Xia Feng is not the first time to encounter this situation. It is said that Liu Simin is the real monster. I don't know how many beautiful women there are in her harem. Who can control her?

Jolie drove out of town.

The factory Qiao Li wants to check is nearly 200 kilometers away from the city. It is called Mingsi pharmaceutical. It has good benefits. It is also a key local enterprise. On the surface, it is also good in environmental protection. However, Qiao Li received a secret report from an informant that the factory often secretly discharges wastewater in the middle of the night.

Xia Feng was surprised and asked, "they have environmental protection facilities. Why do they secretly discharge waste water?"

"Simple." Qiao Li gave the answer in one sentence: "the conflict between the old vision and the new development. The wastewater treatment equipment made during the construction of the plant can only treat 10000 tons of wastewater. Now the benefits are good. With the great development of production, there are 20000 tons of wastewater. It's not worth asking them to go to the treatment device, so it's secretly discharged."

"Oh." Xia Feng understood and took a look at Qiao Li: "but they must be very angry if you expose them."

"That's for sure." Qiao Li snorted, "environmental protection devices are not cheap. They can get millions or even tens of millions if they get a set of equipment down, but they didn't think about it. They discharged the waste water directly into the Xiangjiang River. They saved money. What should tens of millions of people do along the Xiangjiang River? It's also Xiangjiang water in Xiangjiang city. Millions of people."

"Yes," Xia Feng nodded. "Some enterprises really only care about themselves and have no sense of social responsibility."

"Such rubbish, I'll sun them in the sun." Qiao Li snorted again.

"Admire." Xia Feng raised his thumb.

"This is my profession." Qiao Li shook her head. "Moreover, I also drink Xiangjiang water. Even for myself, I will never tolerate it."

Mingsi pharmaceutical is in the eastern suburb. Qiao Li's car went to the city first, found a hotel and opened a room.

Qiao Li said: "Mingsi pharmaceutical doesn't discharge wastewater every day. It often discharges wastewater every few days. We'll go there tonight. We're lucky to take photos. If we're not lucky, you'll have to follow me here for a few days."

"Accompanied by beautiful reporters and staying in a hotel, is it suffering?" Xia Feng exaggerated looked up to the sky: "God, I officially begged you that I am willing to suffer like this all my life and the next life. You must not give such suffering to others."

Joe giggled.

After dinner, the two went to a teahouse to chat. Qiao Li was very good at digging materials. After half a day, Xia Feng almost hollowed out everything for her.

Of course, what she dug was what Xia Feng was willing to dig for her. Qiao Li naturally couldn't dig what he didn't want to say.

Around ten o'clock, the two returned to the hotel. Qiao Li said, "take a break and start in half an hour."

They went back to their rooms and went to the bathroom. Qiao Li then knocked on the door. Xia Feng opened the door. Qiao Li said, "let's go."

She even changed her clothes, a light brown casual dress, sneakers under her feet, a camera around her neck, short hair and neat.

After driving for 20 minutes to the suburbs, Qiao Li pointed to a building from a distance and said, "that's Mingsi pharmaceutical. Their waste water flows directly into the Xiangjiang River from the east side. Let's go around."

With detailed clues provided by the informant in advance, she drove around to a stone bridge. She stopped the car, got off and said, "the waste water of Mingsi pharmaceutical is discharged from this small river."

Xia Feng also got off and looked at the river: "the water is not deep."

Qiao Li nodded and said, "in autumn, there is little rain, but look at the footprints on both sides, which are obviously higher than the water surface. When they discharge waste water, a large amount of water comes out and raises the water surface."

She did not say that Xia Feng really didn't pay attention and boasted: "it's worthy of being a reporter. It's really a good eye."

Qiao Li smiled: "I'm in this business."

She said and looked at her watch: "it's more than 11 o'clock. My informant said that they usually drain water around 11:30 and stop after two hours. This is the suburb again. There are no people. God doesn't know if they can row today?"

Xia Feng had sharp ears and said, "it seems to have been lined up."

"Really?" Qiao Li took a look at the river and looked at Xia Feng suspiciously: "the water surface hasn't changed?"

Xia Feng pointed to his ear: "listen."

Qiao Li was absorbed and shook her head for a while. "I can't hear you."

She looked at Xia Feng suspiciously: "do you hear so well?"

"Well." Xia Feng smiled and nodded, "I can hear the love song sung by the male mosquito to the female mosquito. Do you believe it?"

Qiao Li listened to the music: "Oh, how to sing?"

Xia Feng sang, "look at the mosquito opposite, look at it, look at it."

Using the melody seen by the girl opposite, Qiao Li smiled, looked at Xia Feng obliquely and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite humorous?"

"Does that word read silently? I always read black." Xia Feng continued to pretend, and Qiao Li smiled again.

Laughing, she suddenly shouted, "the water head is coming. It's really waste water. Your ears are really smart."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "now you believe it. Listen, mosquitoes are singing again. Meeting is a song, and the singer is you and me..."

Jolie giggled: "don't make me laugh, pull me, let's go down."

The river is not wide, but the river embankment has been repaired. It is a stone embankment. It is steep. Qiao Li stretched out her hand. Xia Feng took her hand and went down together. The water head came over. There was a strong smell of medicine. Xia Feng wrinkled his nose: "the water tastes great."

Qiao Li said: "yes, if the water in ordinary factories is better, the wastewater of pharmaceutical enterprises has high organic content, high concentration and strong toxicity. If it is discharged so directly, it can almost be said to be toxic."

As she spoke, she first took two photos facing the water head, and then took several photos from another angle.

Xia Feng said, "pay attention to your feet."

"I know," said Qiao Li, holding a bottle. "You help me get a bottle of water against the head, and I'll take a picture."

"OK." Xia Feng promised, took the bottle, held his breath, and took a bottle of water against the wave. Qiao Li pressed the shutter continuously, and the flash flashed, taking pictures of the whole process of taking water.

At this time, someone suddenly called in the distance, "who is there and what are you doing?"

"No, it's the patrol in their factory." Qiao Li shouted, "it's almost the same. Let's go."

"Are the factory patrols still patrolling outside?" Xia Feng asked as he screwed on the bottle cap.

"When the water is released, it's mainly to prevent people from seeing. In fact, it's mainly to prevent reporters." Qiao Li explained and climbed up the stone embankment: "hurry up."

While talking, she heard the dog roar, and there was more than one. Qiao Li suddenly changed her color: "they brought the dog. Ah, the informant didn't say. It's terrible."

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