The pole reversed the car, got off, but came to xiafeng and took out a cigarette: "come on."

He intended to talk, but Xia Feng didn't refuse people thousands of miles away. He took one and lit it.

The telegraph pole took a smoke and stood without talking. Xia Feng was silent.

After unloading the goods, Xia Feng reversed the car, closed the door and said to the pole, "Ma touer has two words to tell you. Please go there."

He had been waiting before. Xia Feng knew that he had something to say. It turned out that he was helping Ma Zhong deliver a message. Xia Feng said well.

When the telegraph pole saw him nod, he took the lead to go out, took a few steps and said, "Xiaofeng, have you practiced the skill?"

"Practiced for several years." Xia Feng nodded.

"No wonder." the telegraph pole looked at him. "But you have a bad temper."

Xia Feng smiled: "did you drink a bowl of wine like that when you entered the team?"

"Yes." the pole didn't deny it: "I was upset on the spot, but Shentou was just fierce on the face and treated people very well."

Xia Feng nodded and didn't speak. It's good or bad. He's already beaten. That's it.

The telegraph pole saw that he didn't answer the cavity, so he stopped talking and walked forward. This man was really an old smoker. On the way, one cigarette was gone. He took out one and connected it again, and threw his cigarette butt on the roadside.

It was yesterday's restaurant, but there were more people in it.

The telegraph pole screamed, "brother Cai is coming." he turned to Xia Feng and said, "this is Niu Cai, brother Cai, from the security team."

He also introduced Niu Cai: "this is Xia Feng, new to our team."

Xia Feng immediately understood that this was to get a security guard to scare him. He almost laughed. He held back his smile, opened his chair and sat down opposite Niu CAI.

Niu Cai is twenty-eight years old. He is tall and strong, and his physique is OK.

Niu Cai sat with his back against a chair and a golden dagger, looking at Xia Feng coldly.

Xia Feng also looked at him.

Niu Cai saw Xia Feng's eyes without a trace of fear. Instead, he hid an inexplicable smile, but it was not a flattering smile, but wanted to laugh when he saw something funny.

Niu Cai's eyes were cold: "your name is Xia Feng?"

"Why are you calling Mr. Feng?" Xia Feng raised his chin slightly.

Niu Cai frowned slightly and said, "I heard you can fight very well?"

"Hum." Xia Feng nodded and glanced up and down: "three or five of you are nothing."

The box was silent, and Ma Zhong's eyes were wide open.

Niu CAI was indeed invited by Ma Zhong. As Xia Feng guessed, he lost face yesterday and couldn't beat Xia Feng, so he invited Niu CAI to press Xia Feng and his arrogance.

But at this moment, after listening to Xia Feng's reply, the anger not only didn't hold down, but was higher. It was all stupid for a moment.

Niu Cai didn't expect Xia Feng to be so hard. He smiled angrily for a moment. He glanced at Ma Zhong and said, "it's really arrogant, but I've seen more arrogant people. If you really fight, you'll give it away immediately. You haven't been in the challenge arena."

"That's." Ma Zhong immediately laughed.

Xia Feng laughed: "I've really been to the challenge arena, and Shi Yundong often goes to the security training base."

Niu Cai frowned: "security training base?"

Xia Feng sneered and didn't bother to talk to him. He took the wine bottle, poured a glass of wine, dried it, stood up, went to the door and said, "my name is Xia Feng. Some people call me brother Feng, others call me Lord Feng, but ordinary friends call me Xiaofeng."

With that, he went out directly and took out his mobile phone: "second, where are you, I'll come."

I ran to help Wuchi touch the snails.

He patted his ass and left, but all the people in the box were stupid. Ma Zhonggang was about to speak, but Niu Cai suddenly raised his hands. He frowned and said, "Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng?"

After reading two sentences, his face changed, took out his mobile phone, made a quick call and hung up. He smiled bitterly. Ma Zhong looked at him and said, "old watch, what's the matter?"

He and Niu CAI are distant cousins.

Niu Cai smiled bitterly and patted him on the shoulder: "you've been beaten in vain."

"What?" Ma Zhong changed his face. "What is he from?"

"This man is really not an ordinary person." Niu Cai shook his head: "Wang Tielin is his brother."

"Ah." Ma Zhong couldn't help shouting.

Niu Cai shook his head: "it's not just that. Shi Yundong also takes him as a brother. Have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of it." a driver next to Ma Zhong said, "it's very powerful. Anyone who is mixed with black should be numb when mentioning his name."

"Well." Niu Cai nodded, "this man often goes to his house for dinner."

Niu Cai said, poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, inhaled, and then spit out: "this man didn't lie. I have three or five. I'm really not his opponent. It's a god like figure."

Ma Zhong can't call out now.

The driver next to him said in horror: "I dare say that this man is not a river crossing Raptor. He is a real dragon at all. What the hell is he doing in our small transportation team? Is he dressed like this?"

"This kind of people are strange and normal." Niu Cai thought it was understandable.

"This pockmarked child is not pockmarked. It's called pitching people." Ma Zhong almost cried wrongfully.

Yes, you're going to pit others. Why should you pit me. The poles also nodded and discussed with each other. They all thought Xia Feng was inexplicable. If you don't bring such a pitiful person, you should not go too far.

When Xia Feng arrived at the lake, he suddenly burst into tears. Wu Chi shouted, "have you caught a cold?"

"No." Xia Feng shook his head: "maybe some beautiful woman is reading me."

Wu Chi cut: "women are the most annoying."

"Hey." when it came to this problem, Xia Feng shouted, "why didn't you pay attention to others when Xiao Yun came yesterday? Xiao Yun can do it."

"I don't want to talk to you." Wu Chi snorted.

"Be careful your elder sister beats you." Xia Feng threatens.

Wu Chi was silent.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "women actually have a taste."

"Didn't you say that it's just the smell of a wordy snail?" Wuchi cut: "then I might as well eat two wordy snails to avoid trouble every day."

Xia Feng was so angry with him that he forked his waist and said, "don't talk about your sister. I want to beat you."

Wu Chi's eyes brightened: "I haven't tried my hand for a long time. Why don't I practice first?"

"OK." Xia Feng called, "but there will be no snails later. Do you guess whether your sister smokes you or me?"

Wu Chi was dejected: "all right, touch the snail."

But then he was happy again and said to Xia Feng, "Xiaofeng, I tell you, there was ten thousand flowing water yesterday."

"Really?" Xia Feng was a little surprised: "why so many?"

"It's getting better and better now." Wuchi is also happy: "it's not strange that there are seven or eight thousand or tens of thousands from time to time."

But she was unhappy again: "my sister said yesterday that she wanted to officially ask Xiao Yun to come and help."

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