Xia Feng and Xiao Li came to Peng's office. A mature and charming Secretary received them. She ran two cups of tea and asked Xia Feng and Xiao Li to wait in the office, and then went out by herself.

Peng Jiahe's office is very big and looks very elegant. Xia Feng said, "this office is good. It's many times better than mine!"

Xiaoli said with a smile, "when we get bigger, we'll make brother Feng's office bigger than this!"

Xia Feng said, "in fact, it doesn't matter. Although the office is small now, there are you in it!"

Xiao Li blushed and said, "bad guy!"

Xia Feng and Xiao Li waited for almost two hours before Peng Jiahe came back. He was in his forties and kept a good figure. His face was red. Xia Feng knew that he was energetic at first sight. He also guessed that they gave him the top wine. Most of him didn't drink it because he didn't need it.

Xia Feng was thinking about countermeasures. Peng Jiahe said politely, "you've been waiting for a long time!"

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Peng."

Peng Jiahe said, "please sit down, RuRu. Come and add hot water!"

The gorgeous female secretary came out to add hot water to Xia Feng and Xiaoli's water cups. Xia Feng frowned slightly. It is said that they have been waiting here for more than two hours and need to change a cup of tea, but Peng Jiahe just added hot water to them, which is a little interesting.

Although it is not stated clearly, this detail can explain the problem very well, that is, the Peng family and have no intention to talk about the business with them at all.

However, Xia Feng certainly wouldn't give up. He didn't care. He picked up the tea cup, drank a few mouthfuls of tea and said, "President Peng, we're here today for the sake of top wine..."

Peng Jiahe said: "I know that I have noticed about Dingtian wine for a long time. It's just about this wine product. In fact, we are not very interested. At present, there is a kind of bubble wine on the market, and the sales volume is also good. We think the market has been saturated."

Xia Feng said: "Mr. Peng, our wine works very well... If you're welcome, other similar products can replace it if it can be vigorously promoted!"

Peng Jiahe said with a smile: "how to say this thing? In fact, what we drink is a brand. In this way, we can rest assured that the effect is the same. You must know this well."

Xia Feng was silent for a moment and said, "Xiao Li, go out first. I have something to talk to Peng."

Xiao Li stood up and said, "President Peng, I'll go out first, huh?"

Peng Jiahe nodded and said, "well."

Xiao Li went out and closed the door.

Xia Feng said, "Mr. Peng, I know you've never eaten anything like this, so you don't count the effect of this thing. Am I right?"

Peng Jiahe was stunned and said, "I really haven't eaten anything like this."

Xia Feng said, "you don't need to eat, because your energy is strong, and you have brought you some trouble, right?"

Peng Jiahe was stunned and said, "Oh? Trouble? You can see it? Can't you?"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "your situation is not too serious, but it has brought you great trouble. You must be very distressed?"

Peng Jiahe sat up straight and said, "what bothers me first?"

"Your energy is too exuberant and your needs are particularly large, but after you finish, there will always be a sense of emptiness. Am I right?" Xia Feng said.

Peng Jiahe nodded and said, "Well!"

Xia Feng said again, "in fact, it's all right. Do you find that you feel a little pain in your abdomen after you finish?"

Peng Jiahe glanced and said, "how do you know?"

This is a secret of Peng Jiahe. He didn't tell anyone or even ask for a doctor. How did Xia Feng know?

Xia Feng said, "I can see that your Yang is too high. At this time, your hormones surge, but this alone can't do this. You have to keep up with other aspects, so you will feel weak. As for your recent abdominal pain, this is also the reason. When you need tonic, eliminate the fire!"

Peng Jiahe was skeptical about this and said, "I still need to make up for it? Extinguish the fire under the condition of making up for it? Aren't you lying to me?"

Xia Feng hurriedly said, "Mr. Peng, I don't have to lie to you! What's the advantage of lying to you? But your situation will get better soon if you recuperate."

Peng Jiahe asked, "do you have a way to recuperate for me?"

Xia Feng said: "I am a traditional Chinese medicine, and this medicinal wine is also the result of my painstaking research. President Peng, if you don't believe me, I can't help it, but if you believe me, I will make you feel unprecedented comfort within three days, absolutely!"

Peng Jiahe said suspiciously, "what are you going to do?"

Xia Feng said, "I'll give you acupuncture and moxibustion. I'll prescribe some medicine, including bathing and taking. You can use them separately. After three days, you'll know the effect!"

Peng Jiahe asked, "do you have a medical qualification certificate?"

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "not yet, but if I can't do it, I won't tell you this, let alone do it. It's not fun. Besides, I've made it very clear just now. Believe me, then I'll treat you, and then you'll get better! If I don't believe me, then it's useless to say so much."

After being stunned for a moment, Peng Jiahe said, "in fact, I have a sense of emptiness afterwards. It's not a big deal. I can ignore it."

Xia Feng said, "if it's really just a sense of emptiness, the problem is not very big, but now you have abdominal pain. It's not a small thing. This will cause a big problem. I'm definitely not alarmist. If you have a stomachache, do you still feel uncomfortable every morning? It hurts when you touch it?"

Peng Jiahe thought for a moment and said, "this has really happened recently."

Xia Feng said, "at that time, I was afraid that you couldn't touch it when you were the most uncomfortable, but you continued to pour fire. Am I right?"

Peng Jiahe sighed, "can you see all this?"

Xia Feng said, "because I saw your physical problems, I can see them. President Peng, these things need to be solved urgently. You can't delay any longer."

Peng Jiahe hesitated and said, "but you don't have a medical qualification certificate!"

Xia Feng said, "the medical qualification certificate is not a proof of medical skill!"

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