Xia Feng said politely, "Miss Zhao, of course there is no problem with this. I am happy to help you answer any questions about Qigong and quantum mechanics."

Zhao Ru said, "I really feel a little embarrassed. At first I didn't believe you."

"There are many people who don't believe me, and your reaction is normal. In fact, in the eyes of people, many Qigong are liars. I have met many people who think so. It's not your fault. There are too many liars, and it's really not your fault." Xia Feng said.

Zhao Ru said, "that's true. There are so many Qigong swindlers now that they can't tell the true from the false." Zhao Ru said.

Xia Feng helped Qin Youwei stop some wine. After more than an hour, the banquet was finally over. Xia Feng sent Qin Youwei to the car. Qin Youwei held Xia Feng's hand gratefully and said, "cousin, you really helped me. I must thank you when I look back."

Xia Feng said, "it's just a small effort."

"And your cousin, remember," Qin Youwei said.

Xia Feng nodded, "I know."

"Don't you really go to my house to have a seat?" Qin Youwei asked.

Xia Feng said, "it's already three o'clock. I have something to deal with in the evening."

Qin Youwei said, "in that case, I won't bother you."

After Qin Youwei left, Xia Feng stood at the door of the hotel. After a while, Zhao Ru came out. When she saw Xia Feng, she smiled and said, "let you wait a long time. I'll let them all go. Otherwise, I don't know how they will tell me to go with you tomorrow."

Xia Feng said with a smile: "beauty is this kind of trouble. Too much trouble is easy to cause misunderstanding."

Zhao Ru said, "where am I beautiful? I'm very ordinary..."

"If you were ordinary, there would be no beautiful women in the world," Xia Feng said.

Zhao Ru said, "exaggeration, let's go have tea and talk about Qigong by the way."

Xia Feng and Zhao Ru came to a teahouse. They sat down to eat snacks and drink tea. Xia Feng showed Zhao Ru some so-called Qigong. Zhao Ru was stunned and shouted magic.

Xia Feng said: "Quantum mechanics is a micro existence, and Qigong is invisible and untouchable. To put it bluntly, it is to control some micro phenomena. For example, taking things from space is actually to control the quantum on one side and connect the quantum on the other side. Therefore, quantum entanglement and Qigong are the same thing. There are some legends and stories in ancient times, which may also be related to this."

Zhao Ru asked curiously, "can others learn your Qigong?"

"In fact, we should pay attention to talent. There is a kind of Qi in people's body, which is also a prerequisite for practicing. However, some people are naturally short of breath, so they can't practice at all. Therefore, qigong is always linked with metaphysics, but it can't be linked with science," Xia Feng said.

Zhao Ru said: "it's really amazing. I couldn't believe it before. Who knows that qigong is actually linked to science. It really opens the door to a new world for me!"

Xia Feng said: "this is actually quite normal. In this world, many things are unknown. Some things are obviously very scientific, but because others don't know, they are regarded as superstition. Of course, the main reason for this situation is that there are too many swindlers and there is no way."

Zhao Ru said, "I don't know others, but you really have some skills!"

Xia Feng looked at Zhao Ru up and down, and then said, "Miss Zhao, do you often sit there and do research?"

Zhao Ru nodded and said, "yes, you can see it?"

"I think your neck and waist are a little hard. In fact, it's because you sit too long. If you don't loosen your bones, you may have diseases such as lumbar keyboard protrusion in the future. Do you sometimes feel sore now?" Xia Feng asked.

Zhao Ru looked at Xia Feng in surprise and asked, "will you see a doctor?"

"Of course, you can see a doctor if you know Qigong. In fact, qigong is a craft serving traditional Chinese medicine. Its main function is to dredge people's meridians, loosen bones and really fight. Qigong is not very useful," Xia Feng said.

Zhao Ru hurriedly said, "then help me loosen my bones?"

Xia Feng said, "yes."

Xia Feng stood up and came to Zhao Ru and pressed her shoulder. The aura followed his fingers. Zhao Ru only felt cool and comfortable. Later, he got hot. The whole person was like soaking in a hot spring.

This is a box with sofas on both sides. Later, Zhao Ru directly lay on the sofa. Xia Feng pressed her waist again. Zhao Ru almost cried out. It's really comfortable.

More than ten minutes later, Xia Feng stopped and sat opposite.

Zhao Ru didn't want to get up for a moment. After lying down for a while, she got up and praised: "your Qigong is really good! I didn't believe in Qigong or traditional Chinese medicine before. It seems that I have to review it again in the future."

"That's right, but you can't believe it blindly. After all, there are many liars now. No one knows who you will meet next time." Xia Feng said.

Zhao Ru asked, "what if I only find you?"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "well, I'm not bragging. My Qigong and traditional Chinese medicine are extremely clever. If you have any discomfort, you can come to me and ensure that you get rid of it!"

Zhao Ru said, "well, I'll come to you if I have anything in the future... By the way, can you still massage me in the future?"

Xia Feng said, "I'm glad to help Miss Zhao!"

Zhao Ru nodded and said, "well, that's it."

After chatting for a while, Zhao Ru glanced at the time and said, "let's talk about it today. Well... Tomorrow is the weekend. Are you free to come to my house? I'll invite you to dinner!"

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I have something to do this weekend, so I can't go."

"How about next weekend?" Zhao Ru looked expectant.

Xia Feng thought for a moment and said, "OK, you can."

The two separated. Xia Feng drove back to the factory. Liu Xiyuan had finished work. Xiao Hu had just finished school and was sent back by the school bus. Xiao Hu jumped on him when he saw Xia Feng.

Xia Feng said, "little tiger, let's go, let's go!"

Xiaohu said happily, "great, you can go out and play!"

Liu Xiyuan smiled and said, "I thought you couldn't come today. It's already more than six o'clock and it's almost dark."

"How can I not come when I promise you?" Xia Feng said, "let's go and get in the car."

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