Xia Feng quickly stepped out of the company building. He couldn't drive the commuter car, but he had his own car, called a rental house and drove his own car. Just across the river, his mobile phone rang. At first glance, it was Lin Xiaoxian.

During this time, he only occasionally talked with Lin Xiaoxian on the phone or wechat. He had never been to Xicheng District, and Lin Xiaoxian had never been to the city. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoxian called just as he was going to Xicheng District.

He connected and said, "sister Xian, why are you free to call me today?"

"Xiaofeng, are you free to come to Xicheng District, OK?" Lin Xiaoxian didn't tease him. It seemed that there was something wrong, and his tone was a little anxious.

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng asked hurriedly.

"If you want to be free, come over." Lin Xiaoxian refused to say.

"OK." Xia Feng immediately agreed. He was going to the West City, so he said, "I'll come right away."

Hung up the phone, accelerated the speed, and entered Xicheng District in less than two hours.

Go to Lin Xiaoxian's house and ring the doorbell. After a while, the door opens.

It was Lin Xiaoxian who opened the door. She was wearing a home skirt and didn't seem to take care of her hair. She was casually draped over her shoulders. She was still so beautiful, but she looked a little haggard. Then, there was a mark on her left face, like a slap print.

Xia Feng looked angry and asked, "sister Xian, what's the matter? The marks on your face are made by people?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Xiaoxian's eyes turned red. He closed the door, threw himself into his arms and cried.

"Huang Yipeng hit you? Why?" Xia Feng said angrily, "where he is, I'll find him. Whichever hand I hit, I'll break his hand."

"Don't blame him." Lin Xiaoxian sobbed and shook her head.

Xia Feng immediately froze with her attitude. Yes, he was a husband and wife. His husband beat his wife. It was a matter of his family. He was an outsider. What fun did he make.

Seeing that he looked wrong, Lin Xiaoxian hurriedly said, "it's my brother, Xiao Fan. He took drugs and asked me for money every day. Huang Yipeng knew and scolded me, but Xiao Fan pestered me. I had no way to give him money secretly. Huang Yipeng knew and slapped me."

She explained that Xia Feng was completely speechless.

Drug abuse is a bottomless pit. He doesn't send him to detoxification, but he often gives money to indulge him to smoke. To tell the truth, it really should be beaten.

"What do you mean now?" Xia Feng didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I just don't know what to do now?" Lin Xiaoxian said and cried again: "Huang Yipeng said he didn't care. Now he went to Dongcheng for a meeting, and took away all the jade and gold articles he bought me. He also deliberately avoided me. I called my parents to send Xiao Fan to detoxification, but my mother chased me and cried. She said that he had only one brother. If you want to persuade him, you can call, but don't send him to the detoxification center. It's hard there."

After hearing this, Xia Feng said, "if you don't quit drug addiction, it will be more bitter in the future."

"I know." Lin Xiaoxian nodded, "but I can't tell my mother clearly."

She said, looking at Xia Feng with tears in her eyes, and said, "I only have you to trust now. Xiaofeng, please help me make an idea."

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded and hugged Lin Xiaoxian's waist. Lin Xiaoxian's body was soft and leaned against him, like a snake without bones. A weak woman could stimulate a man's desire for protection.

He thought for a moment and said, "you must quit poisoning. I'll take care of it for you."

"Thank you, Xiaofeng." Lin Xiaoxian said with gratitude on her face, "I knew you would help me."

"Of course." Xia Feng nodded, looked at the tears on Lin Xiaoxian's face, wiped it for her, touched the finger marks on her face, and gritted his teeth: "Huang Yipeng, that bastard, he can call the police and send Xiao Fan to detoxification. What's the matter with beating you?"

"He is that temperament." Lin Xiaoxian shook her head and said, "I only like to blame others for everything. Forget it, don't talk about him."

Lin Xiaoxian looked at Xia Feng and said, "do you miss me this time?"

Xia Feng's heart was suddenly hot. He put his arms around Lin Xiaoxian and said, "I want to die."

Lin Xiaoxian chuckled, her eyes more charming, and said in a charming voice, "I miss you too. There are several dreams. You change patterns and toss people, and your bones are scattered."

Hearing this, Xia Feng couldn't help but kiss her as soon as she bent her lips. Lin Xiaoxian responded warmly.

The storm finally dispersed. Xia Feng breathed a long sigh. Lin Xiaoxian was as soft as mud and barely opened her eyes. "There are good cigarettes in the counter outside. They are sent by others. You have to smoke and get them yourself. I can't move a finger."

This made Xia Feng smile proudly, got up, didn't wear clothes, went directly outside, opened a bag, took out one, nodded, took a sip, nodded: "good smoke is good smoke."

Lin Xiaoxian looked at him softly and said, "come and hold me."

Xia Feng said, "the smoke has smoked you."

Lin Xiaoxian's nose made a greasy sound. Xia Feng went to bed and hugged her in his arms. After a sweet chat for a while, Lin Xiaoxian thought of Lin Xiaofan again and frowned: "what are you going to do about Xiao Fan? You won't find the deputy bureau sun. Just catch him?"

"No need." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "don't worry. Just leave it to me."

Lin Xiaoxian trusted him and nodded. Lin Xiaofan never came back, but Lin Xiaoxian told Xia Feng that he usually played ball, cards and drugs in a nightclub called war spirit. If he couldn't get money, he would come back and pester her.

Now Huang Yipeng looks at Lin Xiaofan like shit. He doesn't have a good face for Lin Xiaoxian. This time, he said he went to the east city for a meeting, but Lin Xiaoxian suspects that he just deliberately avoided him.

But now Xia Feng is not on Lin Xiaoxian's side. He would do the same if he changed him. He takes drugs and has no humanity. Lin Xiaoxian's mother and daughter's connivance is absolutely not worthy of praise.

In the afternoon, Xia Feng went out of Lin Xiaoxian's house, but he didn't go to find Lin Xiaofan first, but came to Zhao Qingyun's house first.

It's not urgent to find Lin Xiaofan. Take a poison. It can't be solved in a minute or two. He still remembers a kongfu branch. However, he didn't go to Zhao Qingyun directly. He saw a crow outside Zhao Qingyun's road. He got up his heart, controlled the crow, quietly flew to Zhao Qingyun's house and squatted behind the God of wealth.

People here are very superstitious, especially businessmen like Zhao Qingyun, who worship the God of wealth almost every day. Xia Feng gives orders to the crow and then leaves. As long as he gives orders, although he leaves, the crow will follow suit and will never disobey.

The discipline of animals is much better than that of humans.

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