Xia Feng laughed, turned off the topic and said, "this is not worthy! Gas frogs live in deep mountains and forests. They are few in number and difficult to find. Therefore, sister Guo, you'd better not go."

"No, I'm going." Shi Yunguo has the inherent stubbornness of Xueba: "I found that it's better to follow you when reading. You promised last time. You have to teach me any problems I have."

Speaking of later, it also has a little coquettish taste. Unlike young girls, she is thirty, with clear and elegant temperament, with a little tenderness and more moving.

"That's OK." Xia Feng couldn't refuse at all, so he had to promise.

"Yeah." Shi Yunguo cheered, "I'll invite you to dinner in the evening and call my brother and yunduo'er."

If she wanted to find Qi frog with Xia Feng, she had to ask for leave from the hospital first. Xia Feng came back to the garden. At more than five o'clock, Shi Yundong called: "Lao Xia, you're here. Great. Drink at night."

In the evening, she went to Shi Yun's owner's house. Yunduo'er cooperated with Shi Yun Guo and cooked a table of dishes. After drinking, she broke up happily.

On the other side, Du Mingzhu got the news, but she was surprised and angry: "what, 400000 pieces, and 30% of the payment has been made?"

She is a beautiful woman. She usually pays great attention to her appearance and behavior, and tries to speak calmly, but at this moment, she can no longer control herself, and her voice changes a little.

The two people she brought, the man's name is Li Gen and the woman's name is Yu Lian. They are sales elites from the marketing department. They came here today. They are still working out public relations strategies together. They were all surprised when they heard Du Mingzhu's cry.

"Who is it?" Yu Lian couldn't help crying out: "it's not the general manager who directly pulled any relationship. He paid 30% of the payment for 400000 pieces. No one can do such a condition except the general manager has this face."

"Not the general manager." Du Mingzhu shook her head and took a deep breath. She was in excellent shape and fluctuated several times, which attracted Li Gen's eyes and swept up involuntarily.

"Who is that?" Yu Lian shouted: "is it..."

"That's right." Du Mingzhu nodded, "that's the summer peak."

"How could it be?" Li Gen was too surprised. His eyes moved away from Du Mingzhu and fell on Du Mingzhu's face.

"Is the news true?" Yu Lian also didn't believe it.

"I confirmed it." Du Mingzhu nodded.

"How did he do it? How could this be possible?" Yu Lian was shocked and murmured, "that's a dirt man."

Du Mingzhu was also unbelievable. She went to the window and looked at the distant sky. She was surprised and angry, and at the same time, she faintly regretted.

At that time, Qiao Jianyi introduced Xia Feng to her. She really didn't pay attention to it. She was a sales elite and was very confident in herself. If Qiao Jianyi could help her with some business, it would be good. She actually introduced a salesman. She really didn't need it at all.

Besides, the first impression was not good at that time. Xia Feng looked average, and then she didn't have the momentum of a sales elite, so she didn't have any interest at all. She just gave her cousin face and said to let Xia Feng apply for the job by herself.

The next day she forgot it. Later, although she met Xia Feng and knew that he really entered the company, she didn't take care of it, and even looked down on it.

When her cousin said hello, Xia Feng obediently entered the company. What skills can such a person have? She despised it in her heart.

But in any case, I can't think of it. First, in Xicheng District, Xia Feng won what she couldn't win with all her talents, and then came to Xiangjiang city today. She's still formulating strategies. Xia Feng even won Hongfan wholesale, which is half of Xiangjiang city's market.

Even if she can win Liu Yu later, it is at most a tie with Xia Feng. If she can't win, she will lose to Xia Feng completely.

Such a person lost to him, which made her face go where.

And behind Xia Feng is Kong Fuzhi. Thinking of Kong Fuzhi's arrogant and proud cold face, Du Mingzhu feels more like a cat claw scratching.

"I knew..." she regretted very much. She knew that Xia Feng was such a monster. She should have contacted him at that time, or just don't let him enter the company. As a result, she entered the company and became her own strong enemy under Kong Fuzhi.

Du Mingzhu's regret at the moment is that the water in the Dongjiang River can't be washed clean.

But how could she know at that time? Such a person has no strange appearance, no level of speech, and no momentum. She instructs her cousin, just like a dog, to call East and West. Du Mingzhu has never looked down on such a person, and how could she know that he will beat her face with facts.

"President Du, what should I do now?" Yu Lian shouted.

Li Gen was also at a loss.

Both of them are sales elites, but at this moment, they are a little flustered, because Xia Feng is too evil. It is equivalent to putting down the high-speed railway and directly getting the list. If they continue like this and attack Liu Yu tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, they will be really finished.

"Start action today, and we must win Dacheng wholesale." Du Mingzhu felt more critical than the two of them. She turned and clenched her fists with sharp eyes.

"OK." Yu Lian and Li Gen nodded at the same time. They both had a winning look in their eyes. The momentum of the sales elite was undoubtedly revealed in them. Du Mingzhu didn't see Xia Feng at that time, but Xia Feng didn't have such momentum at all.

But who knows it's an asshole dressed as a pig and eating a tiger.

"I really want to bite," said Du Mingzhu, grinding her teeth.

Xia Feng didn't know this. When he came back from drinking wine, he called Kong Fuzhi. Kong Fuzhi cried, "really."

"The goods are genuine and genuine." Xia Feng laughed.

"You're great." Kong Fu Zhi couldn't help cheering.

"There are more powerful ones." Xia Feng smiled with a pun.

"I want it." Kong Fuzhi was almost screaming. Xia Feng's belly caught fire in an instant, but it was a little far away. If he took a taxi one or two hundred miles, he would rush over immediately.

The next morning, Shi Yunguo called Xia Feng: "Xia Feng, you have to wait for me. If you go alone, I will never forgive you."

It turned out that Xueba would be coquettish. Xia Feng's waist was soft and hurriedly said, "no, I'll wait for you."

Said the garden address, twenty minutes later, Shi Yunguo came, a black Audi.

Sure enough, they have personality. They drive different cars from ordinary girls.

Shi Yunguo is wearing a light green suit and travel shoes of the same color. His hair is tied behind his head with a red hair hoop. Yu Yan Mingjing is sharp and sharp. Xia Feng said, "sister Guo, you look so elegant. Those travel brands really should invite you to be a spokesman."

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