Wuxi shook her head and said, "nothing. What you just said is French."

Xia Feng nodded and said, "yes, do you want me to teach you."

Wuxi turned her eyes and said, "I want another time. How can I say?"

When Xia Feng was happy, he turned over and pressed her and said, "this sentence must be practiced in order to learn..."


In the evening, Xia Feng went back and found that Liu Ruyan was a little unhappy. It turned out that she didn't accompany her. Xia Feng explained that she was too busy. Besides, now Liu Ruyan lives in the factory dormitory and is accompanied by Xiao Li. She herself came to avoid her father. If she walked outside more, it wouldn't be very good.

Liu Ruyan thought it was reasonable, but Xia Feng had time these two days, so he accompanied Liu Ruyan around Linjiang city.

Liu Ruyan felt bored, but he didn't dare to go back and said, "Xiaofeng, how fun it would be if we could sell flowers!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "I have a small garden in your city. There are no flowers here. How can there be so many flowers for you?"

Liu Ruyan said, "I don't care. Anyway, you have to help me find something to do!"

Xia Feng said, "then wait a few days. I'll find a way. During this time, you and Xiaoli will find a place to play nearby."

Liu Ruyan coquettishly said, "Xiaofeng..."

Xia Feng said with a bitter smile, "well, well, you give me time!"

Xia Feng made an excuse to leave. At this time, she received a call from Kong Fuzhi asking him to go on a business trip with her to the production base in the suburbs. It may take a few days to prepare him.

As soon as he mentioned the suburbs, Xia Feng thought of building a nest there with Guo Wenjia. He really wanted Guo Wenjia, but there was no way. The operation had not started there. It was said to be fast, but even if the operation, I'm afraid it's not optimistic. Guo Wenjia can't come back in the short term.

Xia Feng has nothing to prepare. Just pack a bag and change clothes.

When she arrived at the company early in the morning, Kong Fuzhi told him to wait. She came down soon. She took a pink suitcase and wore a light brown suit, which looked very neat and capable.

"Is her car broken again?" Xia Feng murmured, but Kong Fuzhi came with the box. He had to get out of the car and help lift the box to the car. Kong Fuzhi asked him to serve, then opened the door and got into the co driver's seat.

I really want to take Xia Feng's car.

Xia Feng got in the car, started the car and said, "minister Kong, go now?"

Kong Fuzhi smiled at him and said, "yes, just call me sister Kong in private."

She said, looked out of the window and said, "wait a minute. We'll just follow cowall's car."

"The foreigner will come too?" Xia Feng asked casually.

"He's in charge of production." kongfu looked out of the window. At this time, cowal came down. He seemed to turn his head to find someone and touch his mobile phone.

Kong Fu Zhi shouted, "I'm here. I take the commuter."

Cowal took a look here, took his cell phone and got into his car. Xia Feng's car followed behind.

The car goes to Hexi. After crossing the river, there are fewer cars.

Kong Fuzhi asked, "Xiaofeng, which school did you graduate from and how did you learn French?"

Like Liu Meimei, she thought Xia Feng graduated from college and took French as an elective.

"My school, it's scary to say it." Xia Feng smiled and looked at Kong Fu Zhi. He was curious to see Kong Fu Zhi. He laughed and said: "my school name is a long string, and it's longer in French."

Then he purred a long string.

Kong Fuzhi was really confused, but she was much smarter than beauty Liu. She blinked twice and said, "how do you say it in Chinese?"

Xia Feng couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

Seeing that he smiled strangely, Kong Fuzhi wondered, "why do you laugh so much? Is there anything strange?"

When she asked this, Xia Feng laughed and said, "beauty Liu asked me that day. I answered her in French, and she won't ask again."

Kong Fu Zhi turned her eyes and said, "why can't you ask?"

"It's not that you can't ask." Xia Feng said with a smile, "but that she is completely different from you."

Kong Fu Zhi asked, "what's the difference?"

"You are smarter and harder to coax," Xia Feng said.

"Hum." Kong Fu Zhi hummed twice in her nose and said, "I knew it was weird. Be honest."

This tone was very friendly. Xia Feng smiled and said, "translated, Linjiang cement factory children's school."

Kong Fuzhi was stunned by the school name, and then burst into laughter. Xia Feng also laughed when she saw her smile.

Kong Fuzhi glanced at him with a smile and said, "I knew you were a ghost horse elf. If you were bad, you would cheat."

"I'm not lying," Xia Feng said, shouting, "I just said it in French. She doesn't dare to ask again. Blame me?"

Kong Fu Zhi also smiled and said, "next time I'll tell her and see her clean you up."

"Don't." Xia Feng hurriedly begged for mercy: "if Xiao Liu knew I fooled her, he must hate me. If he casually pointed to the East and the west at that time, he could run away and kill me."

"You know you're afraid." Kong Fu Zhi hummed twice, squinted at Xia Feng and said, "what's the trick of treating diseases with kisses?"

Very good. He successfully tilted the French building. Xia Feng smiled in his heart. He was as smart as Kong Fuzhi, and he could still coax him.

"That ah, can't say." Xia Feng came to strength and continued to flicker.

As expected, Kong Fu Zhi asked, "why can't you say it?"

Xia Feng glanced at her and saw that her face was full of curiosity. Also, a kiss could cure Diman's laryngitis. This is really amazing. Kong Fuzhi is curious and normal.

"Sister Kong, have you ever seen the scene of jumping the great God in the countryside?"

Kong Fuzhi is beautiful and smart, but the more so, the more exciting it is to deceive her, because she has a sense of achievement.

"Rural dancing God?" Kong Fuzhi shook her head and said, "no, but I've seen some divine sticks and women in movies and TV."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "I'm not a divine stick, but my one is also similar to inviting God."

"Please God?" Kong Fuzhi was surprised. She seemed to connect him with those magic sticks in the film and television. In her clear eyes, some strange things were floating.

Xia Feng smiled in his heart.

It's really interesting to fool such a proud and smart beauty.

Kong Fuzhi didn't know that Xia Feng was fooling her and said, "you invited God, so you cured Diman's throat."

Don't blame the shrewd Kong Fuzhi for fooling him, giving him a kiss and curing pharyngitis. It's really amazing.

"Similar, similar." Xia Feng said, "I'm not a divine stick."

"What's going on?" Kong Fuzhi broke the casserole and asked, "how did you invite God, what God did you invite?"

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