"It's not bragging." Xia Feng is very arrogant.

Kong Fu Zhi smiled, turned her eyes and said, "Hey, what did you say to invite God? What's going on?"

"This." Xia Feng looked at her, wanted to smile or not, and said, "this is really hard to say. If you want to know, unless you experience it yourself."

"Personal experience?" Kong Fuzhi was surprised and asked, "how can I experience it?"

"Just like miss Diman." Xia Feng looked at her and smiled.

Kong Fuzhi sits in the tent in a single plate posture with her right foot folded on her left foot. This posture naturally straightens her waist and closes her abdomen. Her posture is like Yang, which is very pleasing to the eyes. She should be used to yoga and shape her body very well.

If I put my arms around her waist and kissed her gently, it would be wonderful.

However, with Kong Fuzhi's shrewdness, Xia Feng estimated that he could not have such a chance.

Sure enough, Kong Fuzhi laughed: "I don't have a sore throat like miss Diman."

"Then there's no way." Xia Feng shook his head in disappointment and said, "I can't tell. Anyway, I just ask God to add incense in front of the ancestral altar. Please ask Master to stand in front of me. Master takes out the peach blossom sword and all demons and ghosts step aside."

He read out the mantra of old worker Xiong's faith to people, and heard Kong Fuzhi stunned.

If you don't believe it, you can see with your own eyes that Diman has such a serious pharyngitis. Just a kiss.

If you want to say the letter, I'm really sorry for her hard study for more than ten years from primary school to university, as well as the fact that all kinds of filthy good people don't live long in this society.

Just when she was wondering, cowall came back, carrying the big bag of crabs and showing off to Kong Fu Zhi: "look."

"Wow, a lot." Kong Fuzhi stood up and said with exaggerated praise on his face, "Mr. cowall, you're really good. We don't catch more than half as much as you."

Fishing can't be pulled violently. If you pull it, you should also put it twice. You should let the fish taste some sweetness.

Kewal was really elated with her boast. His face smiled badly. He hummed to Xia Feng and said, "how can you catch up with fishing?"

He was like a fighting cowboy. Xia Feng smiled. He didn't want to compete with cowall in this regard.

Covor brought a full set of picnic utensils. He didn't do much at noon. In the evening, he did it himself. The main dish was fried crabs, and then Xia Feng brought out the beggar eel. The smell was attractive. Covor nodded and said, "this method is good, very fragrant, but it destroys the environment."

Xia Feng was too lazy to argue with him.

Covor took out another bottle of red wine. There was a stack of paper cups and said to Kong Fu Zhi, "let's have a drink for this beautiful China and beautiful lady."

Xia Feng curled his mouth and said in his heart, "foreigners just have meat and hemp."

Kong Fuzhi smiled like a flower, didn't refuse, and said, "OK."

Of course, Xia Feng also poured a cup. As soon as he drank the wine, he immediately felt wrong.

"There's something wrong with the wine." he glanced at the bottle of red wine. Cowal opened it at the scene, but when he opened the bottle, the mouth of the bottle didn't face Xia Feng.

In other words, he may have opened this bottle of wine in advance.

Xia Feng remained calm and tasted the medicine.

Very simply, people's Qi and blood run along the meridians. Where the medicine drives the blood to flow, we can know its nature.

This medicine enters the heart, kidney and bladder meridians to accelerate Qi and blood, but it has a intoxicating effect into the brain. It is the most popular psychedelic aphrodisiac in the International Carnival.

This kind of medicine, after entering the human body, will make people unconsciously excited. Even the most chaste and conservative woman will be like a prostitute.

"This guy is so obsessed that he can't beat sister Kong that he even plays this hand." Xia Feng was surprised and angry. He squinted at Kong Fu Zhi, but Kong Fu Zhi didn't feel it. Because the characteristics of this kind of medicine are similar to wine, drinking wine is also exciting and intoxicating, so ordinary people can't distinguish it at all.

Xia Feng can't tell if he doesn't have magic eyes.

Xia Feng glanced at Kewal again. Kewal had a cup in his left hand and a piece of eel meat in his right hand. He was still praising: "fragrant, really good."

Seeing Xia Feng's eyes, he raised his glass magnanimously and said, "Xia Feng, I'll give you a toast for your eel."

"Dry." Xia Feng raised his glass and drank it.

Looking at each other with four eyes, Coyle flashed a smile in his eyes and said, "come on, fill up."

Xia Feng sneered in his heart and kept calm on his face.

The medicinal wine makes people unconsciously excited. Kong Fuzhi only wanted to drink one cup, but she became excited under the medicine. Cowal advised her, she poured another cup, and then another.

Xia Feng is no exception. He drinks when cowall pours wine, but he won't be confused. He can wrap the medicine with Qi and discharge it along the meridians.

After drinking a bottle of wine, cowall took out another bottle.

Kong Fu Zhi was alert and said, "don't drink any more. If you drink again, you will be drunk."

"It doesn't matter." cowall shook his head. "Such a beautiful scenery is already intoxicating enough. What does it matter if you get drunk a little more? Well, drink half a cup, half a cup."

She was really good at persuading wine. If there was no medicine, kongfu branch might refuse. Because of the onset of the drug, she couldn't control herself. Cowal seduced him with half a cup. Kongfu branch half pushed and half poured more than half a cup.

"All right." cowal laughed and raised the bottle to Xia Feng: "the rest is mine. I'm finished. I'll fight again while I'm drunk. Miss Kong will be the referee."

"OK, OK." Kong Fu Zhi got excited and clapped her hands and cheered.

"OK." Xia Feng also pretended to be a little excited.

After drinking a bottle of wine, it was completely dark. The fire reflected Kong Fuzhi's excited face. Her eyes had been a little confused, but she was shouting: "after drinking the wine, now you have a fist fight. I'll be the referee to see who is powerful."

Cowall stood up, went to the front lawn, and even imitated the Chinese look. He hugged his hands and saluted.

Xia Feng looked at his excited eyes and sneered in his heart. Now he figured out that cowal not only wanted to borrow medicine to get kongfu branch, but also wanted to beat him, because under normal circumstances, Xia Feng drank medicine and wine, the drug had an attack, his brain was confused and excited, and his physical reaction would also be greatly affected. He didn't have much strength at all. He only had to be beaten.

Cowall was sure that he had taken the antidote in advance and would not be affected.

"Everything is in the palm." looking at Coyle's pride hidden in the bottom of his eyes, Xia Feng sneered: "but you don't know, Lao Tzu's palm is bigger. You're actually jumping in my palm."

Xia Feng stood up, shook his body deliberately and staggered. Kong Fu Zhi smiled and called, "are you drunk, OK?"

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