Xia Feng helped move the box to the commuter car. Diman three took Kong Fuzhi's car. Liu Meimei still came back to Xia Feng. As soon as she got on the car, Liu Meimei called, "can you speak French?"

"A little." Xia Feng smiled and shook his hair: "how, do you think I'm a little handsome now?"

But Liu Meimei didn't laugh. The driver from a warehouse can speak French. It's really a bit like talking at the end of the day.

"Which school did you graduate from?" when beauty Liu asked this, she looked very respectful. Those who can speak French must be Xueba. My school, you haven't heard of it. "

Xia Feng teased her with pure heart.

"Which school?" Liu Meimei was unwilling.

"Cement factory children's school." Xia Feng said it in French.

So beauty Liu listened in her ears, just grunting and grunting, and became taller and taller.

On the first day of meeting, Xia Feng didn't come to work, but went to the warehouse. She didn't pay attention to Xia Feng. Later, although Xia Feng drove a commuter, he also felt that Xia Feng might be a little backstage in the company.

However, at this moment, she felt that she should look at Xia Feng with a new eye.

Unexpectedly, she graduated from a school where she couldn't even understand the name. It was so what. For a time, she had a feeling of endocrine boiling.

In fact, she was not the only one excited. As soon as Kong Fuzhi got off the bus to the hotel, he immediately called Xia Feng and asked, "Xia Feng, can you speak French?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded.

His modest attitude gave Kong Fuzhi a deep look at him and said, "this reception is mainly for you. I'll give you three times the overtime pay, OK."

"Yes," said Xia Feng, nodding.

Immediately enter the working state, help to lift the box down, then lead the way and help open the room until the three dimans are sent into the room, and leave the mobile phone number for the female assistant named Anna. Please have a rest before they come out.

Kong Fuzhi and Liu Meimei couldn't speak French, so they followed. Xia Feng talked to Diman and accompanied them with smiling faces. If Diman looked at them, their smiling faces doubled. Until they left, Kong Fuzhi sighed.

Since entering the workplace, she has always taken the initiative. She really met such a passive scene like today for the first time. Youci was more curious about Xia Feng. She sighed and smiled at Xia Feng: "I didn't expect you to know French, otherwise you would be passive today."

Yes. " Liu Meimei beat a side drum: "I don't understand at all. Chickens talk to ducks. There's no communication at all."

"It's true." Kong Fuzhi nodded in agreement and said to Xia Feng, "I didn't expect that our logistics department has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Xiaofeng, you have a good performance this time and have an appropriate opportunity. I'll react with the top and do translation directly. We are a French funded enterprise and need talents in this field."

"Thank you, Minister Kong." Xia Feng doesn't want to be a translator, but Kong Fu Zhi's kindness must be thanked first.

After a few words of advice, Kong Fuzhi left, while Liu Meimei stayed with Xia Feng to receive and wait for Diman's call at any time. Liu Meimei can't speak French, but she is a woman and Diman is a woman, so it may be necessary to leave Liu Meimei. This is where Kong Fuzhi is careful.

As for the commuter car, it's useless today. Xia Feng doesn't care. He pushes it directly to Kong Fuzhi. This is the car of the logistics department. That's why Kong Fuzhi sent a task. Naturally, no one dares to make a noise.

In fact, Xia Feng doesn't like it. He goes to touch snails with Wuchi every day. It seems that he can't go today.

There is another Liu Ruyan in his factory.

Diman rested for about an hour. Anna called Xia Feng's cell phone. Diman was hungry and wanted to eat.

Xia Feng and Liu Meimei went there immediately.

Diman is now wearing a skirt with a low breast design, which is very sexy. Xia Feng praised: "miss Diman, you are really as beautiful as the princess in the fairy tale."

Girls love to listen to compliments, regardless of race or color.

Diman smiled with joy: "really?"

"Let me compare and see if you are beautiful or the flowers are beautiful." Xia Feng said, snapping his fingers and suddenly a flower appeared in his hand.

This flower is as like as two peas in the hotel room, and a little flower buds. Xia Feng has picked it up. Suddenly, it is suddenly coming out. If the others do not say it, Liu Meiren will be foolish enough to say, "this flower is exactly like the potted flower in the room. But where did he hide it before?"

"Ah, this flower is so beautiful." Diman was surprised and happy. He took the flower and said to Xia Feng, "are you a magician?"

"Not originally." Xia Feng smiled and shook his head, "but because of your beauty, I suddenly am."

It's a little numb, but the French are already famous for numbness. As for the Chinese, there is a beauty Liu who doesn't understand French. She has been wondering where Xia Feng hid the flowers before, so Xia Feng can rest assured and be bold.

Diman giggles and is more charming than Hua.

We went to the restaurant together and had lunch with Diman. The three of Diman went back to their rooms to rest. Xia Feng and Liu Meimei also went back to their rooms. Liu Meimei suddenly became more interested in Xia Feng, but Xia Feng was not interested in Liu Meimei and had no intention to coax her. Although Liu Meimei wanted to get closer to Xia Feng, she would not directly come to his room.

At more than three o'clock, Anna called Xia Feng. Diman had a rest. Xia Feng called Liu Meimei. The two went to Diman's room. Diman looked at Xia Feng's hand and said, "haven't you spent any money?"

Xia Feng smiled. Before he came, he had an idea and made some preparations in advance. Now he snapped his fingers and turned a flower in his hand.

"Ah!" cried Diman Huan. She looked at the male assistant named David and said, "do you see it? Do you see it?"

I'm sorry they said about him in the room.

David stared at two brown eyes, like dead fish that couldn't be sold in the fish market in the evening. He shook his head for a long time: "strange Oriental."

This word barely counted as a Chinese word. Xia Feng didn't bother to argue with him and said to Diman, "miss Diman, if you have a good rest, you might as well go out with me, otherwise you'll come to China and stay in the hotel all the time."

"You're right," Diman nodded repeatedly. "That's what I think."

She said, looking at Anna and said, "Anna, what do you say?"

Anna hesitated a little and said, "I hope there won't be paparazzi following."

She said this and asked Xia Feng to shrug: "please, are you so famous?"

In fact, Diman is really famous in the past two years, but she focuses on the western market and is a singer. Few Chinese people really know her. If she is a movie star, it's another story.

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