There are several videos and photos in Ningjiang mobile phone, but the capacity is small, and there are no photos and videos of Tang ya.

Xia Feng looked for it. There was a laptop in Ningjiang. He opened it and found a folder. He found Tang Ya's videos and photos. Sure enough, there was Zhao Yan's.

However, not only the two of them, but also several. One, listening to the dialogue, turned out to be a female teacher.

Xia Feng was almost breathtaking.

A classmate's mother, a classmate's sister and his own teacher, he won't let go of any of them.

"You cow." Xia Feng tilted his thumb to Ningjiang in his sleep.

He deleted all the videos, but Tang Ya found a U disk and downloaded it. Of course, the U disk is from Ningjiang.

When he finished, he closed the computer, took a look at the sleeping Ningjiang and thought about it. If he doesn't change his temper, he will make a big disaster sooner or later.

During this time, Ma Xueqin was very good to him, and Ningjiang was ma Xueqin's only son. If he really broke into a big disaster or even lost his life in the future, it would be an indescribable blow to Ma Xueqin.

"You have a good mother, and it's my woman." Xia Feng nodded to Ningjiang in his sleep: "I'm a cheap godfather, I'll save your life."

Xia Feng said, stretching his fingers to point Ningjiang Guanyuan.

Guanyuan is the place where people's vitality grows. Xia Feng reverses the meridians and seals Guanyuan acupoint in Ningjiang with a cold air. The Yang of Ningjiang can't get up and can't rise from then on.

So he's like a eunuch.

Of course, vitality can be sealed or solved, but most people can't solve it. After three or five years, when his temper is stable, Xia Feng can help him solve it, but that's later. Don't worry.

Xia Feng won't tell Ma Xueqin about this. If Ma Xueqin kicks him at that time, it's also possible. However, Xia Feng doesn't want to do so much now. When everything is finished, he goes downstairs and returns to the room to hold Ma Xueqin in his arms. The beautiful and familiar woman is soft and sleeps with her.

Ma Xueqin also felt very comfortable. Even in her sleep, she snorted contentedly, squeezed into his arms, and found a more comfortable position. Her breath was thin and her dream was long.

The next morning, Ma Xueqin sent Ningjiang to the United States. Ningjiang's father was in the United States. He went to visit his relatives every year and had a ready-made passport.

Ningjiang took his laptop with him, but it is estimated that he didn't look at the folder.

As for the videos of Ningjiang captured by Xu Xiaowei, they are naturally in Ma Xueqin's hands. For the time being, Xia Feng has not taken care of them. Ningjiang is even more unlikely to ask. He is afraid that Ma Xueqin will beat him again.

After getting Ningjiang on the plane, Ma Xueqin's face sank. Before she returned to the tax bureau, she began to call and arrange.

First of all, the first one is tax investigation. This is her business. Just order it.

Then it is to find relationships, such as fire fighting, industry and commerce, health, and all kinds of relationships, like a huge network, to cover Xu Xiaowei's company.

Xia Feng silently mourned for Xu Xiaowei for five minutes. At the same time, he was also surprised by Ma Xueqin's energy.

At the same time, he secretly admires Xu Xiaowei's vision. If Xu Xiaowei succeeded yesterday and controlled Ma Xueqin, he will use Ma Xueqin to fly successfully. From then on, he can set a small goal first, for example, make 100 million first.

Send Ma Xueqin to the Bureau of Commerce. Xia Feng said, "sister Ma, it should be all right in the Bureau of Commerce. I'll be outside. If you go out, call my mobile phone, OK?"

"Don't you want to go to work?" Ma Xueqin asked.

"It's all right." Xia Feng shook his head: "I'm the so-called director of the comprehensive liaison office. In fact, I'm mainly a translator. If there are no foreign guests, I don't need me. I'm free. Besides, for the safety of my dear sister Ma, what if I resign?"

When it comes to Ma Xueqin's heart, Ma Xueqin directly jumped into his arms, hugged him, kissed him hard, and said happily, "I'll leave work early later, and then we two go to buy vegetables. I'll cook delicious food for you at noon."

"At night." Xia Feng smiled.

Ma Xueqin said, "of course it's the same at night."

"Can you add a dish in the evening?" Xia Feng said with a smile: "add a Xueqin sister."

"Yes." Ma Xueqin giggled and said, "the child has gone to the United States. I don't worry about anything. It's up to you, okay?"

"OK." Xia Feng hugged her and kissed her again. Then he let her off the bus.

When Ma Xueqin entered the Bureau of Commerce, Xia Feng called Tang ya: "sister Tang, are you at home?"

Tang Ya said, "yes, what can I do for you?"

"I'll come to your side. I have something to tell you." Xia Feng hung up the phone and drove there. It's not far. It's only a ten minute drive.

Go upstairs and ring the doorbell. Tang Yalai opens the door. She wears a medium-sized skirt with Chinese style pinching her waist. At home, she doesn't wear silk stockings and meat legs.

"Xiao Xia, sit down." Tang Ya let Xia Feng in and asked, "tea or coffee?"

"Drink tea." Xia Feng said with a smile, "I'm a countryman and can't get used to coffee."

Tang Ya smiled and said, "I'm not used to drinking. It's bitter, and I can't sleep at night. It's better to have tea."

Tang Ya made tea for Xia Feng. She sat down and asked, "what's the matter?"

When she asked, she was obviously a little guilty, because she had something in Xia Feng's hand. Xia Feng didn't go to work at this time, but caught Tucker's gap at work. Who knows what idea to make.

Xia Feng could roughly guess her mind, didn't beat around the Bush, directly took out the U disk and said, "I got the videos and photos in Ningjiang's computer, copied them here, and deleted them from his computer. There are others in his mobile phone, but not yours. During this time, he didn't use that to threaten you, didn't he?"

"Really." Tang Ya was surprised and happy, hurriedly nodded and said, "yes, I can't help it. He can do whatever he wants, so he doesn't have to threaten me."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "that's it. He doesn't have yours in his mobile phone, only in his computer. You'll have a look later. It's all incomplete."

Then he said, "in addition, Ningjiang has gone to the United States today. It is estimated that he will stay there for a few years."

"He's going to the United States today?" this time, Tang Ya was overjoyed and a little surprised and uncertain: "how did you do it? Did you... Find director Ma?"

"Yes." Xia Feng didn't want to admit it, but when he thought about it, Tang Ya might be surprised and uncertain if he didn't make it clear. He said, "I know director Ma. I said it roughly. There are other things. Together, director Ma slapped Ningjiang in the face and scolded him, so he sent him to the United States early today."

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