"Can a man say no?" Xia Feng glanced at her obliquely, patted her chest and said loudly: "a man must be able, must be able!"

Xia Feng said, walked to Kovar, stumbled again, then made a drunken fist movement and said, "Kovar, let you see the unique skill of China today, drunken fist, let you see how powerful it is!"

"Good, good, good! Good!" Kong Fuzhi applauded and cheered. She used to be cold and could control herself again when she was excited, but after drinking medicinal wine tonight, she was obviously a little frivolous.

Kewal looked at Xia Feng staggering left and right, staggering over, sneered at him and said, "drunken fist? What shit drunken fist? I'll make you drunk."

He wanted to teach Xia Feng a good lesson, but Kong Fuzhi's red face was so attractive that he couldn't help it. He planned to punch Xia Feng out and let him sleep until dawn, and then he could slowly eat Kong Fuzhi's beautiful meat.

It's just getting dark. I have to play tonight.

Covor made up his mind and saw Xia Feng staggering close. He took two steps forward, but he took a step back. What else did he call: "is Zhang Guo old riding a donkey upside down, smart or stupid?"

Cowal sneered and said, "I don't know Zhang Guo is always stupid, but I know you are a stupid donkey."

With a sneer, he was impatient and directly greeted him. His right fist was full of strength and hit Xia Feng in the face.

In his expectation, this punch will knock Xia Feng over like rotten wood, and then he can strip himself and dance to Kong Fuzhi. His dance will hook out the strength of Kong Fuzhi who has taken medicine. It is so cold and cunning like a floating red fox on weekdays, but tonight, he must let everything go, Let him play enough.

Cowall even thought that he would play with her, then record the video, and completely subdue her at one time.

Of course, afterwards, he will recommend to the chairman that Kong Fuzhi be the manager of the marketing department.

Cowall believes that Kong Fuzhi will accept it and become his lover and accept his training. This cold and cunning beauty will be his most charming lover from tonight on.

But cowall's punch hit the air.

This seems different from what was expected.

And I seem to have lost Xia Feng's figure.

What's going on?

Cowal blinked and looked down. He thought he was wrong and thought he had knocked down Xia Feng, or Xia Feng himself.

But there was nothing on the grass.

"Hello." suddenly there was a voice behind his head. Cowall turned his head and a finger appeared in front of his eyes.

It was really just a finger. The finger poked gently in front of his forehead. It was very light, but it seemed that something poured into his mind. He fainted.

"It's not like that." this was Coyle's last thought before he fainted.

"I won." seeing that Kovar fell on the grass like rotten wood, Xia Feng smiled and walked towards Kong Fuzhi: "referee, do you have a reward?"

"What reward do you want?" Kong Fuzhi giggled and shook her head unconsciously, like the little sister in the bar. She would never do this on weekdays, because she was not controlled by herself for the reason of medicine.

"Any reward is OK?" Xia Feng smiled, looking at the silly little white rabbit like a big gray wolf.

If there's no him tonight, or if he doesn't have magic eyes, at this time, it's Kovar who goes to kongfu branch. Then what will happen? She will be cowall's plaything and let the hairy foreigner play all night.

"What reward do you want?" Kong Fuzhi was a little excited and confused, giggling and repeating unconsciously.

"I just want a kiss." Xia Feng pulled her up and hugged her waist. Kong Fu Zhi put her hand on his chest. She was still giggling. Her pretty face showed an abnormal bright red. This is the reason for the medicine.

Under normal circumstances, she would push away Xia Feng, but at this moment, she not only didn't push away, but leaned soft on Xia Feng and giggled on her face.

Xia Feng put a little force on her hand, put her mouth close to her and kissed her lips.

Kong Fuzhi didn't mean to refuse at all. Her hand even stretched out and hooked Xia Feng's neck.

Even so, Xia Feng was no longer polite.

In fact, he hesitated to take advantage of kongfu branch, but kongfu branch was willing. It would be foolish for Liu Xia to hesitate again.

The next morning, Xia Feng woke up with a scream from Kong Fuzhi, so he woke up after Kong Fuzhi.

Xia Feng opened his eyes and saw Kong Fuzhi sitting in a corner of the tent with a thin blanket covering his chest. He was looking at him angrily.

Xia Feng thought about it and decided to pretend to be stupid. He hurriedly sat up because the thin blanket was torn by Kong Fuzhi. He was naked now. He hurriedly covered his hands and rushed out of the tent.

The clothes were thrown outside the tent, not only his, but also Kong Fuzhi's.

Not far away, Coyle was still sleeping, snoring and sleeping soundly.

Xia Feng was so happy that he put on his clothes and trousers, and then picked up Kong Fuzhi's clothes and trousers.

"Sister Kong, I'll put my clothes here." Xia Feng put Kong Fuzhi's clothes at the door of the tent.

"Go away." Kong Fu Zhi scolded inside.

This was expected by Xia Feng.

A woman like Kong Fuzhi will only get angry and retaliate or seek the greatest compensation after suffering such losses, instead of crying like ordinary women.

Xia Feng pretended to be in a hurry and ran away. He went to the stream not far away. He looked up and gave a silent ha ha. He took off his clothes and jumped down the stream to take a bath.

"This woman is really strong." Xia Feng secretly shouted, "I can't see her cold and light appearance on weekdays."

Xia Feng in the stream Tucao, tent, korfu branch make complaints about it.

Kong Fu Zhi left a lot of marks on Xia Feng's back, and Xia Feng also left a lot of marks on Kong Fu Zhi.

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