"I should be free." Xia Feng, the director of the comprehensive liaison office, is mainly responsible for external affairs. He should be fine in recent days.

The words didn't drop. The cell phone rang.

"Director Xia? I'm the general manager's Secretariat. You go to Jinxiu community, Jinguang Avenue, Nancheng district to find building 808. The general manager has something to find you. Do you understand? Please repeat it." the voice is clear and gentle, but it's a little mechanical. It's really true that someone has to repeat it. But large companies use this model, and the programming is very serious.

Xia Feng had no choice but to take care of his job, so he had to recount it: "Jinguang Avenue, Nancheng District, isn't it, Jinxiu community, 8 buildings, 808, is that right."

"Yes, you'll be right there." the other side said this and hung up.

"Who is this girl? It doesn't sound like Wu Xin." Xia Feng looked at his mobile phone. It's useless. He doesn't know Wu Xin's number, and Tucker's secretariat has two secretaries, which is not necessarily called by Wu Xin.

But no matter who it is, let him go right away. There's no way.

"I have something to do. Let's go first." Xia Feng said hello to Wu Qian.

Wuxi said anxiously, "don't eat any rice."

"Let me go now." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "what can I do to work for others?"

Seeing Wu Xi's anxiety, he comforted her: "this point, maybe ask me to go with the wine. Don't worry, there's still something to eat."

"Then drink less, don't drive when you're drunk, and call your dick to pick you up." Wuxi followed her advice.

"I see." Xia Feng answered, started the car and turned on the navigation.

It took about 40 minutes to arrive. I found Jinxiu community, an old community. Xia Feng stopped the car, found 8 buildings, pressed the 8th floor, went up, found 808 and knocked at the door.

After a while, the door opened. She was a middle-aged beautiful woman in her early 40s. She had a full moon face. She was still charming and a little fat, but she was better than her snow-white flesh. Xia Feng thought of an adjective: congealing cream and accumulating jade.

"Hello." Xia Feng said first, "is Mr. Tucker here? He asked me to come."

"Oh." the middle-aged beautiful woman said with a smile on her face, "come in."

She opened the door and Xia Feng went in. Just about to change her shoes, Tucker's voice sounded inside: "honey, who?"

While talking, Tucker came over. He was wearing a pair of pajamas with flowers. His upper body was naked and his chest was covered with yellow hair.

Xia Feng hurriedly shouted, "general manager, you're looking for me."

Tucker also saw Xia Feng and was stunned: "I didn't look for you."

"Ah?" Xia Feng was stunned: "I received a call from the Secretariat and asked me to come here and say you're looking for me."

"No." Tucker shook his head flatly. "I didn't let anyone find you. Why should I find you? It's my private time. Go back."

Speaking of the latter, he even felt a little angry.

Xia Feng sat in wax and wanted to explain. Seeing Tucker waving impatiently, he had to retreat: "then I'll go back."

Back out, go downstairs, puzzled, immediately dial the previous phone, but there is a mechanical sound: "the user you dialed is turned off."

What does that mean? Xia Feng was surprised and suspicious. He stroked through the past and then, and suddenly thought, "is it someone who deliberately Yin me? What Secretariat phone is a fake?"

When you dial the previous phone again, the mechanical sound still prompts you to turn off.

"Who the hell is this?" he was shocked and angry for a moment and thought again: "Someone wanted to pit me and deliberately called me here. This is obviously Tucker's private nest. Sister Kong said that Tucker was married and his wife was the daughter of a rich French businessman. It is said that she was still an aristocrat. The beautiful woman must be the mistress of Bao. The caller called me and broke Tucker's private affairs. Tucker naturally annoyed me."

Thinking of Tucker's previous annoyance, Xia Feng was almost sure that he guessed the whole thing.

"NIMA, who is so angry with me?" Xia Feng thought quickly, and a face appeared in front of him: Xue Yue.

"It must be this smelly woman. She lost to Lao Tze and made this dirty move. Moreover, she is Tucker's assistant. She must know Tucker's private affairs, so she got a fake number and asked me to hit the wall." he was shocked and angry for a moment. He wanted to call Xue Yue for questioning, but found that there was no Xue Yue's mobile phone number.

The top management of the company had a contact list, but Xia Feng posted it on the wall of his office and didn't remember it.

But he had a phone call from Tang Meimei. Just about to call and ask, his mobile phone rang.

Look, Kong Fuzhi called.

As soon as Xia Feng was happy, he cleaned up his mood, connected and shouted, "sister Kong, you're off work. Have you eaten yet?"

The time difference between France and China is seven hours. It's seven o'clock in the evening here, and it's just 12 o'clock at noon in kongfuzhi.

"I'm going to eat." Kong Fu Zhi sent it with a charming voice: "what about you, have you eaten yet?"

"I haven't eaten, I'm full of gas." Xia Feng is a man without any city government. He can't hide anything in his heart. In addition, Kong Fuzhi was an old man here, so he blurted it out directly.

"What's so angry?" Kong Fuzhi smiled. When she met something, she wouldn't be as impulsive and angry as Xia Feng.

"It's a hole for Xue Yue's smelly woman." Xia Feng said today's story and his reasoning: "The smelly woman Xue Yue lost the bet with me, so she made a fake phone to pit me, let me hit Tucker's private affairs, let Tucker angry me, and wanted tucker to drive me out of the company. Don't give her 100000 yuan, or even turn defeat into victory. He meowed. He didn't expect it to be so dark and started so fast."

Kong Fuzhi, their elite white-collar workers, curse without dirty words, but Xia Feng's bottom background must curse with dirty words.

But after hearing his scolding, Kong Fu Zhi said, "I don't think it's Xue Yue."

Her words surprised Xia Feng: "no, who is she?"

"Because if it was her, it would be too obvious." Kong Fuzhi calmly analyzed: "with my understanding of Xue Yue, it would never be so obvious for her to deal with a person."

Her analysis stunned Xia Feng: "but I'm in Yiduo. Don't I have any other enemies?"

Hearing this, Kong Fuzhi giggled: "you're wrong. Office struggle doesn't need obvious enemies. As long as you have interests, you can pit you if you don't like it. Don't even look at you. Just pit you for others. If you can kill others, he will do it."

"How could this happen?" Xia Feng was silly.

Kong Fuzhi giggled: "office politics has always been like this. You may understand it later."

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