Xia Feng said, "generally, the world is not." Qiao Li shook her head and said, "I don't write soft text."

Seeing Xia Feng had some doubts, she looked at Shi Yunguo and said with a smile, "you should have investigated the beverage wholesalers in Xiangjiang city. They are mainly controlled by two wholesalers, Xiang Ning's Hongfan wholesale and Liu Yu's Dacheng wholesale."

Xia Feng's eyes brightened and said, "you won't say. You know Liu Yu of Dacheng wholesale."

Think about it. It's really possible for reporters to drill everywhere. It's really possible to know Liu Yu.

Qiao Li shook her head and said, "I know Liu Yu, but he doesn't know me. It's useless. Moreover, Liu Yu is not in good health. Now the Liu family is in charge. In fact, it's his daughter Liu Yaoyao."

Xia Feng asked, "do you know Liu Yaoyao?"

"The relationship is very good." Qiao Li blinked and said, "I can't guarantee that Liu Yaoyao will do your business, but it won't be a problem to set up a line for you."

"That's great." Xia Feng was overjoyed, raised his glass and said, "sister Qiao, I'll give you a toast."

"You're welcome," said Qiao Li. "We agreed to help each other."

"What do you want me to help you?" Xia Feng asked curiously.

"I received a tip that a factory secretly discharged waste water into the Xiangjiang River at midnight. I want to take a video to collect evidence." Qiao Li explained: "but I go alone at night. I'm afraid, so I want you to go with me."

"OK." Xia Feng immediately agreed. Then he thought of a question and said, "by the way, sister Qiao, I'm not the only one in our company to develop business in Xiangjiang City, but also a group of people."

"You won't say that you still have a competitive relationship with them." Qiao Li was curious.

"Positive solution." Xia Feng nodded.

"Interesting." Qiao Li smiled and said, "you've got two groups of people from Linjiang to Xiangjiang to develop business. Your company seems to be very rich."

Xia Feng can't say that in fact, Kong Fuzhi is competing with Du Mingzhu. He can only talk about foreigners and say, "foreign enterprises have a lot of money. In order to open the Chinese market, they don't hesitate to cost."

"I see." Qiao Li didn't ask carefully. She took out her mobile phone on the spot, made a phone call and said, "Yao Yao, my little pear, what are you doing recently? Hum, you don't play with me. By the way, tell you something."

She smiled and talked about Xia Feng. She received her mobile phone and said to Xia Feng, "Yao Yao said that someone from your company did find her. She is still reading the information and wants to talk about the conditions. First cool them. She promised me the conditions she talked with there. As long as you can promise, she will give me face and sign the list to you."

"Great." Xia Feng raised his glass excitedly and said, "sister Qiao, you are great energy. Here's to you. I'll do it. You're free."

The reason why he was particularly excited was not because he could make money by signing the bill, but because he slapped Du Mingzhu in the face.

He has won the Hongfan wholesale, and then Dacheng wholesale, which is equivalent to completely occupying the Xiangjiang market. No matter how they toss, Du Mingzhu is just a loach in the pond, which can't play much water.

Think about the ridicule of Du Mingzhu and Xia Feng on the high-speed railway. Now it's time for him to laugh at them.

Just think about Du Mingzhu and their angry appearance, Xia Feng is particularly happy. Even if he doesn't earn a penny on the list this time, he will be very happy.

"That's settled," said Qiao Li, who had a forthright drink and exhausted himself, "we'll start tomorrow."

"Xiao Li, you should be careful." Shi Yunguo was worried.

"It's all right." Qiao Li didn't think so. She blinked at Xia Feng. "With three masters with me, you can go all over the world, can't you?"

Xia Feng laughed. He suddenly liked Qiao Li.

After dinner, Qiao Li and Shi Yunguo went back. Shi Yunguo also went to the garden to carry an air frog basket. Watching their car disappear, Xia Feng thought, "they shouldn't live together."

For a moment, my heart was hot, but I couldn't find anyone here. I had to go back and take a cold bath.

The next morning, Liu Ruyan came. Xiao Hong didn't come this time. She was wearing a light pink skirt and floated into the garden like a pink butterfly. When she saw Xia Feng, she giggled and said, "I'm coming to pick flowers, but I can't sell flowers with you today. The company has something to do."

After picking the flowers, they float away like butterflies.

Qiao Li made an appointment to leave in the afternoon, and then Xiang Xiaona asked Xia Feng and Shi Yunguo to have dinner at noon. Shi Yunguo pricked Xiang Xiaona to deflate. Xiang Xiaona's mother Lin Feng was a little annoyed. Xiang Xiaona didn't think so. She had a good relationship with Shi Yunguo and called Shi Yunguo. Qiao Li didn't come.

On this day, Xiang Xiaona wore a red skirt and a Cuixin necklace. She was tall and slim. She was really a first-class beauty.

Jiang Huangcheng was very polite to Xia Feng. He chatted at the table. When it came to work, he was in the city Secretariat. He was not a big secretary, just an ordinary secretary, but he was still young. Xiang Ning agreed to marry Xiang Xiaona to him because he should be optimistic about his future.

After dinner, Shi Yunguo and Xia Feng went to the garden to wait for Qiao Li. She said, "I dissected the air frog in the morning and prepared to make a precise analysis of the internal organs and muscles. I think the air frog can breathe, not only the skin, but also the meat and internal organs."

Xia Feng admires her professionalism, but she is not optimistic.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not have any scientific instruments for precise analysis, but traditional Chinese medicine is empiricism. The experience of traditional Chinese medicine comes from human experiments for thousands of years. Effectiveness is effectiveness, and invalidity is invalidity. This is summarized from experiments on countless people over the long years.

As for why it works and why it doesn't work, those who practice qigong to get through all the meridians can also know the reason, but Xia Feng can't say, because from the perspective of Western medicine, meridians don't exist - anatomy can't find them at all.

Chatting, Qiao Li came over and said to Xia Feng, "let's go."

"Be careful." Shi yungo told Xia Feng, "Xia Feng, Xiao Li is impulsive. Please be safe."

Her expression gave Xia Feng a strange feeling, as if her wife was worried about her husband.

This feeling made him feel both funny and awkward. At the same time, he also felt pity. What he particularly regretted was for Wang Tielin.

Of course, on the surface, he won't show it. They are all adults. They have their own choices. The law can't help it, so others can't control it.

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