"Silly." Kong Fuzhi smiled smartly, and Xia Feng couldn't help hugging and kissing.

"Don't mess up my clothes." Kong Fuzhi said, but she was very proud and excited to be promoted to the European marketing director in Xia Feng's arms. However, she still had something to do in the afternoon. After making out for a while, she separated and had dinner. She also ordered red wine. She drank almost half a bottle. She was very proud of her wine and was in a good mood, Wine slightly smoked, jade cheeks flying clouds, but it is more beautiful than painting.

A woman like her, who is proud of her career, is the best stimulant.

On the same day, Kong Fuzhi didn't come to Xia Feng again. She had a lot of things to deal with. As for Xia Feng's position, she also told Xia Feng. About after she left, the general manager would announce it, in order to avoid too stimulating Du Mingzhu.

When it comes to stimulating Du Mingzhu, Kong Fuzhi giggles on the phone. Xia Feng can hear it across the phone.

Of course he was happy for Kong Fu Zhi. The next afternoon, Kong Fuzhi came to him for a turn. They were lingering and elated, making Kong Fuzhi like a wild fire. She screamed heartily on Xia Feng.

I can't imagine that she, who is usually cold and arrogant, will have such a side.

However, this is her real character.

On the occasion of her promotion to Europe and leaving, she completely opened herself and burst out the most primitive side of her heart.

On the third day, she went to Paris and didn't let Xia Feng send her.

Xia Feng is a little lost. He can only hope that hado can announce the establishment of the comprehensive joint office as soon as possible. After he takes office, he may have the opportunity to go to France to meet Kong Fuzhi again.

However, the ideal and reality often don't match. Two days later, Xia Feng received a call from Liu Meimei and asked him to report to the transportation team of the logistics department. Liu Meimei said: "the comprehensive Liaison Office will not be established temporarily. You come to the logistics department and drive the truck for a while."

It was like a blow to the head. Xia Feng was stunned at once.

He immediately responded: "it's Du Mingzhu's revenge."

He was furious for a moment and immediately thought of calling Kong Fuzhi, but then he gave up.

The general manager previously promised Kong Fuzhi, but as soon as Kong Fuzhi left, Du Mingzhu forced him again, and hado obviously regretted it again.

At this time, even if you call Kong Fuzhi, it's not good for Kong Fuzhi to help him speak again. Even if you help him speak, it won't have much effect.

Now in Huaxia District, the general manager relies more on Du Mingzhu.

"This smelly woman." Xia Feng scolded.

He thought about how to deal with it.

He can't scold Du Mingzhu or beat her up. That's unrealistic. Good men don't fight with women. Another, anyway, he has to give Qiao Jianyi some face.


This seems to be an option. He wants to meet Kong Fuzhi in Europe. He doesn't have to be the director of the comprehensive liaison office. If he has money, he can go directly.

But after thinking about it, there was a fire in my heart.

"Du Mingzhu must be waiting for me to resign, but Lao Tzu won't." he clenched his teeth in his heart: "she has always looked down on me. Jiaxiangjiang City, Xicheng District slapped her in the face. It seems that she didn't remember. She has to slap her in the face again."

Having made up his mind, he reported to the transportation team of the logistics department on the same day.

He went to the first transportation team, which had six large trucks. Every day, he was responsible for returning the goods from the suburban factory to the city, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The leader of the first team is Ma Zhong. He is a man in his thirties. He is tall and strong, with a face of meat. Xia Feng sees that he is a long-distance driver. He is generally fierce.

"Xia Feng?" Ma Zhong took a personnel note and glanced at Xia Feng with an oblique eye. Qing glanced at Xia Feng and gave him a key: "you drive the No. 2 car. Get out first. Let's get together in the evening and have a good drink. You'll be brothers later."

This is two completely different groups from forklift drivers. Xia Feng has a certain understanding of this group. He learned to drive at first, but also mixed up with the drivers in the factory. Therefore, he laughed at the drivers and hugged them: "take care of them."

Seeing that he was not stage fright, Ma Zhong looked at him again.

It takes about an hour and a half to drive from the warehouse to the factory in the suburbs. The company stipulates that the car will leave at 8:00, arrive at 9:30, load for an hour, just eat lunch, rest for half an hour, drive back to the factory, load again, unload the goods, it's almost like 5:30, and the work will end. The car must be put in the warehouse, but it can't drive out. This is the rule, No commuter car freedom.

Xia Feng took the car key and drove to the factory in the suburbs with the brigade. He couldn't help feeling a little when he thought of coming here with Kong Fuzhi not long ago.

However, the loading is directly into the warehouse here. No one knows him. In fact, it doesn't matter. He was also a driver last time. He just followed Kong Fuzhi back to the table, which doesn't explain anything.

Of course, Xia Feng doesn't care.

In the morning, I pulled a shipment and went back to the company for dinner. I saw Liu Meimei from a distance. Liu Meimei also saw him. She only nodded her head slightly. Xia Feng nodded in response and didn't go to say hello.

I didn't see Du Mingzhu. It's estimated that Du Mingzhu doesn't eat in the canteen. Their middle and high-rise buildings have much higher meal allowance and can eat outside.

After a meal and a rest, I drove out again, went to the factory in the suburbs, loaded the goods, and then pulled them back. Unloading is not the driver's business. When I pulled them back to the warehouse, it's actually all right. I can even give the key to one person and just get off the bus.

Ma Zhong gave the car key to one of the drivers and left first, followed by the other three.

The driver was a thin man, nicknamed a telegraph pole. Ma Zhong called him that. He was about 30 years old. He was addicted to smoking. He could smoke half of it in one bite.

The telegraph pole took a look at Xia Feng and said, "wait for me. We'll go together later."

"OK." Xia Feng nodded.

The telegraph pole looked at him again: "your name is Xia Feng?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "what's your name?"

"My surname is Zhang." after smoking a cigarette from the telegraph pole, he took out another one, lit it with a cigarette end, took a deep breath, turned his head to Xia Feng and said, "do you have money with you?"

"A little." Xia Feng nodded.

The pole looked at him again and made no more noise.

But Xia Feng already understood. This was a hint that he wanted to understand the taste and said he wanted to pick him up. But if he knew the taste, it was his treat, ordering a big meal, and then getting two packs of good cigarettes each. Naturally, he joined the group.

If he doesn't understand taste, then he will wait to suffer, and there will be countless patterns waiting for you.

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