In fact, the skin of the gas frog was peeled off a little. It was easy to dry out, and then Xia Feng crushed it with his thumb.

"That's how you process it?" Shi Yunguo wondered, "won't there be bacteria on your hands?"

"There's no way." Xia Feng shook his head. "The processing of traditional Chinese medicine has always been like this, so there is a saying on the Internet that traditional Chinese medicine is destroyed by traditional Chinese medicine. Although it's not all right, the processing of traditional Chinese medicine is really a problem."

Shi Yunguo nodded, but no longer questioned.

Qiao Li took two photos from time to time, then interrupted: "this problem, you can write an article."

Shi Yunguo shook his head and said, "there are a lot of articles of this kind. I don't know how many have been published in professional journals. Some formal Chinese medicine decoction pieces are fully automated, sealed and sterilized. Only some small clinics are processed manually."

"So it's wrong to destroy traditional Chinese medicine." Qiao Li immediately caught Xia Feng's language disease.

"This is not what I said." Xia Feng hurriedly explained with a smile: "it seems to me on the Internet."

Seeing him like this, Shi Yunguo smiled and said, "it's you."

Xia Feng blew up at the moment: "it's unclean. If you don't eat it, you can cure it. If you don't believe it, we'll see."

He crushed the skins of the two air frogs, but it was a pinch of his thumb. He took out a small flat bottle on his belt and put most of it into the bottle for standby, leaving only a pinch of soybeans. Then he found a small bottle and poured half a bottle of honey. It looked like one or two. He poured in the powder of the air frog skin, covered the bottle and shook it in his hand, At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and called Xiang Xiaona.

Xiang Xiaona received his call and immediately shouted impatiently, "Mr. Xia, please come quickly. I'm so ugly now."

It is conceivable that she has lost two-thirds of her weight, but she can't recover her skin. Her belly is pulling. It's really more ugly than obesity.

"Then let's go now." Xia Feng looked at Shi Yunguo.

Shi Yunguo was also eager to see the effect, and immediately nodded, "OK."

Qiao Li drove, Xia Feng and Shi Yunguo got on the bus and drove to Xiang's house. Xiang Ning was not at home, neither was Xiang Xiaona's husband. Only her mother Lin Feng was at home. She was very happy to see Xia Feng and said: "Dr. Xia, you've finally come back. Xiao Na cries every day these days. She says she's so ugly. She's going to die. She says she's going to have an operation and cut her skin. Her father finally persuaded her to wait for you to come back."

Her voice declined. Xiang Xiaona had shouted in the corridor: "doctor Xia, you're coming. Give me the medicine quickly. If you don't come back, I really don't want to live."

"It's all right. With this medicine, you can recover soon." Xia Feng understood her state of mind, went in, took a small bottle of honey to Xiang Xiaona and said, "after you drink it, you can sleep, which is conducive to the absorption of the medicine."

"Do I drink at night?" Xiang Ning was disappointed. "I can't sleep at all now."

Xia Feng took a look at Shi Yunguo. He knew that Shi Yunguo wanted to know the efficacy. He thought for a moment and said, "well, go upstairs and take a look at your skin first to determine the dosage, and then I'll massage you and let you sleep. Then, you should recover in about an hour at the fastest."

"An hour." Xiang xiaonaxi shouted, "then come upstairs with me."

Upstairs, sitting by the bed, Xiang Ning directly lifted up his clothes: "doctor Xia, sister Guo, you see, it's so ugly."

Her skin is very white, but now, her belly is always long, just like the leather under the neck of an old yellow cow. It is really very ugly.

"So serious, can you recover in an hour?" Shi Yunguo looked carefully and asked Xia Feng suspiciously.

"Try it, I'm not sure." Xia Feng shook his head and said to Xiang Xiaona, "Miss Xiang, you're really serious. Drink all this bottle of medicine at once, and then lie down and sleep."

"Bitter or not." Xiang Xiaona opened the cork and smelled: "ah, it's delicious. Is it honey?"

"Yes." Xia Feng smiled and nodded, "I use the medicine made of honey. Don't worry. It's not bitter. It's good to drink."

"I like it." Xiang Xiaona was happy and drank all the honey in one breath. Lin Feng said on the side: "it's not clean yet. I'll put some water and flush it. I'll drink it all."

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "use warm water instead of boiling water. Boiling water will destroy the ingredients of honey."

Lin Feng poured warm boiled water and flushed the bottle. Xiang Xiaona drank it all and immediately lay down in bed. She was also interesting. She didn't put down her clothes. She said, "doctor Xia, please massage me quickly to make me fall asleep. You'll look at my stomach. If the medicine works and my belly collapses tightly, call me, or you'll just let me die."

"Say what silly words." Lin Feng scolded.

"If it's always like this, I'd rather die." Xiang Xiaona said.

"Don't worry." Xia Feng smiled and comforted her: "it must be tight."

With that, he went to the bedside, asked Xiang Xiaona to close her eyes, and then stroked her eyebrows. In less than a minute, Xiang Xiaona made a uniform breathing sound.

Qiao Li kept silent and looked at it. Seeing Xia Feng reach out and touch it twice, Xiang Xiaona immediately fell asleep. For a moment, she was surprised: "Guo Guo said he was a real Jianghu strange man and an internal expert. It seems to be true. There is such a person now?"

Shi Yunguo's eyes were clear, but she stared at Xiang Xiaona's belly tightly. About a minute or so, she suddenly gave a light sigh.

Xiang Xiaona's belly seems to be collapsing.

She thought she was dazzled. She blinked. Qiao Li on the side had shouted: "the medicine works. Miss Xiang's skin is collapsing and her belly is recycling."

"Really?" Lin Feng was surprised and happy. Like Shi Yunguo, she couldn't believe her eyes. "This medicine works so fast?"

"It's true." Qiao Li nodded. Her eyes turned and said, "aunt, you can take a picture. When Miss Xiang woke up, show her that such a miracle happened to herself again. She will like to see it."

"Yes, yes." Lin Feng replied, "it's to take pictures, it's to take pictures."

I really took my cell phone to shoot a video.

Qiao Li took the opportunity to say, "Auntie, we also want to take pictures for medical reference, OK."

Xia Feng was beside him and admired him very much: "she is worthy of being a female reporter. She is really smart."

She wanted to shoot it herself. She was afraid that Lin Feng had an opinion, so she encouraged Lin Feng to shoot it first, and then she followed it, so that Lin Feng wouldn't have an opinion.

"Of course you can. Just shoot. It's a good thing," said Lin Feng. "But don't shoot your face. If you shoot your face, please keep it confidential."

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