Min Aoxue said, "thanks to you, otherwise the consequences are really unimaginable."

Xia Feng said, "now our most important thing is to have a sleep! Go to sleep first. We must transfer tomorrow. Even tonight, we may not sleep well!"

Min Aoxue asked, "don't you rest?"

Xia Feng said, "I need to watch the night, or I'll be touched and killed by us. Isn't it over?"

Min Aoxue asked curiously, "how do you know someone will come and get close? How did you do it?"

Xia Feng said, "you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, I just know. Hey hey, stop talking. Let's hurry to sleep now. You have to have a good rest, or you'll suffer in the past two days."

Min Aoxue nodded and said, "OK, I'll go to bed first!"

Min Aoxue lies down while Xia Feng sits by the bed. Min Aoxue looks at him.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "what? Do you still want me to sleep with you?"

Min Aoxue blushed and said, "what? No, I don't have this idea. It's your nonsense."

Xia Feng said, "go to sleep and close your eyes. It doesn't matter. I won't eat you!"

Min Aoxue closed her eyes and felt really safe in her heart.

After min Aoxue fell asleep, Xia Feng tucked in the quilt for her. She really didn't move her. She could hold her in the cave, but not in bed. Xia Feng was also afraid that he couldn't help it.

Xia Feng let the birds outside form a network to deliver information back and forth. If ah Zhen catches up, Xia Feng will be the first to know.

After midnight, Xia Feng actually went to bed and was safe all night. Xia Feng got up early and went out to buy some breakfast.

When he brought back earlier, he found that min Aoxue had woken up and put on his clothes. Min Aoxue who had just woken up had a lazy beauty. Xia Feng looked a little straight.

Seeing the snow, min Ao smiled and said, "what are you looking at?"

Nothing happened these two nights. Min Aoxue also relaxed a lot and knew that Xia Feng would not take advantage of others' danger.

Xia Feng said, "beautiful, it's really beautiful! It's a pity that I'm so honest. I spent two nights in the same room and didn't do anything. Who should I reason with!"

Min Aoxue said, "I know you won't do anything, but I'm not as beautiful as you say!"

Xia Feng said, "sister Xue, from the first time I saw you, I thought, that man is so lucky that he can marry you as a wife. Later, I know that Lin Zheng is actually... He is the same. My whole outlook is bad, isn't it too wasteful? Are you too unfortunate? At the same time, I'm glad that no man has occupied you for a long time, otherwise I'll feel bad."

Min Aoxue said, "you are exaggerating!"

Xia Feng said, "I really don't exaggerate. You are really beautiful. In fact, your current life should not belong to you. You should have a better life. This person may not be me, but definitely not Lin Zheng!"

Min Aoxue said, "I don't want to say this..."

Xia Feng said, "well, let's stop talking and talk about other things, or don't say anything and have breakfast!"

Min Aoxue asked, "what's the breakfast?"

"This place is small. There is nothing else delicious, that is, soybean milk fried dough sticks. Make do with it," Xia Feng said.

Min Aoxue was really a little hungry, so he ate, but the taste was really bad, so he gave up after a few bites.

Xia Feng looked at it and said, "it doesn't matter if you can't eat it. Wait a minute, let's find a better restaurant and fry a dish, but it's estimated that you're also a little unaccustomed to eating."

Min Aoxue said, "I'm not a hypocritical person, really!"

Min Aoxue said, but also deliberately picked up fried dough sticks and ate them.

Xia Feng looked at Min Aoxue and felt funny and good-looking. The charming beauty was very attractive.

After eating a fried dough stick and half a cup of soybean milk, min Aoxue wiped her mouth and said, "eat well."

Xia Feng suddenly stood up, grabbed min Aoxue's wrist and walked outside. Min Aoxue was a little confused and asked, "what's the matter?"

"They're coming!" Xia Feng said.

Min Aoxue felt a little incredible and asked, "how do you know?"

Xia Feng said, "it doesn't matter how I know. The important thing is that we have to go right away!"

Xia Feng took min Aoxue out of the town, because he knew in advance that ah Zhen would catch up, so he hurried away. Ah Zhen couldn't catch up. However, Xia Feng rushed to make min Aoxue feel urgent. Min Aoxue was also tired and panting. Xia Feng would look more when he saw her panting in front of her chest.

Min Aoxue noticed it and said, "can you stop acting like a hungry wolf? Look at others like this."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "it's so big."

Min Aoxue tried to fight. Xia Feng jumped aside, but soon took her little hand and said, "let's go quickly. People are urging us to die!"

Min Aoxue said, "isn't your eyes dishonest?!"

Xia Feng said, "I really can't be blamed for my charm! Hey, how can your husband rest assured that if you come out with me, you won't be afraid..."

Min Aoxue glanced at Xia Feng obliquely and said, "if he cares about this, why am I so desolate? Forget it, don't say this."

Xia Feng took min Aoxue to another town, but he didn't stay in a hotel. Instead, he bought a motorcycle. Min Aoxue sat behind and held Xia Feng's waist. Xia Feng felt the softness. Riding a car was also beautiful.

Xia Feng filled up with oil. They didn't know where they were because they didn't have mobile navigation. They ran so casually. They also ate at the service station at noon, and then continued on their way. When it was getting dark, they came to a small town, found a hotel and stayed here.

Today's hotel environment is much worse than yesterday's. There is even a stall of yellow things on the quilt, but min Aoxue can't help it. As long as she insists on staying.

However, today min Aoxue didn't dare to sleep in bed, but wanted to sleep on the sofa. Xia Feng didn't say much and sat beside her.

They sat like this before, and then they got together unconsciously, and even kissed

Xia Feng and min Aoxue are also dry firewood and fire. They are about to break through the last line of defense. Xia Feng suddenly touched a mobile phone and took it out to see that it was on.

Xia Feng suddenly lost interest and asked in an unhappy tone, "Why are you still carrying your mobile phone? You're still on! I said that ah Zhen's soul is haunted and can follow you all the time!"

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