Xia Feng scratched his head and recalled that the struggle in the cement plant was not the same. In order to kill a, he might start with C, attack East and West, and guide north.

Xia Feng said, "according to you, it's not necessarily Xue Yue?"

"I'm almost sure not." Kong Fuzhi analyzed: "in addition, there are more than one Xue Yue who has an opinion on you. Can Du Mingzhu?"

"Du Mingzhu?" Xia Feng thought for a moment and admitted Kong Fuzhi's analysis: "it's possible."

Kong Fuzhi smiled and said, "can Wu Xin?"

"Ah." Xia Feng shouted, "Wu Xin can't do it. How can it be?"

"Why can't it?" Kong Fuzhi smiled: "you bet with Xue Yue, but not only the three of you know, like me here."

"How do you know?" Xia Feng was surprised.

"Tucker told me." Kong Fuzhi said, "Tucker is a very frivolous person. As long as he finds fun, he will tell the people he wants to tell at the first time."

Xia Feng seems to be the same. Tucker is really not stable enough. He is similar to them in Gao ya. He is a little childish.

"Why do I say it's almost certain that it's not Xue Yue?" Kong Fuzhi continued to analyze: "first, this treatment method is not in line with Xue Yue's temperament. She is a very cold, arrogant and vicious character. Dealing with people is like a cold little knife. If you want to do it, you will only do it silently. She cut off your meat, and you will never think it's her."

Xia Feng thought of Xue Yue's frosty eyes and felt like what Kong Fuzhi said. The woman, with a cold face, was not enthusiastic about people. Killing people should also be a cold knife. She won't chatter.

Kong Fuzhi continued, "second, why do I say Du Mingzhu or Wu Xin or anyone else? Because in this matter, you don't have to deal with you, maybe Xue Yue."

"Ah?" this was another accident. Xia Feng felt that his brain was not enough: "I'm dealing with Xue Yue?"

"That's right." Kong Fuzhi called, "you think, you're in a hole. Who do you suspect first?"

Xia Feng said, "Xue Yue."

"Yes." Kong Fuzhi said, "you doubt Xue Yue. You must hate her and may go to her. Then, you doubt her. As soon as you make trouble, Tucker will also doubt her. Just this move, he recruited two enemies for Xue Yue. Don't you think so?"

"I'll go." Xia Feng was frightened. "It's really possible. You can hang Xue Yue with me."

"So ah." Kong Fuzhi said coldly, "this is the office struggle. Although you are a party, the target of others may not be you at all, and the person who pit you this time may have nothing to do with you."

"It's so complicated." Xia Feng pulled her hair. "It's scary. The office is like a battlefield."

"The workplace is like a battlefield." Kong Fuzhi sighed gently: "you are so hairy and dry. You have some skills. You are the best tool for others to borrow."

Xia Feng said, "sister Kong, what are you going to do today?"

Kong Fuzhi said, "today, you are dumb and eat as soon as you eat. Don't make a noise and don't make trouble. The more you make trouble, the happier the person in the dark and the harder you give to others."

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "I really want to make trouble with Xue Yue. What I'm proud of is the man who stumbled secretly."

At the moment, he almost didn't doubt Xue Yue at all, or he was completely dizzy and couldn't figure out the goal at all.

Kong Fuzhi said, "in the future, you should pay attention. The workplace is like a battlefield. You should not only pay attention to the cold guns on all sides, but also beware of the mines under your feet. As for today's matter, I will explain it to Tucker. Tucker trusts me more and he won't blame you, but you should keep it a secret. Tucker's matter must not be told."

"That's for sure." Xia Feng repeatedly promised, "I'll never talk nonsense. Thank you, sister. I owe you, otherwise I'll be miserable today. I won't be killed by a knife. Maybe I'll be a knife envoy for others, and finally let people see a big joke. Unfortunately, it's far away. If you're still here, I'll run over and press you on my desk and thank you severely."

"Bad guy." Kong Fu Zhi Pooh softly, but there is a swing in her voice.

Hearing this sound, Xia Feng couldn't help feeling hot in his stomach.

Unfortunately, far away in France, there is no way.

After chatting with Kong Fuzhi for a while, Xia Feng lost his anger because he couldn't find who the enemy was. He just felt a little scared.

He has always lived at the bottom. The people at the bottom are rude and simple, and bully people. For example, there are forklift groups and transportation teams. However, Ma Zhong bullies newcomers directly, rather than calculating around the corners like these so-called white-collar elites.

Xia Feng suddenly remembered that when she first met Xue Yue, Xue Yue smiled at the cold electricity before the elevator door closed.

That's the original shape of these white bone spirits. They will never fight against people face to face, but look on coldly and start secretly. She won't smile proudly until you have no chance to resist.

"It's so cloudy." Xia Feng couldn't help scolding.

He is used to waving his fist directly to deal with this kind of evil thief. He is really not good at it.

At this moment, I was unhappy. After thinking for a while, I thought of Yu Miao state and came to Yu Miao state.

Seeing him coming, Yu miaojuan said happily, "Why are you here now?"

She was wearing a dark red shirt, a black Hip Wrap Skirt and black silk stockings. The taste of a mature girl was full. Xia Feng hugged her waist, kissed her and said, "I miss my fairy sister."

Yu Miaojing was so happy that he called and confessed. Then he asked Xia Feng that he hadn't eaten yet, so he called a set meal.

After eating, taking a bath together, holding it to the bed and making it beautiful again, Xia Feng felt comfortable.

Yu Miao sighed and asked him, "do you have anything on your mind today?"

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng wondered.

Yu Miaojing climbed up a little and lay on his chest: "you are a little more powerful today than usual. I almost didn't live..."

Xia Feng didn't expect that she saw a slight change from it. He laughed, hugged her and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little angry today."

"Who dares to pit you." Yu miaojiang was angry immediately, and Feng's eyes widened: "fuck him. If it's inconvenient for you, I'll help you find someone."

"That's not necessary." Xia Feng smiled. Yu Miao's attitude made him very comfortable. Her fingers slid gently on her bare back. The woman was covered with fine skin and had an excellent hand feeling.

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