Liu Ruyan immediately cheered and shouted, "catch it, catch it, Xia Feng, you're powerful."

Xia Feng beheaded and skinned the snake by the stream. Liu Ruyan didn't dare to see the skinning, and Jiao shouted, "ah, Xia Feng, you're cruel. Peel it."

Xia Feng said, "you have to eat its meat."

"But I don't peel it." Liu Ruyan retorted.

Xia Feng Tucao weak, Xiao Hong make complaints about laughter.

For dinner, red pepper crab and stewed snake meat. Liu Ruyan stole two bottles of Luodi and drank one bottle last night. This bottle was opened impolitely.

A bottle of more than 20000 dollars. No wonder she wants to drink Raffi when she sells a flower. It's not that she's not sensible. She's raised by such a family. If she can't afford it, don't get close to her.

The snake meat soup is extremely delicious, and the wine is also good. Liu Ruyan has a good time. After drinking the wine, she dances with Xia Feng, and the bonfire jumps on her face. It's so beautiful.

They didn't sleep until almost eleven o'clock. When they fell asleep, Xia Feng thought. The idea was drilled out by himself. In fact, it should belong to the magic eye.

He got up quietly. He didn't call the bear this time. He called several poisonous snakes and guarded the grass on all sides. Wild animals were not allowed to come near. He climbed the mountain again, went to the small pool, took off his clothes and went into the water, and sat on the lotus stone.

Magic eye is very interested in the necklace and seems to want to inquire about the secrets in the necklace.

However, one night later, there was no progress. Looking at the dawn, I had to give up. Xia Feng came out of the water and put on his clothes. Xiao Hong and Xiao Hong also got up. They got up early today and changed their clothes.

There was snake meat last night. I soaked noodles with snake meat and had breakfast. The gas frog had been caught and came out of the mountain.

Liu ruyanxing was not finished yet. He said to Xia Feng, "shall we play next week?"

"I'll see if I'm here next week. If I'm here, I can." Xia Feng nodded.

"HMM." Liu Ruyan beat him with his small fist: "you must be here."

"OK, OK." the little beauty's coquettish power was too strong. Xia Feng couldn't resist and resolutely surrendered: "I must be here."

Liu Ruyan was happy.

Xiao Hong smiled slightly on the side and didn't interrupt. She could see that Liu Ruyan was more and more fond of Xia Feng. She couldn't say that she was in love. The dead girl didn't seem to be enlightened so far. She was not interested in anyone and was only interested in playing, but she liked to play with Xia Feng. In fact, it was an easy direction.

But now she won't object like the hen protecting her cubs. The longer she contacts, the more she finds that Xia Feng is different from ordinary boys. She is very capable, playful and mysterious.

She won't ask so thoroughly with ordinary women. She will only observe calmly nearby.

Out of the mountain, she paid for the car and drove out of the mountain. Liu Ruyan followed her to the garden. She and Xiao Hong picked a bunch of flowers each, and then they broke up.

Of course, she didn't forget the gas frog. She really carried the basket back.

The big girl was carrying two frogs. Xia Feng also felt funny, but Liu Ruyan loved to play, and no one could persuade her.

Xia Feng gave orders to the two air frogs to listen to Liu Ruyan's orders. It's a little help. Otherwise, the frogs in the little beauty's boudoir jump around. It's really called a pit father.

Liu Ruyan left. Xia Feng took out his mobile phone, called Shi Yunguo and said, "sister Guo, I'm back."

"Got the gas frog?" cried Shi Yunguo.

Xia Feng said, "yes."

"Don't deal with it. Wait for me." Shi Yunguo said, "I'll come right away. Where are you? The garden, right? Twenty minutes."

Liu Ruyan half an hour is three hours, Shi Yunguo 20 minutes, but Xia Feng heard the sudden brake outside the garden in less than 20 minutes.

The same beauty, Xueba and Jiaojiao are still different.

Xia Feng is dealing with the beehive. The bee he recruited last time has built a huge beehive in the garden and brewed a lot of honey. He found several large bottles and filled them. First, he will prepare medicine for honey later. In addition, this authentic honey has excellent effect, and he can also give it to others.

It's good to make flower mud, skin care products or drinks. When hearing the brake, Xia Feng turned around and saw Shi Yunguo, followed by Xiao Na.

The little pear I saw that day was crying. Today I saw the whole picture of Xiao Na.

Xiao Li is a little taller than Shi Yunguo and has an excellent figure. She has two big long legs, slender waist, green leggings, red coat and short hair, giving people a feeling that urban white-collar workers are extremely smart and capable.

Looking at her that day, she seemed to suffer. When I saw her today, Xia Feng secretly shouted, "she should be an attacker."

"Xia Feng." Shi Yunguo didn't see Xia Feng because of the cover of flowers. Her eyes were looking into the house, and Xiao Li's eyes were also looking into the house.

"Elder sister Guo, I'm here." Xia Feng answered.

"Ah." Shi Yunguo turned around and saw him and shouted, "there are many bees. You have bees."

"I didn't raise them. They came by themselves. I just put a few boards." Xia Feng explained: "wait a minute, it'll be right away."

Xia Feng took two large bottles of honey and covered the board. He really didn't care much about the beehive. The sealing conditions of the real beehive should be better, otherwise there will be mice stealing honey and young bees, which will eventually scare away the bees.

But Xia Feng was not so careful. In fact, he couldn't keep bees at all. He didn't know that there were mice stealing honey. He put a few boards and reluctantly built a nest.

He took the bottle back and nodded and smiled at Xiao Li. Shi Yunguo blushed when he saw his eyes. She was about lily. No one knew. Unexpectedly, Xia Feng met her, which made her a little embarrassed.

She said: "this is Xiao Li. Her full name is Qiao Li. She is a reporter of the evening news. She goes with Yunduo er."

"It's really a beautiful name." Xia Feng couldn't help praising it.

"Hello." as a reporter, Qiao Li was not as affectionate as an ordinary female white-collar worker and took the initiative to shake hands with Xia Feng.

Shi Yunguo blushed a little because she showed Xia Feng the secret, but she didn't care. She was generous and enthusiastic.

"She must be attacking." Xia Feng was 100% sure.

"Where is the gas frog?" asked Shi Yunguo.

"In the house, come in and sit down." Xia Feng went to the house, put down the honey and lifted the basket in the corner.

"This is the gas frog. Can you take pictures?" asked Jolie. She took pictures directly, not just one, but multiple times.

Spicy female reporter, take the initiative in everything. Whether you agree or not, shoot it first.

If a good reporter wants to grab material, he must have her spirit.

Xia Feng didn't think it was impossible to shoot, but Qiao Li's behavior still made him scratch his head.

Shi Yunguo didn't take care of Qiao Li. She stared at the gas frog and said, "this is the gas frog. Where do you use it as medicine, whole, meat, skin, or internal organs?"

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