Although Kong Fuzhi is a beauty, she is light and has a weight of more than 100 kilograms. In addition, she retreats violently and falls into Xia Feng's arms, but it is not light. In addition, she is so good that she can't die. There is a stone protruding behind her, which is hitting her back.

Xia Feng couldn't help inhaling.

However, I didn't miss this opportunity. I put my arm around Kong Fu Zhi's waist with one hand and the other hand, hey hey, a little higher

"It's really interesting." Xia Feng praised in his heart, but he just hugged and rubbed hard, and immediately let go of his hand.

Kong Fu Zhi fell on him. He couldn't use his strength for a moment. Instead, he hurriedly rolled in his arms for a while. Then he turned over and got up. He was still shouting, "snake, snake."

It seems that like all beauties, she is afraid of darkness, ghosts, insects and snakes. The only thing she is afraid of is probably men.

Xia Feng also pretended to get up, but shouted, "it's not a snake, sister."

"It's not a snake?" the eel threw it far away and threw it on the grass. At this moment, he couldn't find the direction of the stream. He was swinging his tail and swimming around on the grass, which made Kong Fuzhi tremble.

"No, what's a snake?" she cried, "such a long tail."

"Where is this snake?" Xia Feng went over and squatted in front of the eel. "This is the eel, my sister Kong."

When Xia Feng said this, he covered his waist and shouted, "Oh!"

It was said that it was a Monopterus albus. Kong Fuzhi's fear immediately disappeared. When he saw Xia Feng touching his waist, he said, "what's the matter with you? Just now."

"Yes, there is a stone." Xia Feng pointed.

Kong Fu Zhi turned her head and said, "sorry, I didn't see it clearly for a moment. If it weren't for you, I would have hit the stone."

Previously, Xia Feng rubbed her. She felt a little annoyed. At this moment, when she saw the stone, the annoyance disappeared. She blushed and apologized: "it doesn't matter. Why don't I show you and rub it?"

"OK." if she really wanted to rub it, Xia Feng would be happy, but it is estimated that she would shake her head if she was polite.

Kong Fu Zhi said politely as expected. He shook his head, and she turned away. Looking at the eel, she said, "is this really an eel? It's so big."

"Well, at least one kilogram." Xia Feng nodded, "sister Kong, do you eat beggar eels? Why don't I catch it and let's make beggar eels?"

"Beggar eel?" Kong Fuzhi was curious.

"It's like a beggar's chicken." Xia Feng explained: "cut your head and belly, and then cut them into pieces. If you don't cut them, you can roll them up. Wrap a layer of paper, wrap a layer of mud, bury them in the soil and burn them in two or three hours."

Xia Feng is a foodie. He can't do anything in the kitchen, but he used to be naughty. Sometimes he got something in the mountains and water. He was skilled in this method of beggar chicken.

Kong Fuzhi listened to his explanation, understood it, and moved her mind: "is it delicious?"

"It's OK." Xia Feng nodded and said to the eel, "come on, brother eel, it's awkward. Sister Kong wants to eat you. How proud a beauty like sister Kong is to eat you. It's the so-called death of peony flowers and immorality to be a ghost, don't you?"

When he talked nonsense, Kong Fuzhi giggled. Seeing Xia Feng catching eels, she quietly leaned over and sorted out her underwear. Xia Feng held her a little hard and messed up her underwear.

"I took advantage of him." she was a little angry, but when she thought about it, if there was no Xia Feng, she would fall over and hit the stone, and her back must be blue. For a moment, she wanted to open it again. Instead, she remembered that Xia Feng helped her on the bus and thought, "this man is actually pretty good."

Xia Feng grabbed the eel, cut off his head and belly, cut it into a long finger, and wrapped it in a piece of paper.

Kewal's professional mountaineering bag was prepared again and brought good ingredients. Xia Feng balanced the ingredients and, and then dug mud by the stream to make a mud mass.

This is the only thing he can eat, because he played a lot when he was a child.

Kong Fuzhi's cooking is good. Instead, I haven't done this. I just watched it on the side.

Xia Feng reconciled the mud mass, dug a shallow pit, buried the mud mass, covered it with a thin layer of floating soil, and then lit a fire on it. He picked up dead firewood and burned a large fire for an hour. The fire went out, put the burned charcoal into a pile and piled it on the mud mass.

"In about two hours, it's almost dark. You can dig it out and eat it. It's delicious for you." Xia Feng is full of confidence.

Kong Fu Zhi admired it and said, "I didn't expect you to cook."

"No, sister." Xia Feng shouted hurriedly, "I can only cook fried chicken, and the rest is fried rice with eggs. I can't do anything else, so the only requirement for me to find a girlfriend is that I can cook. Otherwise, two people can only eat beggar chicken every day. I know that we are husband and wife and don't know. I thought it was beggar son with beggar mother-in-law."

His statement was interesting, which made Kong Fuzhi giggle and tremble. Xia Feng couldn't help glancing at it, recalled his hand feeling, and said secretly, "beauty is beauty, the back is warped, and the front fabric is enough."

Xia Feng set up his tent again.

Cowal had two tents in his backpack. Obviously, he didn't prepare them for Xia Feng, and Xia Feng didn't need them.

Kong Fuzhi sat in the tent and watched Xia Feng burn the fire. He thought of one thing and said, "by the way, Xiaofeng, do you know du Mingzhu, President Du?" "I know her cousin."

That morning, Xia Feng knew she would ask sooner or later and said, "I shared wine with her cousin. She was also there at that time. I guess she didn't remember me very well."

This answer is in line with some of Kong Fuzhi's guesses. That morning, she saw Du Mingzhu greet Xia Feng. She was obviously an acquaintance, but she was very alienated. Then, based on Du Mingzhu's position in the enterprise, Xia Feng came in without anyone to say hello, but was assigned to the logistics Department to do chores. It's really unreasonable. Now when she heard Xia Feng say so, she was surprised.

Kong Fu Zhi said with a smile, "I guess you got her cousin drunk."

"That's necessary." Xia Feng boasted: "anyone who dares to cow with me on the table must end up under the table and with the table legs."

"Make complaints about it." Kong Fu chuckles. Her beautiful eyes glance at Xia Feng. At first, Xia Feng enters the company. She is just looking at it. As Xia Feng Tucao, she sees the time of personnel section, and sees more about the time of Xia Feng.

Then Xia Feng's subsequent performances, even if she knew kung fu, then she could speak French, and then she even treated her illness with a magical kiss, which had to make her look at Xia Feng with new eyes, or a lot of doubts.

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