Shi Yunguo is worthy of being a professional. He is right to ask.

"Pi." Xia Feng was not afraid to tell her, but his eyes couldn't help glancing at Shi Yunguo's figure.

Xia Feng can't be blamed for this. The basket is placed on the table. Shi Yunguo looks there with her waist half bowed. She is wearing a white casual pants, which are properly cut. If she bows her waist so much, the pants collapse. Moreover, she should often practice yoga. Her waist is very soft. With such a bow, there is a natural waist collapse action, so a curve is formed between her waist and hip.

Very beautiful s, coupled with two long legs, Xia Feng would not be a man if he didn't take a look.

"Why is it Pi?" Shi Yunguo looked back at Xia Feng and was so frightened that Xia Feng hurriedly met her eyes.

Her eyes were not only questioning, but also a little aggressive. She asked, "how do you know that the skin works, not the meat, or the internal organs, or any other part?"

Xia Feng spread his hand and said, "I don't know. It's from the teacher."

Shi Yunguo was obviously dissatisfied with his answer and said, "this is the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Western medicine is a precise analysis, and traditional Chinese medicine depends on experience. Well, can you send me one and let me analyze their respective components."

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded and lamented that beauty was indeed a creature that could not be guessed by common sense. Liu Ruyan asked for two to play with, and Shi Yunguo asked for one to analyze. Thanks to him, he caught several more.

Jolie was concerned about another question: "Why are they called gas frogs? What do you say?"

The reporter's point of view is obviously more gossip.

"Because they can Qigong." Xia Feng amused her.

"Oh." this really scratched Jolie's itch and hurriedly asked, "they can do Qigong. What do you say?"

"I want to see Qigong performance." Xia Feng smiled.

"Of course." Jolie nodded hard, and the camera in her hand had been picked up.

Xia Feng said, "then scold them."

"What?" Xia Feng called Qiao Li stunned and said, "scold them?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded seriously.

"Are you sure?" Jolie's eyes were full of doubt. Her eyes were very beautiful. Her eyes were slender willow leaves. When she was suspicious, they looked more sharp: "do they understand people?"

"How do you know they don't understand people?" Xia Feng smiled.

The stone cloud fruit also immediately became interested and said, "the son is not a frog. How can you know that the frog doesn't know what people say."

"It's interesting," said Jolie, laughing. "What are you scolding?"

"If someone scolds you for being ugly, will you be angry?" Xia Feng smiled at her.

In terms of appearance, jolison is a little better than Shi Yunguo, but she is also a first-class beauty. Moreover, she has a kind of heroic spirit. She is a typical urban white-collar elite, capable and confident, which makes her charming.

"No." Jolie shook her head without hesitation.

"But they will be angry." Xia Feng pointed to the gas frog.

"Really?" Jolie was a little suspicious. She turned her head, hesitated a little and cried, "Hey, you ugly bastards, you look so ugly."

"Hey, who are you talking about?" Shi Yunguo stood there bowing all the time. Hearing this, he quit.

She didn't drop her voice, but suddenly there was an eerie sound, because just as she was talking, the three gas frogs in the basket suddenly began to swell.

The biggest one of the air frogs is just the size of a thumb. The air is as big as a fist.

"Ah, they really get angry and drum up." Jolie was surprised and happy. "Do they really understand me? It's so interesting."

While talking, he kept taking pictures.

Of course, gas frogs can't understand people. They usually inflate suddenly when they are frightened or feel a threat, so as to make a threat and make their prey dare not bite them.

As for Jolie's cry, they were angry. Of course, Xia Feng was playing tricks.

Previously, Liu Ruyan was the same, and Xia Feng had given orders to Liu Ruyan. As long as he heard Liu Ruyan's orders, he would cheer up. It would be fun. Liu Ruyan must like it, but the two air frogs would be tired, but as long as the beauty is happy, Xia Feng doesn't consider the feelings of air frogs.

Conversely, the two air frogs actually want to thank Liu Ruyan. If Liu Ruyan didn't want to play with them, they would kill and skin Xia Feng.

Shi Yunguo also felt strange, but her idea was different from that of Qiao Li. She said, "when they were angry, the skin swelled, and the skin returned to its original state, so they took advantage of their characteristics, didn't they?"

"It should be so." Xia Feng nodded.

"Does it work?" Shi Yunguo doubted.

"Try it at night." this kind of Xueba has the spirit of questioning everything. Xia Feng is too lazy to see her refute her mouth and just wants to speak with facts.

Shi Yunguo said, "I'll go with you in the evening."

"I'm going too," Jolie interrupted immediately.

Xia Feng nodded and said, "OK, but it's better not to say you're a reporter, but to say you're sister Guo's colleague."

"Yes." Shi Yunguo nodded, "if someone is ill, you are a reporter to watch the excitement. People are expected to be unhappy."

"OK." Qiao Li smiled, "I'll be a nurse."

Her words made Xia Feng think of nurse clothes. Such a beautiful and heroic nurse, but it's not tempting.

"I need medicine now." Xia Feng said, "sister Guo, if you feel cruel, you can enjoy the flowers outside."

"I'll help you." Shi Yunguo shook his head flatly.

She looked at Qiao Li. Qiao Li shook her head without hesitation: "I killed chickens and rabbits and skinned rabbits. If I skinned gas frogs, I'll come."

"That's not necessary. I'll come." Xia Feng took the basket to the tap outside, caught two air frogs, left one, and said to Shi Yunguo, "this one is for you."

He killed the two air frogs, carefully peeled off the skin, and then dried it outside. Shi Yunguo carefully looked at his every step and said, "do you dry it so that it can be used as medicine as a whole? It's similar to chicken inner gold?"

"No." Xia Feng shook his head: "dry it first, then bake it. After it is crisp, crush it, and then mix it with bees. It's medicine."

Shi Yunguo asked, "don't mix it with other drugs?"

"No need." Xia Feng explained, "this medicine takes the Qi collecting effect of Qi frog, and there is no need for other drugs."

Shi Yunguo nodded.

There are stoves and stoves in the garden here, which can make a fire for cooking, and there are hundreds of coal cakes left. However, Xia Feng didn't start a fire here, so he started the fire at this time.

But there was no coal cake at last. It was too difficult to burn. I directly found some dry flower branches, put them in the stove, made a fire, found an iron box, and put the air frog skin in the iron box.

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