Although the Peng family and now trust Xia Feng, they are not brainless, but return things to business. This is actually a professional performance, and Xia Feng also admires it.

When Xia Feng returned to the hotel, he found that Xiao Li didn't go out and asked, "why didn't you go out to play?"

"What's the meaning of going out alone? Isn't this waiting for you? How's the business negotiation?" Xiao Li asked with Xia Feng in her arms.

Xia Feng said: "there is no substantial progress, but it is basically certain that he will purchase our medicinal wine. It depends on how much he will purchase and whether his promotion will increase."

Xiaoli said, "you're really good. We talked for a month and there was no progress. You'll get it right away as soon as you start!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "in fact, it's nothing. Let's go out and have fun. We'll have results the day after tomorrow. We'll play here for two days!"

Xia Feng took Xiao Li to the mall and went shopping crazily. Now Xia Feng has some money and is willing to spend money for her women, so Xiao Li also had a very good time.

On the third day, Xia Feng and Xiao Li came to Peng Jiahe. Xiao Li was chatting with RuRu outside the office, while Xia Feng entered the office alone.

Peng Jiahe said frankly: "Brother Xia, I've tried your medicinal wine for my friends. It's really effective, and it's obviously not a placebo, but a real effect. That's good. I've decided to purchase 100000 bottles of you in advance, and then I'll keep up with the promotion later. In the next six months, we'll focus on your medicinal wine!"

Xia Feng said happily, "thank you, President Peng!"

Peng Jiahe said, "no need to thank you. This is a win-win thing for us. I think your medicinal wine is worth doing. Well, the person in charge of our procurement department will contact you for details. I hope you can be more reasonable."

"Our price is actually very reasonable, but some people will not accept it for a while and a half, but this effect is definitely worth the price. Of course, you buy a lot, and you can talk about the price again," Xia Feng said.

The Peng family nodded and said, "well, good, that's a deal!"

Xia Feng shook hands with the Peng family. Although they didn't sign the contract, the business must have run away.

Peng Jiahe added, "I have something private to confirm with you!"

Xia Feng said, "Mr. Peng, just say what you have. Don't be polite to me."

"It's still about my body. I really feel much better, my abdomen doesn't hurt, and I don't feel empty afterwards. Well, I don't hurt in the morning. The effect is really good! In that case, do I need to pay attention to anything in the follow-up? Or do I need to take a bath and take medicine?" Peng Jiahe said.

Xia Feng said, "your body has actually returned to normal, but because it has taken too long, it needs to be consolidated. Take a bath and take medicine. You're holding on for a month. I'll give you acupuncture later today. It's almost good."

Peng Jiahe said happily, "it's really hard for you."

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "it's not hard. In fact, I'm very happy to make President Peng recover."

Peng Jiahe said, "what, Mr. Peng, just call me brother Peng in the future. I'll call you brother, brother. We'll be brothers in the future. You can come to me directly if you have anything!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "OK, brother Peng, we recognize this brother!"

Xia Feng did acupuncture for Peng Jiahe. Peng Jiahe also recognized Xia Feng as a miracle doctor. He asked, "brother Xia, if I have any questions about this medicine in the future, can I find you?"

Xia Feng said, "of course, you can call me anytime."

Peng Jiahe nodded and said, "OK!"

Xia Feng said goodbye to the Peng family, then returned to the hotel with Xiao Li and began to pack up and prepare to go back. As for the business, it was handed over to the business department.

On the way back, Xia Feng sat in her seat and Xiao Li was lying in the co pilot's position. Xiao Li suddenly looked up and asked, "Xiao Feng, how did you negotiate this business?"

Xia Feng smiled and said something about the situation. Xiao Li said, "you're so powerful. Can you cure it? And you still have the disease of vigorous energy?"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "there are all kinds of diseases in the world. This is called difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Hey, Xiao Li, show me if you have any difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

Xiaoli glanced at Xia Feng and said, "what can I have? Really! But I really have a sister. Her condition is very strange. Why don't you go and have a look for me?"

"How strange?" Xia Feng asked.

Xiaoli said: "she seems to be a symptom of anemia, but she went to the hospital and found out that she is not anemia at all. Moreover, once she is treated according to anemia, she will have nosebleed. She has a lot of nosebleed every time, which is frightening!"

Xia Feng thought about it in his heart and said, "what else?"

"Ah? You don't know what's going on?" Xiao Li was a little disappointed.

Xia Feng said, "you just say that. I don't see the specific situation, so it's hard to say. I'd better see the patient first."

Xiao Li said, "then go and have a look? It won't take you too much time."

"Now?" Xia Feng was a little surprised.

Xiao Li said, "anyway, it's not dark when you go back. Go and have a look. My friend has been troubled by this disease for many years. She's almost a little depressed and needs to be treated as soon as possible!"

Xia Feng said, "OK, where does she live?"

Xiaoli reported an address. Xia Feng directly entered the navigation and drove there. Xiaoli said, "I'll call her first!"

After Xiaoli finished calling, she hung up and said, "she happened to be at home today. We'll go straight there. She knows you're seeing a doctor for him, so there's no need to talk nonsense when you get there. Just take her pulse and see a doctor."

Xia Feng said, "let's talk when we get there!"

Xia Feng returned to Linjiang City, then came to a community according to the address and went to her friend's house with Xiao Li.

It was a girl in her twenties who opened the door. She looked thin and weak. She felt a little weak. Xia Feng's first impression was Lin Daiyu in the Red Mansions. Although she was weak, the beauty was exciting. Because she was thin, some places were not very big, but the Manyao with yingying grip was also unique.

Xiao Li said, "this is my friend, Yu Xingyu. Xiao Yu, he is Xia Feng."

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