Xia Feng found that the river bank was high and steep, so it was not easy to climb up. The patrol of Mingsi pharmaceutical looked bad and released the dog. The dog ran crazy, which was not comparable to human speed at all.

Qiao Li looked anxious and shouted to Xia Feng, "Xia Feng, you're fast. Climb up quickly, start the car, hit the dog with the car, and I'll come up later."

Her response made Xia Feng nod secretly. At her speed, she wanted to climb the riverbank before the dog came. Obviously, it was impossible. Xia Feng was a man with fast hands and feet. He should be able to get ahead of the dog and drive the dog. Then she went up again. It was a very reasonable and effective response.

She is worthy of being a female reporter. Her brain is flexible. Although she is not confused in case of trouble, she is much better than ordinary housewives.

While talking, she slipped and fell.

"Is everything all right?" Xia Feng hurriedly stretched out his hand to help each other.

"I'm fine. You go up quickly." Qiao Li was worried: "go up and start the car."

"Nothing." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of dogs."

"Aren't you afraid of dogs?" Qiao Li was stunned and slipped again. Xia Feng hurriedly put her arm on her arm.

At this time, the dog barked wildly. Two dogs appeared on the top of the river bank. They were all big wolf dogs. The dog's eyes were quiet and fierce.

"Ah." Qiao Li finally got scared and shouted, but her mind was still not confused. She shouted, "find a stone and throw it away. The dog is afraid of stones."

"The wolf dog is not necessarily afraid of stones." Xia Feng smiled, pointed up, and suddenly said, "roll."

The two wolf dogs were full of fierce eyes and wanted to rush down, but they gave Xia Feng a drink. The two dogs were stunned, and then turned around and ran away.

Now Qiao Li was stunned and cried out in disbelief, "they scared you away."

"I'm not afraid of dogs," Xia Feng said with a smile.

"Then let's go up quickly." Qiao Li was surprised and happy, but she slipped again after climbing two steps. Thanks to Xia Feng holding her arm, otherwise she would fall again.

Xia Feng saw that although her mind was not disordered, her feet were actually soft. Of course, the stone embankment was steep, which was also the truth.

"I'll take you up." Xia Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and picked up Qiao Li.

Qiao Li shouted and couldn't help but hook Xia Feng's neck. As soon as Xia Feng made a force, he ran up directly.

At this time, the people of Mingsi pharmaceutical had reached the other end of the stone bridge. There were two people, both wearing security uniforms, saw two Xia Feng, and one of them shouted, "stop, what are you doing?"

Xia Feng is on fire. Mingsi pharmaceutical has gone too far. It actually puts the dog directly, and it puts the wolf dog. If Qiao Li comes with him tonight, but with another ordinary reporter, the two wolf dogs will jump down, and they will suffer a great loss.

Xia Feng stopped, turned to look at the other side of the bridge and snorted, "why do you ask your father to stop? Why, do you want to bite me? Come here."

He responded in such a violent voice, the two security guards were stunned, and the two dogs were timid. These are two big wolf dogs. They were scared. Who are the people here and what are the guys in their hands.

The two security guards looked at each other and were frightened. One of them shouted in a false voice: "call someone quickly."

Originally, Qiao Li was about to come down when he went up the embankment. Unexpectedly, Xia Feng was so domineering. He was stunned for a moment. He put his hand around his neck and unexpectedly came down.

From her angle, she saw Xia Feng's side chin, which was very manly. For a moment, she secretly shouted: "unexpectedly, he is a real man."

On this thought, the lower abdomen was inexplicably hot, and the body seemed to be softer.

This is a feeling she has never felt before.

Seeing that the two security guards did not dare to come over, Xia Feng snorted and got on the bus with Qiao Li in his arms.

Qiao Li said, "will you drive? My feet are a little soft and I can't step on the brake."

She wants to be strong when she is young and never shows weakness to others. At any time, even if she is afraid again in her stomach, she will support her face. In many times, she can really support it, but tonight, somehow, she shows weakness in front of Xia Feng.

"OK." Xia Feng didn't laugh at her and asked her to sit in the co driver's seat. He got into the driver's seat, started the car and backed up.

Seeing him driving away, the two security guards shouted again: "stop, don't run, you can't run."

Xia Feng had just hit the car horizontally and had not turned around. When he heard this, he was angry again. He suddenly turned the front of the car and drove to the bridge.

The first to escape were two dogs. As soon as they saw him backing up, the two big wolf dogs ran with their tails between them.

As soon as the dog ran, the two security guards were frightened and immediately turned and ran away. One of them ran in a hurry, tripped and fell. He hit a roller, got up and ran again.

"Rubbish." Xia Feng laughed.

Qiao Li also smiled. Looking at Xia Feng's smiling face, she secretly shouted: "he is really a bit domineering."

Xia Feng turned around and drove to the city. Qiao Li said, "if you don't enter the city, we'll take another road and drive back directly."

"Are you afraid they will stop the car?" Xia Feng asked.

"Very likely." Qiao Li nodded. "The boss of Mingsi pharmaceutical has a lot of energy."

Xia Feng heard Qiao Li's voice and chose another way. They went around for dozens of kilometers. They opened a house, but when they came out, they brought all their bags. As for the deposit and room fee, they can settle online. In the electronic age, this is very convenient.

Driving back to the east city, it was already midnight. Qiao Li said, "come to you first, and then I'll drive back."

Xia Feng went to the garden first and got off. Qiao Li said, "thank you. I'll call you tomorrow."

"OK." Xia Feng nodded.

Qiao Li looked at him and suddenly waved, "come here."

"What?" Xia Feng leaned over.

Qiao Li suddenly put her hand around his neck and gave him a kiss on the face.

This is really an accident.

Xia Feng was stunned there for a moment, just like a toad startled by thunder.

Qiao Li blushed. Seeing his exaggerated appearance, she chuckled and said, "thank you. If it weren't for you tonight, I would have been bitten by the dog."

Then he closed the door and winked at Xia Feng. "Pure thanks, don't think much."

Then he giggled and drove away.

Watching her car disappear, Xia Feng couldn't help laughing: "I thought she was just attacking. Originally, she also had a charming side."

He felt surprised. Qiao Li in the car was also surprised. Looking at the car, he still had a fever on his face: "Xiao Li, you're complaining, aren't you? Why did you kiss him?"

The next morning, Liu Ruyan came, and Xiao Hong also came. Liu Ruyan picked flowers and spoiled Xia Feng: "Xia Feng, you can match me with a bottle of flower mud. Several girlfriends asked me to take my bottle and it will disappear. Will you match me with a big one this time?"

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