourselves into it!"

Lin Yue nodded and said, "Dad, you're really thoughtful. My son understands."

Lin Feiyang took out his mobile phone. Xia Feng saw Ah Zhen's name on it with the help of bee eyes. After ringing twice, Lin Feiyang hung up the phone and sat down with his son to have tea.

Xia Feng wanted to know what their strategy was, so he sat down in the cafe opposite and continued to monitor Lin Feiyang with bees.

About half an hour later, a man in his thirties came to Lin Feiyang's box.

"Ah Zhen!" said Lin Feiyang.

Ah Zhen said, "Uncle Lin, Yue brother."

Lin Yue was also polite. He stood up, pulled a chair, let him sit down, and said, "brother Zhen!"

Ah Zhen said, "well, uncle Lin, what can I do for you?"

Lin Feiyang said, "yes, what I said now will only be told to you once, and you have to do it for me afterwards, but I have never said anything to you. Do you understand?"

Ah Zhen said with a smile, "you know uncle Lin, don't worry. You haven't said anything. We haven't even met this time!"

Lin Feiyang nodded and said, "you're very sensible. In fact, I'm very relieved that you do things, otherwise you won't be allowed to do it!"

Ah Zhen said, "Uncle Lin saved my life. I should do everything and do it well! I don't give uncle Lin any trouble!"

Lin Feiyang said, "I'm at ease. It's like this. We're going to send someone to kidnap min Aoxue the day after tomorrow. You find a way to kill min Aoxue! And blame that person. The means used by that person may be softer, not like kidnapping. Can you complete this task?"

Ah Zhen hesitated a little and then said, "Uncle Lin, why don't you make an accident and let them both die? Is it all over? Is it better?"

Lin Feiyang said, "I thought about it, but you are not necessarily the opponent of this person. I'm afraid you'll be folded in his hand. It's much simpler to just kill the people around him, so I think you'd better not do that!"

Ah Zhen said, "Uncle Lin, don't you believe my ability?"

"This man's ability is beyond your imagination. You can't underestimate him. Otherwise, you will suffer great losses. You should listen to Uncle Lin. otherwise, you may capsize in the gutter. I don't want to see you have an accident." Lin Feiyang said sternly.

Ah Zhenqi said, "Uncle Lin, you've never been like this before. Is there anything strange about this man?"

Lin Yue said, "this is really not a joke. This man is really extraordinary!"

Ah Zhen thought for a moment and said, "OK, I'll just do it according to Uncle Lin."

"Do a good job. After this is done, I'll arrange for you to go to Hawaii for vacation and stay there for three or five years before you come back," Lin Feiyang said.

Ah Zhen smiled and said, "well, uncle Lin, wait a minute. You give me the information. I'll go first."

"Well, you go and prepare. Remember, your enemy is very important this time. Don't be careless!" Lin Feiyang asked.

Ah Zhen left with a smile. Lin Yue said, "Dad, brother Zhen must be reliable, but... He's always a little arrogant. What if he stumbles?"

Lin Feiyang thought for a moment and said, "I can't care about it. This matter must be handed over to him. We have to get out of the matter. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome. If he handles it well, it's the best. Even if he doesn't handle it well, at least he won't betray us, so let's do it."

Lin Yue said, "OK..."

Xia Feng listened for a while, but he didn't have much to listen to, so he left here.

Xia Feng hesitated for a moment and called min Aoxue. Min Aoxue was a little surprised that Xia Feng contacted her and asked, "Xiaofeng, what's the matter?"

"Where are you now? I have something to tell you." Xia Feng said.

Min Aoxue hesitated and said, "I'm at home. Come here."

Xia Feng took a taxi to min Aoxue's home and found that Lin Zheng was not at home, but it didn't affect anything. After Xia Feng came to the study and looked around, he said, "Lin Feiyang met me today."

Min Aoxue said, "Oh? What did he say?"

"He said you were pregnant, isn't it true?" Xia Feng looked at Min Aoxue's stomach.

On the contrary, min Aoxue smiled and said, "in fact, it's not. It's just that Lin has someone he knows in the hospital, so he got a fake medical report. Unexpectedly, he really cheated him."

Xia Feng said: "after all, this hospital is foreign. After they got this report, they probably didn't expect you to cheat, so they believed it. There will be a shareholders' meeting in three days, isn't it?"

Min Aoxue nodded and said, "yes, what's the matter?"

Xia Feng said, "he wants me to kidnap you!"

Min Aoxue instinctively stepped back and said, "ah?"

"It's not kidnapping. In fact, it's to let me hold you and let Lin Zheng mistakenly think you were kidnapped, so that he can take the initiative in the shareholders' meeting," Xia Feng said.

Min Aoxue looked at Xia Feng and asked, "what are you going to do?"

Xia Feng said, "of course, I'll cooperate with Lin Feiyang to play a play. It's as if you were dragged by me and kidnapped by me. Anyway, Lin Zheng knows that he will not be manipulated by Lin Feiyang at the shareholders' meeting. What do you think?"

Min Aoxue asked, "is this OK?"

Xia Feng said, "it's OK to have me, of course, but... Maybe you should listen to me, and no one knows where we are, including Lin Zheng. When will Lin Zheng come back?"

Min Aoxue said, "he will be back soon. I called him."

Xia Feng nodded and said, "wait until he comes back."

Min Aoxue made a cup of tea for Xia Feng. Before Xia Feng finished a cup of tea, Lin Zheng rushed back. The three discussed the next action in the study.

Xia Feng said the situation, and Lin Zheng said, "OK, we all obey your arrangement!"

Min Aoxue said, "even you don't know where I am!"

Lin Zheng said, "anyway, you follow Mr. Xia. I'm relieved. I think he will definitely protect your safety."

Xia Feng said: "in fact, this is really for the safety of Miss min, because as far as I know, Lin Feiyang still has a backhand!"

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