Shi Yunguo looked at Xia Feng, nodded and said, "I want to feel the Shaoyin Heart Sutra first."

Xia Feng smiled and didn't say, "sister Guo, you haven't specially studied traditional Chinese medicine?"

"No." Shi Yunguo shook his head and said, "I just said it incidentally. It's a contact. What's the matter?"

"According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, we first activate Yang and then subdue Yin, that is, the Taoist so-called fire entering Yang and the talisman retreating Yin." Xia Feng explained: "If I dial your Yin meridian first and then your Yang Meridian, it's not good for your body, or it's OK to dial only one meridian, and it's not good to dial two at the same time. Therefore, I'll let you feel the Yang Meridian first. It's actually good. I can help you regulate your intestines and stomach. In fact, only one meridian is dialed, and the other meridian also responds. Be careful Feel it. "

"OK." Shi Yunguo's wonderful eyes were full of color. Wang Tielin looked at it and was a little distracted.

The biggest reason why he can't catch up with Shi Yunguo is that Shi Yunguo only cares about medicine and doesn't have much interest in other things. He really can't find a common topic with Shi Yunguo.

He chased Shi Yunguo for nearly three years. Shi Yunguo has never seen him with such eyes. The most is either cold contempt or angry eyes.

"Be careful, don't be nervous and relax," Xia Feng said, gently poking his finger on the sunny side of Shi Yunguo's little finger.

"Ah." Shi Yunguo exclaimed, and his hand was quickly taken back, as if he had been electrified.

Although she was mentally prepared, she didn't really realize that when her internal force penetrated into the meridians, it would feel like an electric shock.

She clearly felt that a current, such as an extremely fast electric snake, went up along her arm from the sunny side of her little finger and into her lower abdomen. Her body even felt a slight tremor.

"What's it like?" Yun duo'er sat beside her, her eyes wide open, very curious, and with the reporter's unique inquiry like eyes.

Xia Feng looked at her and said, "do you want to try it, too?"

The cloud son looked at the stone cloud fruit and said slightly, "OK."

He deserves to be a journalist and has the courage to explore.

"Pay attention." Xia Feng reminded her, stretched out his hand and dialed on Yun duo'er's little finger.

"Ah." Yun duo'er exclaimed with the same exclamation, his hand shrank back, and his other hand still held his wrist: "it's like electricity."

But then he shook his head: "it's different from electricity. When I was a child, electricity hit people, but it only entered the epidermis. This can go along the line to the inside of my stomach."

As like as two peas, she said, "look at the mobile phone," and she cried, "this is exactly the same. It's the same from the little finger, along here, here."

She pointed to Shi Yunguo. There was a thoughtful look in Shi Yunguo's eyes: "this is not the route of blood vessels, nor is it nerves. The nerve plexus is not so radiating. Can we say that there are really meridians."

She thought for a moment and stretched out her hand, "I'll try my Heart Sutra again."

Yunduo'er shook his head and said, "I don't want to try. It's terrible. It turns out that internal skill can really hit people."

She also hummed to Shi Yundong and Wang Tielin: "just your kind of pretty fight, also called kung fu."

Wang Tielin and Shi Yundong looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Previously, in the security base, they had learned Xia Feng's internal skills. They puffed up like a big fish skin. It was slippery, tough and thick. When they hit him, they easily bounced or slid away. It was useless. But when he hit them, it was like a heavy hammer wrapped in a quilt and supported by a huge wood. It was painful.

Xia Feng appreciates Shi Yunguo's exploration spirit, especially her serious appearance, which has a beauty that is difficult to see in ordinary women.

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and gently scratched his finger on the shady side of Shi Yunguo's little finger. The movement was as soft as a young lover flirting.

Shi Yunguo gave a sound. It was lighter this time. Then, she shook her hand, but she held it back, but her other hand suddenly pressed her chest.

"How's it going?" Yun duo'er didn't dare to try, but stared at Shi Yunguo curiously and raised his mobile phone: "is it the same as this route?"

Shi Yunguo didn't answer her, but looked at Xia Feng. Her eyes had always been very calm. At this moment, they were watery, as if they had a bit of charm.

Xia Feng had a pair of eyes with her. An idea suddenly came into his mind and shouted, "I dialed her Heart Sutra. This is to stir the heartstrings."

Touching the heartstrings often leads to love, which makes Xia Feng jump uncontrollably when he screams bad.

If anything could happen to a woman like Shi Yunguo, any man would expect it. Even if she was paranoid, no man would hesitate to have a relationship with her.

However, Shi Yunguo only glanced at Xia Feng, then closed her eyes and didn't answer yunduo'er's words. After a while, she opened her eyes and said, "the meridians really exist. I wanted to go abroad next year. Now I've changed my mind. I want to stay in China, transfer to traditional Chinese medicine and practice qigong."

She said and looked at Xia Feng: "Xia Feng, can you teach me Qigong?"

"This." Xia Feng was embarrassed and said, "women are not suitable for practicing Qigong."

"Why?" before Shi Yunguo raised any questions, Yun duo'er first shouted, "Xiao Xia, you won't discriminate against women like some smelly men."

She also snorted to Shi Yundong. Shi Yundong shouted, "heaven and earth conscience, I've always been the dish on your lips. I can eat as I want. When have I discriminated against women?"

"Hum." the cloud son proudly snorted, his chin held high, ignored him at all, and only looked at Xia Feng.

"No." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "how can I discriminate against women? It's just that women's physiological structure is different from men. Women have menstruation and come every month."

He said, slightly sinking the pterin, looked at Shi Yunguo and said, "Qigong, frankly speaking, is to gather blood essence to impact the meridians, just like a family saving to buy a house, but women have menstruation. After a few days a month, the blood essence that is hard to gather will flow away all at once. How can they rush through the customs?"

He made sense. Shi Yunguo nodded slightly, but yunduo'er was worthy of being a reporter. He was good at catching loopholes. He immediately shouted, "no, how did the female Xia in those martial arts novels practice their Kung Fu?"

"That's a novel." Xia Feng smiled bitterly: "but women can't practice at all. If they want to practice, they should cut the red dragon first, that is, after menstruation, their skills can rise. Similarly, they can't have fertility."

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