Yu Miaojing understood that, Lili head, she asked Xia Feng to press the tailbone in order to leave some important customers in a unique way. This is similar to some snack bars, which put opium shells in the dishes. In fact, the method is somewhat Yin, but Xia Feng doesn't cooperate, she can't help it, and Xia Feng's words are reasonable. She also knows Xia Feng's skills, so she doesn't blame him, Lili head, I'm in.

Xia Feng changed his clothes and planned to leave before he went downstairs. His mobile phone rang. Yu Miaojing called and said, "cousin, where are you? Come back. Director Ning wants to ask you something."

Xia Feng nodded secretly, but she didn't take it seriously. When she arrived at the office of Yu Miaojing, a woman sat on the sofa, wearing a navy blue dress, shoulder length hair and a pair of delicate glasses, giving people a feeling of intellectual elegance.

She is in her thirties and sixties. She looks pretty good, but her chin is a little sharp. She is not as round as a young woman of her age. She should have something on her mind.

Seeing Xia Feng coming in, Yu Miaojing smiled and said, "this is Xia Feng, the technician."

She also introduced Xia Feng: "this is director Ning of the Municipal Health Bureau. She just praised your good workmanship, so she wants to see you and ask about beauty and fitness."

At this time, director Ning also stood up, unexpectedly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Xia Feng, smiled and said, "your technology is really good. I have been to many beauty shops and Thailand. I feel that your technology is the best."

"Director Ning praised me." Xia Feng said modestly.

Yu Miaojing beat a drum on the side: "director Ning, to tell you the truth, Xiaofeng is a technician I specially hired, that is, when you came, I called him. Ordinary people, he won't do it."

"Master like Xiaofeng, most people don't move." director Ning nodded in agreement with her words and said to Xia Feng, "Xiaofeng, have you studied medicine?"

Xia Feng nodded: "yes, mainly in traditional Chinese medicine, because massage needs to know a little knowledge of meridians and acupoints, and the effect is better."

"Sure enough." director Ning praised, "you gave me a massage before, and then you can see my disease. I knew you were not as simple as an ordinary technician."

"Xiaofeng is really powerful." Yu Miaojing also praised Xia Feng. She looked at Xia Feng and felt better and better. This little man really satisfied her.

On the contrary, Xia Feng was a little embarrassed to boast to them and said with a smile, "it's nothing powerful, just know a little knowledge of meridians and acupoints."

"Xiaofeng is modest." director Ning praised and asked, "Xiaofeng, let me ask, is it useful to massage acupoints for children with autism?"

"Autism." Xia Feng thought for a moment, and something naturally came out of his brain. He said: "autism is mainly because the heart qi can't be stimulated, the heart and kidney don't communicate, and the Qi machine is closed inside, so he is not interested in the outside world. If you stimulate the heart qi, make the heart and kidney intersect, and then stimulate the liver qi, it should be effective, but you need to see the patient to know."

Director Ning's eyes suddenly lit up, nodded repeatedly and said, "Xiaofeng, what you said is very reasonable. My daughter is a little autistic. Can you help me have a look?"

Director Ning was introduced by another customer. Yu Miaojing only knew that she was the director of the Municipal Health Bureau. For beauty salons such as Miaojing beauty, the Health Bureau was a serious mother-in-law, so please go out of Xia Feng and try your best to have a good relationship. Even you want to ask Xia Feng to use the hand method of pressing the tail bone to let director Ning stay completely. As a result, Xia Feng actually left his hand again, Yu Miaojing was more or less unhappy, but now she was excited when she heard director Ning's words and hurriedly said, "Xiaofeng, please help director Ning to have a look. Your technique is unique and may have an effect."

"Yes, yes." director Ning nodded and looked at Xia Feng.

She had been intellectually elegant and vaguely dignified, but now she lost all these. She was just a helpless woman and a worried mother.

"OK." Xia Feng didn't refuse: "I'll go with director Ning to have a look, but the effect is not certain. We have to see it."

"Of course." director Ning nodded repeatedly, stood up and said, "my name is Ning Xiyuan. Don't call me director Ning, call me sister yuan."

Xia Feng smiled.

Ning Xiyuan said hello to Yu Miaojing: "then I'll go with Xiaofeng first. Thank you today."

Yu Miaoyuan seemed to have a flower in his heart. He quickly nodded and said, "you're welcome." he also said to Xia Feng, "cousin, use more snacks."

She used to call Xiaofeng, but now she called her cousin. Ning Xiyuan smiled and said, "so you are cousins."

Yu miaojiang said with a smile, "my cousin is very powerful, but I have a bit of a cow's temper. I have to ask for thousands of things to let him do it once."

This kind of wrist is really a human spirit. Xia Feng can only laugh. Ning Xiyuan nodded: "people with ability have temper. It's all like this."

Ning Xiyuan drove down. Xia Feng had his own car and followed him.

After driving for about half an hour, I entered a community, got off and went upstairs. Ning Xiyuan's home is on the 28th floor, that is, the top floor. It is the design of the leapfrog structure, that is, both the upper and lower floors belong to her family. Although it is not a villa, this structure is not very different from the villa.

Ning Xiyuan took Xia Feng into the house and said, "my house is actually very high, but I don't dare to look down too much. It's scary, but I'll listen to you and look away."

Xia Feng nodded and said with a smile, "the scenery in the south of the city is good. Look at Nanshan, it's good."

Ning Xiyuan said, "yes, I like the scenery here first, and I want to take her to the mountains more for the sake of my children."

Xia Feng said, "it should have an effect."

"Yes, a little." Ning Xiyuan nodded: "she will be a little excited when going up the mountain, but she is still relatively closed. When she sees flowers, she will look blankly and play alone."

At this time, a nanny came out and Ning Xiyuan said, "where's Lili."

The nanny said, "it's in the game room upstairs."

"Well." Ning Xiyuan, Li Li's head, said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Feng, sit down and I'll call her down."

Xia Feng said, "I'll go up with you."

"That's good." Ning Xiyuan nodded and took Xia Feng upstairs.

Upstairs, I entered a room, which seemed to be a special children's room, with comics and all kinds of toys on the wall, which was dazzling.

In a corner, there was a little girl, about five to six years old. Facing the corner, a person was playing with a doll.

Ning Xiyuan said to Xia Feng, "this is my daughter Lili. She is six years old. She doesn't play with children. She stays alone in the corner and plays with dolls every day."

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