Lin Xiaofan felt that someone was carrying him and hurried to look. At this look, his soul was almost scared.

It was not a man holding his arms, but a tree and vine. Two trees and vines rolled his arms up like two hands.

"Ah, ah." Lin Xiaofan shouted and struggled desperately, but the tree and vine were very thick and tenacious. He couldn't break away at all.

Two Vines hung him up with both hands, but his feet could still step on the ground without hanging in the air.

"This... What's going on?" Lin Xiaofan hung on the tree, his whole body was in pain, and his heart was frightened to death. Looking at Xia Feng, he shouted, "Xia Feng, brother Feng, what the hell is this? Please, help me. This may be killing rattan."

"Killing rattan." Xia Feng looked contemptuous and said, "you grew up in a cement factory. When you were a child, you were monkey on the mountain every day. Don't you know this rattan?"

When he said this, Lin Xiaofan calmed down and looked up. Yes, this is not a very common tree and vine. There are trees and vines everywhere in the mountains around the cement plant.

But the trees and vines on the other side of the cement plant don't pester people, let alone take the initiative to pester people and hang people up. What the hell is this.

It's not dark now. It's a ghost in the daytime.

Then Xia Feng came over and took off his pants.

This time, he startled Lin Xiaofan and screamed, "brother Feng, I don't play this. Don't mess with me."

Seeing Xia Feng throw his pants aside, he was really frightened and shouted, "Xia Feng, I know you like my sister. I'll quietly open the door for you at night. If you have the courage, go, OK? I really don't do this."

Xia Feng was angry and smiling. He didn't bother to pay attention to him. He went aside and took out his cigarette to light it.

Lin Xiaofan looked at him with a frightened face. He saw that cigarettes were dazzling. For a moment, he became addicted. The more he twisted, the greater the addiction. He slowly howled: "let me go, brother Feng, please, let me go."

Then the drug addiction became more and more serious. He howled, "let me go, Xia Feng. If you don't let me go, I'll kill you. Believe it or not, I'll kill your whole family."

He was afraid of Xia Feng before, but he was not afraid of anything when he had a drug addiction. He scolded more and more. After scolding for a while, he begged again, with tears and snot.

The drug addict is no longer a human being. His appearance made Xia Feng sick and moved. A dozen wasps flew over.

"Sting me." as soon as Xia Feng ordered, the wasps immediately rushed up and stung Lin Xiaofan's legs.

"Ah." although Lin Xiaofan had a drug addiction attack, he still knew the pain and wailed loudly. Originally, because of drug addiction, he was in some mental confusion. When the bee stung, he woke up, and seemed to be more awake than usual. He shouted at once: "you called these Hornets. Ah, Xia Feng, you can do witchcraft?"

Unexpectedly, he saw through this situation, but Xia Feng didn't care. Hehe smiled: "don't you know who my master is?"

All of them grew up in a cement plant. Of course, Lin Xiaofan knew old worker Xiong and stared: "old worker Xiong really knows witchcraft?"

"You really think it's trees and vines that bind you." Xia Feng sneered and simply frightened him.

This really frightened Lin Xiaofan and said, "it's not a tree vine. What's that? Is it the old worker Xiong who grabbed me?"

There have never been ghosts and gods in the world. People scare themselves. Lin Xiaofan is the same. The more he thinks about it, the more afraid he is. He is familiar with the old bear worker. In addition, he is addicted to drugs. At this time, in a trance, he sees the old bear worker floating in the air and laughing at him.

"Ah." he screamed, turned his eyes and fainted.

Xia Feng was waiting for this moment. He had already taken the needle in his hand. At this time, he immediately moved forward and the needle pierced down.

Guan yuan acupoint pricked by the first needle.

Guanyuan acupoints, as their name suggests, are meant to protect people's vitality.

When people are extremely frightened, their vitality collapses and their body is a little empty, they may be scared to death.

Therefore, generally, people who have cold limbs, pale face and fainted can often wake up by stabbing Guan yuan's acupoint with a needle, or fumigating Guan yuan or navel with moxa.

Xia Feng's shot is to shut Lin Xiaofan's vitality first.

Then he took another needle and pricked one needle on each of the acupoints related to his liver pulse and heart pulse.

Drug addiction has a lot to do with the heart, liver and kidney. With the psychological function of wasps, it can basically work by eliminating the toxin and locking the vitality.

What he didn't understand, he had to fight hard. After a few minutes, Lin Xiaofan woke up and howled as soon as he woke up: "master Xiong, spare me, Xia Feng, brother Feng, help me say good words. I don't want to die."

"Will you still take drugs?" Xia Feng sneered.

"Don't suck, don't suck." Lin Xiaofan shook his head like a rattle and hurriedly said, "I'm bored and don't work. I mix with them and play with them. I won't mix with them in the future."

It's true that a baby in his family has been delicate since he was a child. He doesn't want him to do anything. He can't bear hardships in the cement plant. When Lin Xiaoxian married, he followed him. He fell in love with Wu Xiangjun first and asked Wu Xiangjun to take money to support him. Later, Wu Xiangjun saw that he drove him away, and he relied on Lin Xiaoxian to take money to support him.

But Xia Feng can't take care of these things. Just help him get rid of drugs.

"Then I'll listen to you once." Xia Feng pretended and saluted: "master, for the sake of old worker Lin, let him go this time."

"That's right." Lin Xiaofan nodded repeatedly and said, "master Xiong, it's better for you to talk to my parents. Look at my parents. Spare me."

With his words, a falcon suddenly flew into the forest and hovered over his head. The owl had big eyes and looked at him. It was too strange. Lin Xiaofan was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

The owl looked at Lin Xiaofan for a while, suddenly screamed and flew down. Its wings fanned Lin Xiaofan's face and flew away.

As the owl flew away, the tree and vine loosened and let Lin Xiaofan go.

The owl was strange, coupled with the suddenly loosened trees and vines, and then Xia Feng bowed in the direction of the owl flying: "master, go slowly."

Under this circumstance, Lin Xiaofan completely determined that the owl was the soul of the old bear worker. He was scared to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Xia Feng was impatient and said in a deep voice, "go back!"

Turn around and walk out.

Lin Xiaofan was immediately frightened. At this moment, he dared not stay on the mountain alone. He jumped up and said, "brother Feng, wait for me. Don't leave me."

He hurriedly took his pants and put them on. He stung more than a dozen big bags on his legs, which were swollen. He could barely wear his pants in, and caught up while wearing them.

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