Liu Meimei was at the back. When she heard the noise, she looked back and saw Xia Feng. Her eyes widened and hurried over. Xia Feng whispered, "what's the matter?"

"You're in trouble." beauty Liu exaggerated on her face: "miss Diman has a hoarse throat and can't perform. Moreover, she doesn't believe in doctor Huaxia. She's booking tickets now and wants to go back to France for medical treatment."

"Ah." Xia Feng was startled: "how could this happen?"

"I ate supper." Liu Mei shook her head and said, "it's too spicy. Besides, the hygiene of these snack bars is also a problem."

While he was talking, Kewal, the deputy general manager of the foreigner, came to the door. He looked angry and shouted to Kong Fuzhi, "you should take full responsibility for this matter."

Kong Fuzhi Jade's face was red, but she couldn't refute it. She was responsible for the reception. As a result, she was responsible for the reception.

At this time, she saw Xia Feng at a glance. She burst out a fire in her eyes and shouted, "Xia Feng, what's the matter with you? Tang Min said you fooled miss Diman to have supper last night, didn't you?"

Xia Feng had to go over and nodded honestly, "yes."

Kewal looked at Xia Feng, his eyes also burst out fire, and shouted to Kong Fuzhi, "fire him immediately. Also, call the police immediately. There must be a problem with the hygiene of the nightclub. Call the company lawyer to urge the police to seal the shop first and fix the evidence."

Xia Feng really didn't pay attention to the dismissal of god horse, but when he heard that he was going to seal Wuxi's shop, Xia Feng's heart ran up, pointed to cowal and shouted, "fart, what's the problem with hygiene? The nightclub is fine. Miss Diman's voice is hoarse, which is another reason."

When Kewal saw Xia Feng's sudden anger, he couldn't help taking a step back and said, "what are you going to do, what are you going to do?"

"Bah." Xia Feng bah to him and said to Kong Fu Zhi, "miss Diman's voice is hoarse. It's another reason. I'll cure her immediately."

"What?" originally, looking at Xia Feng's sudden anger, like the gangsters in the street, Kong Fuzhi frowned. When he heard this, he immediately looked surprised: "are you serious?"

Xia Feng patted his chest and said, "Chinese people are responsible. They are not like fools. They have no ability at all. If something happens, they will only be strange."

The beauty like Kong Fuzhi couldn't get used to hearing this. She couldn't help frowning again. Xia Feng didn't care about her opinion at all. When she walked into the room, Diman sat on the sofa with a painful face. Anna was with her. David was on the phone and didn't know whether to book tickets or communicate with the doctor there.

Seeing Xia Feng coming in, Diman smiled reluctantly. Anna was not polite and stared at him angrily.

Xia Feng went over and said, "miss Diman, your throat is inflamed and blistered, isn't it? This is not the reason for eating supper. In addition, you don't need to go back. I can cure you right away. It'll be fine in a minute."

"Really?" Diman's eyes brightened, but he immediately covered his throat, with a painful face and a hoarse voice. It seems that the inflammation is really serious.

"It's true." Xia Feng nodded: "but my treatment is unique. I have to chant a curse and kiss you for a minute, so I have to make it clear to you first, otherwise you will call me and accuse me of indecent behavior. If I don't say it when I enter the police station, I will have a bad reputation. If I can't find a girlfriend in the future, I will pit my father."

Diman couldn't help laughing and nodding, "as long as you can cure me in a minute, you can do whatever you want, but if you can't cure it, I'll sue you."

Now he covered his throat and said with a smile, but he had a different charm.

"It's a deal." Xia Feng smiled and nodded, "I'll treat you now."

"What are you going to do?" Kovar kongfu followed them into the room. When Xia Feng came near, he wanted to kiss Diman. They were surprised and angry. Kovar shouted first.

Xia Feng glanced back at him with disdain on his face. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and hugged Diman horizontally. Then he sat down and hugged Diman horizontally on his knee.

Not only Kovar kongfu, but also Diman was startled. He couldn't help shouting and covered his throat with pain.

"It's all right, baby." Xia Feng deliberately said in a sweet tone: "believe me, one kiss, I can cure you. Come on, smile."

He said and kissed Diman without hesitation.

Diman was stunned and hesitated for a moment.

The French are romantic and open. If they just kiss on the mouth, it doesn't matter. They kiss. They got along with each other all day yesterday. Xia Feng still liked her very much. Although she's not as tall as her, it's very interesting. Let him kiss. It's not disgusting psychologically.

But Xia Feng hugged her with both hands, one below and one above, stroking her neck, making a dark force, and Diman couldn't help opening it.

In fact, Xia Feng really doesn't want to take advantage. There is no way to cure Diman's throat inflammation. It must be his saliva.

Diman gave him dark control, so he had to accept his life and close his eyes.

The eyes of Kovar kongfu and others in the room were all round.

Cowall was so confused that he shouted, "call the police, call the police, I must sue him to jail."

Kong Fu Zhi also raised her eyebrows, and scolded in her heart, "this man is really timid."

Liu Meimei was completely stunned. Her eyes were straight and she said in a secret voice: "how can he do this? He's too brave to play hooligans so openly."

Anna sat on the side and was also stunned. She wanted to tear Xia Feng away, but she didn't dare to stretch out her hand. She went to see David. David was mainly a bodyguard, but David seemed to be confused.

However, David finally reacted and stretched out his hand to pull Xia Feng's hair. The fist of the other hand also shook up. He planned to pull Xia Feng's hair and punch his face half dead.

But although Xia Feng kissed Diman to close his eyes, his own eyes were open. Seeing David's hand stretched out, he suddenly stretched out his hand and bent his fingers to bounce on David's wrist.

"Ah." David screamed, his hand suddenly retracted, and his other hand still held his wrist. It seemed that he didn't play for Xia Feng, but gave an electric shock.

Anna is strange. She knows David's skill. Diman's bodyguard is a little rude, but she can really fight.

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