Liu Ruyan said unconvinced, "this is because there is no color head, so I didn't take it seriously. That's why I lost to you! My card playing skills are very powerful."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "let's have some color?"

"OK, OK!" Liu Ruyan cheered again.

Xia Feng held his chin in one hand and said, "what color do you want?"

Xiao Li said with a look of fearlessness, "how about taking off a dress if we lose?"

Liu Ruyan gave a cry and said, "where is this OK?"

Xiaoli smiled and said, "Miss Liu, aren't you very good at playing cards? What are you afraid of? Or are you not good at playing cards at all?"

Liu Ruyan said, "I'm good at playing cards."

"Then come on! So are you afraid?" said Xiao Li.

Xia Feng glanced at Xiao Li. She didn't know what medicine she sold in her gourd. Xiao Li blinked at Xia Feng. It was like saying, I can create opportunities for you. You should hold it yourself.

Xia Feng said, "this... This is not very good."

Xiao Li said, "I don't think you can play cards, so you're afraid!"

Liu Ruyan said, "no!"

Xiao Li said, "then you'll lose. Take off a dress! If you don't dare, you can't do it!"

Liu Ruyan said, "I'm not fooled by you. No matter what you say, I won't do that!"

Liu Ruyan still has her own arrogance, so she finally didn't agree to the proposal. Xiao Li had to give up. Later, Xiao Li accompanied Liu Ruyan, and Xia Feng went out.

Xiaoli can also be regarded as a solution to Xia Feng's danger. After all, if she is really alone with Liu Ruyan, Xia Feng can't promise to do nothing.

The next afternoon, Liu Meimei called Xia Feng and said, "Xia Feng, pick up people at the airport. I'll take your car."

"OK." Xia Feng drove over.

Not much. Liu Meimei came out and got on the bus. Xia Feng started the car and said, "who will you pick up?"

Liu Meimei said: "the company engaged in promotion. A singer was invited from France. Director Kong also went and asked us to pick it up."

"Also invited singers from France." Xia Feng a pinch of tooth flower seeds.

"It's said that what kind of jade star is it?" Liu Meimei's eyes brightened.

"What's your name?" Xia Feng asked.

"It seems to be Diman." Liu Mei turned her cell phone and shouted, "Wow, it's so beautiful."

"Really." Xia Feng was interested and turned to see a blonde, in her twenties, very young, standing on the stage, wearing a red low cut skirt, very beautiful and sexy.

"What a hot girl." Xia Feng whistled.

At this time, he saw Kong Fuzhi's car in the rearview mirror. He thought of one thing and asked, "minister Kong knows French?"

"It seems not." Liu Mei Tucao said: "the deputy general said that the answer was temporary, make complaints about the hole length, and we do not understand French, but we will be happy to see it."

"Then I'm going to have fun." Xia Feng stroked her sleeve. Liu Meimei giggled and squinted at him: "you're going to see a beautiful woman."

"Yes, I'm looking at beauty." Xia Feng turned to stare at beauty Liu at a red light and glanced at her chest.

"Where do you look? It's annoying." Liu Meimei does Shiyang boxing. She says it's annoying, but she doesn't. girls like others to say she's beautiful, so the name beauty is so popular.

When I arrived at the airport, I stopped. Kong Fuzhi also came down. She was wearing a light purple professional dress and an emerald necklace around her neck, which made her skin like snow.

Xia Feng said hello first: "minister Kong."

Kong Fu Zhi nodded and smiled, but didn't answer him.

This is normal. She is so cold and arrogant in the company, and Xia Feng doesn't care.

After waiting for a while, when the plane arrived, people poured out. Kong Fuzhi dialed the phone. She didn't know French, but she knew English. Among the people Diman took, it was estimated that some knew English. They successfully connected their heads. After a while, several foreigners came to me.

One of the girls, with blonde hair and thin waist and snow skin, stood in the crowd like a shining moon.

"Wow, I have to compete with Lucy." Xia Feng couldn't help but praise Diman when he saw Diman.

But then he became angry. Diman took two assistants, a man and a woman. Xia Feng had gone to help them carry the box. As a result, the man said to the woman, "you're locked. There are many thieves in China. Pay attention."

The man spoke French. He thought Xia Feng couldn't understand it, but he didn't know that Xia Feng was demon and immune to all languages. He immediately pushed back: "Paris is the most famous thief."

He spoke French. The two foreigners were stunned. Diman frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

She used to wear a pair of sunglasses. It is estimated that they are used to prevent dog cubs. It is a pity that no one in China knows her, so she took them off and took them in her hand. Her dark blue eyes and long blond hair are just like the princess in a fairy tale.

But Xia Feng was angry and didn't fall for Diman. He pointed to Diman's male assistant and said, "I helped him carry the box, but he said there were many thieves in China."

Fortunately, for the sake of Diman's beauty, he didn't bring out more Paris thieves.

"David, you must apologize." Diman turned to look at the male assistant. He looked stern, but his voice was clear and clear. He was worthy of being a famous singer. His voice was like a rose soaked in cream, unspeakably delicate.

The man's assistant blushed and looked at Xia Feng. Xia Feng also looked at him coldly. The man's assistant was unwilling to apologize, but Xia Feng not only knew French, but also had a momentum. He had no choice but to caress his chest and bow his head: "I'm sorry, it was a slip of the tongue."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "come to China to make money. Then, please at least respect your customers."

"You're right." Diman was very sensitive in this regard and immediately agreed with Xia Feng: "I also apologize for my colleague's boldness. I yearn for China and Chinese culture. This is a great and mysterious country, so I pushed off several very important performances. I must come and have a look."

No matter what she said was true or false, it was pleasant to hear, and she was as beautiful as a flower and her voice was as charming as a warbler. At the moment, she looked sincere, smiled and did nothing. It was a kind of honor to just look at her.

Xia Feng naturally couldn't dress up any more, smiled and said, "miss Diman, I welcome you on behalf of China. I'm sure your trip to China will not be disturbed."

There were no Chinese people who knew French at the scene. Kong Fuzhi and Liu Meimei stared at him and thought he was talking about heaven.

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